Sea coast section

Scenic sections along the sea coast

Overview Details


An important complex of the coastline and its sand dunes along with the mouths of three major rivers – the Lielupe, the Daugava and the Gauja. This area has ancient traditions of recreation and spa services. The territory has lovely shoreline landscapes and features one of the few coastline meadows in Latvia. The nature park includes several restricted areas – the meadows of the Lielupe estuary, Vakarbuļļi, Daugavgrīva, Vecdaugava and Ummis (see the section on “Restricted Natural Areas”). Interesting elements of nature in this area include the amphitheatre of the Garciems dunes, along with individual dunes such as the Legzdiņi dune and the so-called ski mountain dune. Visitors will be attracted by various cultural and historical monuments – fortifications on the Mangaļi peninsula, military buildings from the period of the Russian tsars all the way through the late period of the Soviet occupation, the fortress of Daugavgrīva, the Vecāķi spa with its old shoreline buildings, and the beaches at Daugavgrīva and Vecāķi. The proximity of the city of Rīga and various important recreational resources are the reason for the massive anthropogenic burden that is placed on this territory. The nature park is appropriate for active tourism (hiking, bicycling, boating, driving), distance skiing, nature and bird-watching, cultural tourism, passive leisure and educational tourism. There are nature trails at Daugavgrīva and the Rožu dunes, along with other elements of infrastructure.


The view from the steep shore of the Baltic Sea

At Jūrkalne, there is a small viewing area on the steep shore which offers a magnificent view. At the foot of the shore, which can be accessed via a set of steps, the view is no less wonderful. It is worth hiking along the entire shore from Pāvilosta to Sārnate (approximately 30 kilometres).
Distance from countries capital city200 Active season months1-12


Izteiksmīgs zemesrags, kas klāts ar dažāda lieluma laukakmeņiem.
Distance from countries capital city87


Ķurmrags is one of the most distinct capes along the Vidzeme shore of the Bay of Rīga.  Around it, waves and ice have put together a large amount of fieldstones, and the steep shores are made of sandstone.  There are the ruins of an old lighthouse here, with the building collapsing toward the sea.  It was still standing around 15 years ago.



Distance from countries capital city83

Kap Mersrags

Einer der ausgeprägten Kaps der lettischen Küste mit Niederungsauen und einem in 1875 gebauten Leuchtturm.

Distance from countries capital city94


Akmensrags is important for birds while they are migrating, spending the winter, and molting in the summer. Most often we find the little gull and the red-throated and black-throated loon. The territory is opposite the Pāvilosta Administrative District and covers 25,878 hectares.
Protected sea territory Distance from countries capital city229

The Rocky Seashore of Vidzeme

Covered with rocks and with small capes and inlets, this is the eastern shore of the Bay of Rīga and the only place in Latvia where sandstone outcrops are found. These are the result of the abrasive effects of waves between Tūja and Vitrupe. Among the most distinguished of these outcrops are the Veczemi cliffs, which are less than half a kilometre long and up to four metres high. The area has been improved for tourists. It has to be said that this part of the shoreline changes very often, particularly after large storms.
Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city70 Accommodation available
Place for tents FishingBerry and mushroom pickingBoat tourBicycle trailNature trailNature watching Nearest restaurant


This territory covers the shoreline between the Ventspils-Liepāja highway and the Baltic Sea on both sides of the Užava River. The territory was established to protect shoreline biotopes such as the grey dunes, as well as a number of endangered plants. To the South of the mouth of the Užava River we find one of the most romantic lighthouses in Latvia – the Užava lighthouse, which is at the top of a steep dune.


Cape Kolka ( Kuolka nana)

This is the most distinct cape in Latvia, with the waves of the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Rīga coming together.  During storms, the waves can be as much as 7 metres high.  The cape is an underwater shoal that stretches to the Kolka lighthouse, which is 5 km away.  It is on an artificial island that was created between 1872 and 1875.  When the island became stable, the 21 m lighthouse was installed in 1883.  Manufactured in St Petersburg, the lighthouse became operational on July 1, 1884.  Today the island contains the building for the supervisor of the lighthouse, several ancillary buildings and an impressive fog bell.  A monument to men lost at sea that was sculpted by Ģirts Burvis is on Cape Kolka, as is a wrecked wooden ship, presumably from the 19th century.  There is also a rock that is known as the “heart of Europe,” because the Latvian folklorist Krišjānis Valdemārs believed that the cape was the centre of Europe.  There are stands with information about Valdemārs, and the Latvian Border Guard uses facilities that were once in the hands of the Soviet Coast Guard.  Cape Kolka is an important place for migrating birds during the season, and it has a visitor centre and a summer café.  There are unusual pines on the beach that were washed onto it during storms.  Under the water around the cape is the largest ship graveyard in the Baltic Sea.  It is a dangerous place for swimmers because of changes in the flow of water and shifting sands.  At the end of the cape are the ruins of an old lighthouse that was built in the 18th century and lost during the latter half of the 19th century.

Distance from countries capital city159


Бернати - самая западная точка суши Латвии. Рядом с автостоянкой установлен каменный знак скульптора Вилниса Титанса «Зеленый луч» (1998 г.). Бернатский мыс подвержен воздействию ветра и волн, поэтому здесь наблюдается вымывание морского берега. У дороги, которая из центра поселка Бернати ведет к морю, в конце дюн (имеется указатель), установлен памятный камень со словами первого Президента Латвии Яниса Чаксте, сказанными в 1924 году: «Здесь должен быть курорт».

Distance from countries capital city232

The rocky seaside of Roja

There are both sandy beaches with a good infrastructure and a rock beach in Roja.  The rocky beach leads to a huge rock that is 2 m high and 12.5 m in diameter.  The coastline is lovely with its scattered stones and its unhurried rhythm of time.  At the place where the Silupīte River flows into the sea there are remnants of ancient wooden boats and iron nails.  In 1939, Roja became the starting point for a closed zone, because the Soviet army and navy were sited there until 1993.  The dunes at Krasta Street feature Soviet heritage, including a large cement wall from which border guards used to monitor the sea and catch those who violated the border.  Behind the dunes was a base for border guards with everything they needed.  Roja housed a Border Guard post and an air defence radio locator. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city120 Active season months1-12

Cape Ragaciems

Cape Ragaciems – a promontory from the western shore of the Bay of Rīga which ends with a shallow and rocky submarine shallows reaching several hundred metres into the sea. The Ragaciems Lighthouse is at the tip of the cape
Distance from countries capital city50


"Valgums" is a word referring to the sandy coastline zone between dunes and water, and once there were boats and nets that were being dried at this location.  Each village had several areas of this type, and in the 1920s and 1930s, these were of great importance in the preservation of the Liv language.

Distance from countries capital city170 Active season months1-12

Jurmalciema „mols”

Ceļa, kas ved uz jūru – galā, redzami Latvijas piekrastei samērā reti skati. Ja palaimējas, šeit var novērot vietējos zvejniekus darbībā, kas joprojām iet zvejā. Krasta kāpās aplūkojamas vecas, pamestas un arī sagrieztas zvejas liellaivas un dažādi mūsdienu zvejniecībā izmantojami „darba rīki”.

Distance from countries capital city241

The rocky coastline of Kaltene

Back when the Baltic Sea was part of the ancient Littorina Sea, the coastline emerged as a small and shallow shore that was formed 4,500 to 5,000 years ago.  The coastline has little rocks and gravel that have preserved typical examples of fauna from the Littorina Sea.  The ancient cliff is best seen at the Dobeļi homestead in Kaltene.  This is one of a few parts of the shore of the Bay of Rīga where there was an abrasion coastline during the era of the Littorina Sea.  The shallow bay is popular among birds which feed and rest here during migrations. (Source: Roja TIC)

Distance from countries capital city114 Active season months1-12

Meleku licis

Pie Melekiem sākas dabas lieguma teritorija. Meleku krastmala būtiski mainījās 2005. g. orkāna laikā.
Distance from countries capital city88

Kutkaju rags

Neliels, bet ļoti ainavisks un ar lieliem laukakmeņiem klāts zemesrags. No raga iztālēm redzamas Veczemju klintis.
Distance from countries capital city88

The Ovisi Nature Reserve

This is about 30 km long territory between the Baltic Sea and the Kolka-Ventspils road. It begins at the mouth of the Irbe River and ends at Ovišrags. The territory was mostly established so as to protect dry coniferous forests, grey dunes, damp areas among the dunes, other landscape features and plants and animals in the area. Distinctive landform - kangari and vigas - and grey dunes are Europe-wide significant habitat. Tourists love the sandy and quiet beaches of the area, as well as the Miķeļbāka and Ovīši lighthouses (it is possible to visit Oviši lighthouse and museum in it) and the Lutheran Church at Miķeltornis. There are also certain leftover elements of the Soviet military system, former narrow gauge railway (railway embankment, former train stations marked by memorial stones etc.) which unfortunately are not used as tourism resources.

Nature reserve Distance from countries capital city200
Nature watching