No Name Description
Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Nautrēni (Rogovka). The construction works of the brick church lasted from 1901 till 1914. It is an example of Romantesque style. The organ was bought in 1939; it is a national cultural monument.

Atrodas Jasmuižas austrumdaļā. Dievnams celts 1815. g., bet pārbūvēts 1932. g.


A wooden church was built here in 1766, and the new brick church was built on the foundations of the old church and consecrated in 1868.  The tall steeple of the church helped ship captains orient themselves during the daytime.  An altar painting by Gunta Liepiņa-Grīva, "Christ and Peter on the Sea," was consecrated in 1993 to replace the former painting, which was lost.  The blue-white-green Livonian flag was consecrated at the Mazirbe manse (now a recollection centre) on November 18, 1923.  Near the manse are several rocks which stand witness to the Black Plague in 1710 and 1711.  The text in Latin said that Livonians on the coastline were conquered by Swedish King Karl IX and the bubonic plague.  The texts on the rocks have eroded away, but records of them were made.  The Mazirbe cemetery has a monument to Old Taisel, a monument to the parents of captain A. Bertholds, and the legendary grave of a werewolf. 

The Crucifix of Ružina is made of wood according to old Latgalian traditions.

Iespaidīga koka celtne un izcils koka arhitektūras piemērs, kuru pamanīs katrs Plateļu apmeklētājs! Plateļu baznīca ir viens no Lietuvas vecākajiem koka dievnamiem. Pašreiz redzamais ir būvēts 1744. g., bet zvanu tornis – 1899. g. Dienvidos no baznīcas plešas Plateļu muižas parks.


Atrodas nomaļā vietā, 0,7 km no Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa, Daugavas virzienā. Dievnams celts 1933. – 1938. gadā koka kapelas vietā pēc Prāvesta Vaclava Kozlovska projekta, kurš pats arī vadījis celtniecības darbus. Dievnams celts no lieliem cementa ķieģeļiem. Tā lielajā altārī novietota Svētā Antona glezna, bet sānu altārī – Jaunavas Marijas statuja. Gan glezna, gan statuja ir pārvesta no Izvaltas baznīcas. Ikdienā baznīca apskatāma no ārpuses.

Vainova Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1980 replacing the previous church that was burnt by lightening. Initially, the Prayer House was one of the biggest churches in Latgale (for 2 000 people). The congregation of the church exists since the 18th century.

Atrodas Pļaviņu HES ūdenskrātuves krastā (R. Blaumaņa ielas galā) iepretim salai, uz kuras top Likteņdārzs. Baznīca (celta 1687. g.) ir vairākkārt atjaunota (1731., 1887.). Tagad redzamais tornis tapis par Stukmaņu muižas īpašnieku atvēlētajiem līdzekļiem. Baznīcā par mācītāju kalpojis Ernests Gliks. Padomju laikos ēkā atradies Stučkas vēstures un mākslas muzejs. Apmeklētāji var uzkāpt dievnama tornī (čuguna zvans!), kā arī aplūkot mākslinieka A. Dobenberga gleznas. Baznīca ir atvērta un apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.


There are records to show that there has been a church at this location since the 17th century, and the current one was built between 1792 and 1794 by the chief construction specialist of the city of Rīga, Christopher Haberland.  He designed the cupola-shaped building, with the cupola ensuring good acoustics inside the building.  The altar is opposite the entrance door.  Between the columns of the building is an altar painting showing Christ and St Peter on a storm-ravaged sea.  Other important objects include chalices from the 18th or 19th century, candelabras, etc.  The building was restored in 2014.  To the South from it is the Katlakalns cemetery, which is the final resting place of the distinguished Baltic German writer Garlieb Merkel (1769-1850).  He was of great importance in ensuring the end of indentured servitude in Latvia.


Atrodas Iecavas upes ielokā starp Rīgas un Sporta ielu. Baznīcas celtniecību uzsāka 1641. g. un pabeidza ap 1657. g. Ēka ievērojami cieta 2. Pasaules kara laikā. Pie baznīcas atrodas kapi, kuros apglabāti grāfu Pālenu dzimtas pārstāvji. To ziemeļaustrumu stūrī redzama Pālenu dzimtas kapliča. Baznīca ir it kā „sadalīta” divās daļās – vienā daļā notiek restaurācijas darbi, otrā izvietota bibliotēka. To ir vērts redzēt arī no iekšpuses.


The Velēna Lutheran Church is at the crossing of the Smiltene-Gulbene-Lizums roads. It is said that the roof of the first wooden church at this location had a peat moss roof. The organ from the Sauer company still works, and it is one of the best organs in Latvia. The organist offers guided tours of the church.


Mūsdienās redzamo (pēc skaita – trešo) baznīcu cēla laikā no 1835. - 1837. g. (ampīra stilā) Mārča Sāruma vadībā. Arī šīs ēkas projektēšanā par paraugu bija ņemts Pievolgas vācu baznīcu veidols, tādēļ tā līdzīga Dzērbenes luterāņu baznīcai. Dievnama altāri rotā Otto Donnera fon Rihtera glezna “Kristus debesbraukšana” (1898. g.). E. Martina firmā būvētās 10 reģistru ērģeles (1901. g.) darbojās arī šodien. Pie Drustu baznīcas atrodas 1932. g. atklātais un formās iespaidīgais (E. Kuraua firmas veidots) granīta piemineklis 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušo piemiņai. Nelielā baznīcas sienas nišā novietota piemiņas plāksne komunisma terora upuriem.


The church was built in the Neoromantic style between 1936 and 1939 on the basis of a design by the architect Pavlov.  It was consecrated before the completion of construction, this happening in 1937.  The church honours the Anguished Mother of God, and the central altar is dedicated to her.  Icons in the building date back to the early 20th century, and a statue of the Fatima Mother of God is in the yard near the entrance.


Atrodas Līvānu ziemeļdaļā, Baznīcas ielā 17. Dievnams uzbūvēts 1861. g. un paplašināts 1880. gadā. Pēc nopostīšanas 1. pasaules kara laikā to atjaunoja 1918. gadā. No interjera ievērības cienīgas ir ērģeles (uzstādītas 1936. g.), glezna „Svētais Jānis Kristītājs” (mākslinieks Šēnbergs) un 14 Krusta ceļa gleznas, kas ir vācu mākslinieka Fogela gleznu kopijas (19. gs. pirmā puse). Kopš 20. gadsimta sākuma bez izmaiņām ir saglabājies tikai Ostrabramas Dievmātes altāris ēkas labajā pusē. 2007. gadā nokrāsoja dievnama fasādi. Šo darbu laikā, no ēkas sienas izņēma nesprāgušu artilērijas lādiņu, kas bija iestrēdzis 1. pasaules kara laikā.


The first church was here in the early 18th century, followed by the second and third one (1847-1848), and then the one that is there now. The church was damaged during World War I and then during the Soviet era, when wool was stored there between 1969 and 1993. In the 1990s, the building was in terrible shape, but it is gradually recovering its appearance. Between 1826 and 1856, the sexton and organist at the church was the Latvian poet and translator Ansis Līventāls (1803-1878). His grave and monument are alongside the church. At the same place are the graves of German and Russian soldiers who died during World War I, as well as the grave monument of the pastor and writer Jacob Florentin Lundberg (1782-1858).


The Lutheran Church of St John in Aizpute is on Beidas Hill, which is near the steep river valley of the Tebra River and the Dzirnavdīķis pond which the river has created. The church is on an ancient Courlandian castle hill. The current Gothic appearance of the church dates back to 1860, when it was rebuilt. The tower dates back to 1730. This is one of the oldest churches in Kurzeme, and it features an interesting interior with many artistic monuments.

St. Alois Roman Catholic church of Ostrone (Ustroņu) was built in 1935 in the time of dean B. Valpitrs CCM (Congregation Clericorum Marianorum).

Atrodas 2,5 km no Bārtas centra, Bārtas upes labajā krastā. Mūsdienīgais dievnams tapis 2002. gadā (arhitekte: A. Siliņa).


The Archangel Michael Catholic Church of Subate is in the historical centre of Subate. The building, which does not have a tower, was built of fieldstones in 1831, with financing from Count Mikhail Sieberg-Plater. An impressive bell tower was built in front of it. The church contains a sculptural group, “Golgotha,” from the late 18th century, along with a crucifix and a major altar relief that is made of carved wood. It is based on the globally famous Leonardo da Vinci fresco “The Holy Supper.”


Atrodas Lielajā ielā 34 a. Vēlīnā klasicisma stilā celtā baznīca pēc muižnieka Nikolausa fon Korfa ierosmes būvēta laikā no 1828. - 1830. gadam. Dievnams ir interesants ar to, ka tajā apskatāms Vidzemes sakrālmākslā rets altāra tips – kancelaltāris (kancele un altāris ir apvienoti arhitektoniski vienotā mākslinieciskā kompozīcijā).