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Atrodas uz nelielās Mīlestības saliņas, ko ieskauj Buļļupes un Daugavas ūdeņi. Saliņa sasniedzama tikai ar laivu. No torņa labi pārskatāma Daugava, Daugavas vārti (ieteka jūrā), Bolderājas, Mangaļsalas un Ziemeļblāzmas apkaime, kā arī apkaimes mitrāji (niedru audzes, ūdeņi).

This is an interesting viewing tower which is part of one of the farm buildings. It offers a lovely view of the surrounding area.
This is the highest church tower in Latvia, and from it you can see views of the Alūksne highlands. The view to the South is particularly impressive.
After a big storm in 2005, the nature trail of the Randu meadows was restored. It is about 4 km long, and there is a bird-watching tower which offers a fine view of unique shoreline meadows with small lagoons and areas of reeds. It is a fine place to watch migrating birds. This is part of the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (ZBR).
St Peter’s is one of the oldest historical monuments in the Baltic States, and it is also the best place from which to survey the historical centre of Rīga, which is part of the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage. You can see the central part of Old Rīga, City Hall Square, the Pārdaugava region on the opposite side of the river, and even – during clear weather – the Bay of Rīga. The tower of the church is 123 metres high, but the viewing location is at a height of 72 metres.

Atrodas sporta un atpūtas kompleksā „Trīssaliņas”. No torņa paveras pievilcīga apkaimes ainava, kas īpaši skaista ir pieneņu ziedēšanas laikā.

The tower is on the banks of the little Tērvete River, with a view of the river valley and surrounding forests. Good views of the Tērvete River valley are also available from the nearby Zviedru Hill and the Tērvete castle hill. Note: The viewing tower at the Tērvete Ancient History Museum is not open to visitors!

Atrodas Numerenes dabas parka teritorijā. 20 m augstais tornis uzbūvēts uz t.s. Numerenes vaļņa, no kura paveras plaša ainava un aizaugošām lauksaimniecības zemēm un nelielu mitrāju ar Kugreņa ezeru austrumu virzienā. Torņa apkaimē izveidota izziņas taka.


Labi redzams no Kornetu centra. Līdz tornim var nokļūt pa taku, kas ved pāri pļavai uz uzlokas pa stāvā Dzērves kalna nogāzi. No torņa paveras viens no skaistākajiem Vidzemes un Latvijas skatiem. Redzams Dēliņkalns, blakus esošie Dzērves un Ievas ezeri, Hānjas augstiene un Lielais Munameģis (acīgākiem vērotājiem).

The tower is on one side of the range of hills known as Grantskalni (a continuation of the Blue hills of Ogre), and it offers a broad view of the Daugava River valley and the Pārogre residential district. The dendrology park that is nearby is worth a visit, because it is rich with different kinds of plants.

Atrodas Riekstusalas pussalas galā. No tā labi pārskatāma aizaugušā Kaņiera ezera ziemeļu un austrumu daļa. Izcila putnu vērošanas vieta. Pie torņa atrodas viena no retajām Latvijas kadiķu audzēm. Turpat meklējams Kaņiera ezera niedru laipas (uz pontoniem) sākums.

Construction on the lighthouse was initially completed in 1879. The structure suffered damage during both world wars and was restored several times. The structure is 19 metres high and stands 46.5 metres above the wavy sea. Here you will find one of the loveliest views of the shores of the Baltic Sea.

2015. gadā uzceltais skatu tornis atrodas dabas parkā „Daugavas loki”, Daugavas ielejas kreisajā krastā – Daugavpils novada Vescalienas pagastā. No torņa aplūkojama izcilā Daugavas loku ainava.


The tower is on the western shore of the lake, next to the dam and the Zvidze canal. From here you will see the overgrowth north-western part of the lake, Akmeņsala Island, and a wide area of open water. The third is on the southern shore of the lake, by the dam and the Īdeņa canal. Here you will find typical views of wetlands – areas of reeds, shrubbery, wet meadows and the overgrown lake.

This viewing tower is on a narrow peninsula among Lake Lukna, Lake Višķi, and Lake Boltars. From it, you can see all three lakes, the hillocks of the area, as well as Ambeļi and Višķi. Come here when the bird-cherry trees are in bloom!
The recently renovated viewing tower offers a wonderful view of the impressive and forested ancient Gauja River valley. The Gūdu cliffs are visible. This is part of the Līgatne nature trails territory, where there are wide paddocks of wild animals.