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Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā - Tautas ielā 2. Šo uzskata par vienu no krāšņākajiem Latvijas pareizticīgo dievnamiem, kura ārējo veidolu izrotā daudzo torņu kupoli. Tā celta 1905. g. kā Dinaburgas garnizona baznīca ar daudziem nozīmīgiem mākslas pieminekļiem interjerā, 19. gs. ikonām. Dievnams ir ikdienā atvērts un apskatāms no iekšpuses.


The present wooden church on the hill was built in 1947 but today it has been restored. Currently, the deanery of Rezekne is located there. Every day you can see it from the outside. Until 1960, in Dukstigals there were two congregations: White Dukstigals (Šadurska) and Black Dukstigal (Slobodska). In White Dukstigals, the church was built in 1775. In 1960, during the time of the Soviet power, the church was violently demolished, despite the fact that it was an architectural monument and the oldest wooden church in Latgale-367years old! The "excuse" was the explanation that one congregation must not have two churches.


Pastāv uzskats, ka tieši Rubenē izveidojusies pirmā latviešu draudze. Baznīcas altārdaļa būvēta jau, bet pati baznīca savu pašreizējo izskatu ieguvusi 1739. gadā.Būtiska baznīcas interjera sastāvdaļa ir Ķieģeļu muižas mantinieces Barbaras Helēnas fon Budbergas 1762. gadā dāvinātais kroņlukturis ar Krievijas impērijas divgalvaino ērgli un zaru ornamentiem uz bumbas. Baznīcā redzama arī zīme (1869. g.), kas ir veltīta pusgadsimtam kopš dzimtbūšanas atcelšanas.

Pastāv vairākas teikas par Rubenes baznīcas nosaukuma rašanos. Viena no tām vēsta, ka, sargājot baznīcu no velna, tās sienā iemūrēta sieviete un vīrietis, kura vārds bijis Rubens. Baznīca esot nosaukta viņam par godu.Vēl viena versija vēsta, ka baznīcas nosaukums cēlies no rubeņa, kas sēdējis kādā no kokiem, kas vēlāk izmantots baznīcas celtniecībā.


Kolka Evangelical Lutheran Church. A story has survived of one Danish trader saved in a shipwreck at Kolkasrags who in gratitude built a church in Kolka. The church had changed its location for three times in Kolka. The foundation of the church visible nowadays and built of boulders was laid by Karl Ludwig Ferdinand von der Osten-Zaken, the former owner of the Dundaga estate. It was built instead of the wooden church (or close to it) which was heavily damaged during the Crimean War. The first construction works were started in 1885 by the construction foreman Otto Sievert (Architect: T. Zeiler). In the Soviet time, the church was vandalized and it was used as a warehouse. It is worth to see the modern- style altarpiece
(a donation of the artist Helen Heinrihson) which does not have a counterpart in any other church. Before in its place there was placed a cross.
Kolka Orthodox Church. Data on the Liv turning to orthodoxy are provided by a document found in the tower of the Kolka Orthodox Church (see also below) during restoration works (the nineties of the last century) that was placed there during building of the church in 1885. It says that the Liv turning to orthodoxy or the so-called emperor's faith "has nothing to do with the religious belief but it is a means to get the earthly benefits or pleasures." In 1885, the orthodox congregation purchased land from baron Osten-Zaken. In 1890, a church, priest's house and school building were built on it. All the buildings have survived until now. The church has its own congregation and worships are held once a month. Information is found that Kolka is the only Liv coastal village where in the nineties of the 19th century there was built an orthodox church. The church bell is place "occupied" in 1936. In the Soviet time, the Church was used as a chapel but nowadays it performs its original role.


Atrodas Rucavas galvenās ielas malā, netālu no centra.Rucavas draudzi dibināja 1871. gadā, bet izmēros nelielo dievnamu uzcēla 1888. gadā.


A wooden church was built here in 1766, and the new brick church was built on the foundations of the old church and consecrated in 1868.  The tall steeple of the church helped ship captains orient themselves during the daytime.  An altar painting by Gunta Liepiņa-Grīva, "Christ and Peter on the Sea," was consecrated in 1993 to replace the former painting, which was lost.  The blue-white-green Livonian flag was consecrated at the Mazirbe manse (now a recollection centre) on November 18, 1923.  Near the manse are several rocks which stand witness to the Black Plague in 1710 and 1711.  The text in Latin said that Livonians on the coastline were conquered by Swedish King Karl IX and the bubonic plague.  The texts on the rocks have eroded away, but records of them were made.  The Mazirbe cemetery has a monument to Old Taisel, a monument to the parents of captain A. Bertholds, and the legendary grave of a werewolf. 


The Viesīte Lutheran Church is in Kaļķu Street in the western part of Viesīte, on the so-called Vales hillock which was left behind after the Ice Age. An interesting fact is that the defenders of Viesīte defeated the Bermont army here in 1919. The cornerstone for the church was laid on August 15, 1937 (a commemoration day for military heroes). The building was consecrated in 1939 and restored in 1994. Financing was provided for the construction of the church by Professor Pauls Stradiņš. The altar painting is by Ligita Caune. To the East of the church, at the foot of the Vales hillock is a monument to Stradiņš.


В1699 в центре Нюкши Пасиенские доминиканские монахи построили часовню, на месте которой в 1765 году помещик Хилзен возвел новую церковь. Помещения были маленькие, и в 1922 - 1926 гг. на фундаменте старой церкви строится новая и большая – теперешняя церковь, которую называют одним из самых красивейших деревянных храмов Латгалии. В здании находится центральный алтарь работы второй четверти XVIII века и два боковых алтаря работы примерно 1700 г. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.


Atrodas Lielajā ielā 34 a. Vēlīnā klasicisma stilā celtā baznīca pēc muižnieka Nikolausa fon Korfa ierosmes būvēta laikā no 1828. - 1830. gadam. Dievnams ir interesants ar to, ka tajā apskatāms Vidzemes sakrālmākslā rets altāra tips – kancelaltāris (kancele un altāris ir apvienoti arhitektoniski vienotā mākslinieciskā kompozīcijā).


The Dviete Catholic Church is in the centre of the small village of Dviete. The white church can be seen from a distance. The first wooden church was built here in 1775 by the owner of the local estate, Count J.K. Wischling. Later the church was dismantled and brought the Zarinki cemetery. The Neo-Baroque Catholic church that is seen today has two towers, and its construction was financed by Count Kazimir Plater-Sieberg. The church was destroyed during World War I, and until it was rebuilt and consecrated, the granary of the Dviete Estate magazine, with its ridged roof, was used as a prayer house. It is on the side of the Dviete-Bebrene road and has recently been restored. In 1940, a stone fence was installed around the church with a tiled roof, and a building for the congregation was built in the 1970s. The church features a particularly ornate sacral Baroque interior, which is seen as the most ornate interior of its type in the former Daugavpils District.

St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church of Pilcene (Piļcine) is the oldest wooden church in Latgale, built in 1670. It is prominent because of its half columns, hexagonal tower, semicircular windows, and a dome with a cross and antique interior.

Located in the Lielvārde Park and alongside the Andrejs Pumpurs Museum, the church was restored in 1932 on the foundations of a church that was built in 1747 and bombarded during World War I.  Inside the church are several artistic monuments, including the altar, the pulpit, the pews and an altar painting by Kārlis Miesnieks, “Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane” (1939).  On the eastern wall of the church is a stone cross that has partly sunk into the ground.  Specialists believe that it is an old gravestone.




In the centre of the Old City, on the corner of Latgales and Baznīcas streets, the church was built in the style of Russian Classicism between 1843 and 1845.  The ceiling and wall paintings were recently restored, and the bell in the steeple weighs 1,667 kg.


Vienīgā baznīca nacionālā parka teritorijā. Tā atrodas Kirblas (Kirbla) ciemā – uz neliela pacēluma, kas Baltijas ledus ezera laikā bijusi sala, kuru no visām pusēm ietvēris ūdens. Kirblas baznīcas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 16. gs. un par tās celtniecību saglabājušies dažādi interesanti nostāsti. Tas ir viens no mazākajiem Igaunijas dievnamiem (29 x 11 m).

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church of Zosna. The church was built in 1800 by the donations of local people; it is devoted to Saint Michael. The church is built on the stone foundation and panelled with boards. It has a small square tower that was restored in 1994.

Built around 1625. For several centuries it was the main worship place for the Suiti community, supporting the community's spirituality and identity. In 1882 the church was expanded into the form of a cross that is seen today. Inside the church you can see work done by the Dutch wood carver Johann Mertens around 1715. The organ was built by F. Weisenborn in Jēkabpils in 1893, and the altar painting dates back to 1910. The bricked graveyard of the Schwerin dynasty is under the church. Contact it in advance if you wish to see its interior.


Atrodas 2,5 km no Bārtas centra, Bārtas upes labajā krastā. Mūsdienīgais dievnams tapis 2002. gadā (arhitekte: A. Siliņa).


Dievnama mūri kā svētvieta glabā ne tikai svētuma starojumu, mierinājumu, bet arī smagus, rūgtus un iznīcinošus notikumus. Vairākkārt pārbūvēta, sagrauta, dedzināta, un tomēr atjaunota.


Celta ~ 1560. g. vietā, kur agrāk atradusies Sakas osta. Dievnamā apskatāms > 170 gadus vecs kuģa modelis. Vietējie ticēja, kas tas aizsargā jūrniekus un bojāejas. Šāda tradīcija Latvijā ir novērojama tikai dažās baznīcās. Baznīcu var apskatīt arī no iekšpuses.


A wooden church was built by local craftsmen here between 1655 and 1658.  Financed by the Plater aristocratic family, it was a miniature basilica, and this is seen as one of the oldest wooden churches in Latgale.  That makes it a unique cultural and historical monument.  The central altar has baroque wood carvings that were produced by masters from a local sculptural school.  The side altar includes a painting of Mary Magdalene from the mid-18th century.  The church was moved to its present location on the right bank of the Daugava in 1698.  It has been restored several times – in 1890 and 1918.  The stone wall that stretches around the church dates back to the late 17th century, and the freestanding bell tower was built in the mid-19th century.  It was restored in 2002.  According to various sources of information, the Indrica congregation is the oldest one in Latgale.