No Name Description

This is a homestead that is three km from the centre of Vecpiebalga and is in a lovely place – the Incēni hill.  There is a museum here featuring the author of the legendary fairy tale “Pussy’s Mill” by Kārlis Skalbe (1879-1945).  The poet and prose writer built the building in 1926 and spent summers there from that year until 1944.  The museum was opened in 1987.  The western slope of Vaktskalns hill right alongside the museum offers a lovely view of Lake Alauksts.  The cremated remains of Skalbe and his wife, Lizete, were reinterred at the location in 1992 from Sweden, where the poet died.  There is a unique monument to them in the form of a stone boat.


Atrodas Celtnieku un Z. Mauriņas ielu krustojumā. Dievnams uzcelts 2000. gadā modernās arhitektūras formās (arhitekti Aija un Andris Kokini), kas simbolizē Noasa šķirstu vai zviedru laivas, kas atnesušas kristīgo ticību.


This is the highest point in the southern part of Daugavpils.  A radius of approximately 300 m around 18. Novembra Street once housed the first Old Believer prayer house (1908-1928), the St Boris and Gleb Orthodox Cathedral (1905), the Daugavpils Mother of God Catholic Church (1905), and the Daugavpils Martin Luther Lutheran Church (1893).


This is an urban construction monument that was created between the 17th and 19th century, and it is of national importance.  The street layout around Jelgavas and Rātūža streets forms closed blocks of buildings.  There are Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox and Baptist churches in Jaunjelgava.  One of the most outstanding architectural monuments is City Hall, which was built in 1912 and features Art Nouveau forms.  None of the city’s five synagogues has survived.  The historical centre of Jaunjelgava features a promenade that runs along the banks of the Daugava River.  This is a popular place for strolls, leisure and swimming.


Atrodas Ventspils Rātslaukuma rietumu pusē iepretim Nikolaja luterāņu baznīcai. Ēkas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 18. gs. 1850. g. tajā atradās pilsētas Rātsnams, kopš 2006. g. - rakstnieku un tulkotāju māja, kurā patstāvīgi uzturas un strādā Latvijas un ārvalstu literāti.


Xранилище старинных предметов находится на втором этаже здания Туристического информационного центра в Нице. Здесь представлен более чем столетний народный костюм Ницы со всеми неотъемлемыми принадлежностями - юбкой, корсажем, кафтаном и шапкой с «ушками». В ницанском сундуке для приданого хранятся работы местных рукодельниц, которые продолжают местные ремесленнические традиции. Посетители могут ознакомиться с ницанскими одеялами, платками, скатертями и другими пригодными в хозяйстве вещами, а также с рукавицами и носками.


The first mention of Pēterupe Rectory goes back to the late 17th century. The Manor Park and the buildings have partially survived to the present day, including a linden alley at the end of Smilšu Street, planted by the pastor Jānis Neilands in 1879 and the grand oak planted by Johann Wilhelm Knierim in 1869. After the fire of 1908, the Rectory was restored and partially rebuilt. In Soviet times, the property was removed from the parish and the house was named “Līgotnes”. During German times the Rectory was occupied by legionnaires. After the war, the building of the Rectory was turned into a hospital, then into a secondary school and later it was transformed into a block of flats for teachers. Now the building again belongs to the parish and it is inhabited by a priest of the parish and his family. 


The first church in Piņķi was made of wood.  The idea of building a new church emerged in the 1850s, and the cornerstone for a design by the architect J.D. Felsco was laid on May 25, 1872.  The church that is there today was completed in 1874.  The nine-register organ was built by the distinguished organ builder Wilhelm Sauer in 1890.  On July 17, 1916, the 5th Latvian Riflemen’s Battalion was on its way to the front lines at Smārde and stopped at the Piņķi Estate.  Col Jukums Vācietis delivered a sermon at the church on that date (though not all historians agree that he did so), and that has gone down in history as one of the most important events of the day.  The historical even inspired Aleksandrs Čaks to write the poem “Sermon at the Piņķi Church.”  The church is a cultural monument and can be toured.  It is lit up at night.  Alongside the stone is a rock that was installed in commemoration of the Latvian riflemen.


The owner of the Stāmeriena Estate was Baron Johann Gottlieb von Wolff, and his wife, Sofia Potyomkina, was a member of the Russian Orthodox faith, so work on the church began in 1902.  It was consecrated two years later.  The crosses on the steeple of the church are known for mountain crystals that were presented by the Wolff dynasty.  Contact the church in advance for a tour of its interior.


Meklējama Gosporos, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Daugavu. Apjomā nelielais dievnams būvēts 1820. gadā romāņu stilā no laukakmeņiem senas kapsētas vietā. Tuvāk Daugavai ir izveidota aka, no kuras iztek Svētavots, kam piedēvē dziednieciskas īpašības. Pie baznīcas novietots dobumakmens.


The museum set up in 1982 presents life and activity of the region from the late 19th C to the recent past. Temporary exhibitions are held in the barn and more than 200 species of trees and shrubs can be viewed in the parkland extending over 17 ha. Themed events include baking bread, celebrations of folk holidays are frequently arranged. From the museum visitors can access Velise cultural and natural heritage trail.

Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Church of Strūžāni was renovated and sanctified in 1958. The church has no towers because they were not allowed in the time of the Soviet Union.

The Kubalu school was opened in 1843, and for 28 years it was the only school for the children of peasants at the Dundaga Estate.  This is the oldest log schoolhouse in Latvia, with old benches, blackboards, ink and pens inside.  There are examples of texts written by schoolchildren in the 19th century.  There can be a few lessons that are learned at such an old school.  In the attic is an exhibition featuring the teacher and writer E. Dinsbergs, and they speak to the experiences of the long life of that man.  A restored ancillary building offers an exhibition about the history of the school, along with a collection of ethnographic objects.  Trails on the estate mark out the way in which the land was once used.  Visitors are welcome to examine the landscape and rest a bit, as well.




The present wooden church on the hill was built in 1947 but today it has been restored. Currently, the deanery of Rezekne is located there. Every day you can see it from the outside. Until 1960, in Dukstigals there were two congregations: White Dukstigals (Šadurska) and Black Dukstigal (Slobodska). In White Dukstigals, the church was built in 1775. In 1960, during the time of the Soviet power, the church was violently demolished, despite the fact that it was an architectural monument and the oldest wooden church in Latgale-367years old! The "excuse" was the explanation that one congregation must not have two churches.


Schon seit der früheren Zeiten – ein Platz von der militärischen und strategischen Bedeutung. Für den Schutz des Hafens von Klaipeda wurde 1866 von preussischer Militär den Bau einer Festung angefangen. Im Laufe des 2.Weltkriegs wurde die Festung in die Luft gesprängt. Die Renovierung begann 1979.


This is a cemetery that was originated in the Middle Ages and used until the beginning of the 20th century.  A mossy stone fence surrounds the cemetery.  Interesting elements in the cemetery include the grave of Heinrihs Jakobsons (1832-1911), who was the first schoolteacher in Mazirbe (the old metal cross is to the left of the main gate), a pine tree of national importance and has a circumference of 3.17 metres (during the Soviet Union someone drilled a hole in the trunk of the tree to access honey), the grave of Niks Freimanis (1845-1908), who is said to have been the prototype for a character in a story and play by Marģers Zariņš, and the Werewolf Grave, which relates to countless ghost stories, including the claim that it is the only known gravesite of a werewolf in Latvia.

These are the ruins of World War II fortifications near what is now the Ķegums hydroelectric power plant. One blockhouse was found on the left bank of the Daugava River, approximately one kilometre to the South-Southeast from the plant’s dam. A second is also on the left bank of the river, opposite the Rēzijas campground. It has slid down the abraded shore of the reservoir and is partly underwater. It is mostly accessible by boat.

Neliela apdzīvota un ainaviska vieta plašajā Skrobļa (Skroblus) strauta ielejā. Ciema austrumu pusē atrodas Lietuvas mērogā unikāls objekts – klēts - rija, kur no 1929. g. vietējie cilvēki uzveda un skatījās lauku teātra izrādes. Netālu no tās (uz abiem objektiem ir norādes) atrodas Skrobļa avoti (Skroblaus versmės), kas iztek no dziļas starppauguru ieplakas. Avotu gan ir appludinājis bebru uzceltais dambis. Dienvidos no ciema atrodas vecs grants karjers, kas ir viena no retajām vietām Baltijā, kur dabā ir atrodami krama ieža gabali, kas atnesti ar ledāju.


The oldest building in Jēkabpils can be found at Brīvības Street 125A. It is in the city centre and worth a look. The building is near the Lutheran Church of St Michael in Jēkabpils, which dates back to 1769 and is owned by the local congregation. The wooden building was erected in 1808.


Meklējama Nīcgalē, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Daugavas krastu. Baznīcu cēla (neogotikas stils) pēc muižnieka Henriha Plātera - Zīberga iniciatīvas 1862. - 1863. g., veltot to Jaunavas Marijas dzimšanai. Kā jau daudzas citas baznīcas, arī šī ēka un tās interjera priekšmeti cieta 1. pasaules kara laika notikumos. To atjaunoja 1922. gadā. Baznīcas iekārta ir saglabājusies no 19. gs. 60. gadiem, bet, centrālā altāra augšdaļu pārbūvēja 1957. gadā. Dažus gadus vēlāk - 1961. g. uzstādīja ērģeles.