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Со стороны шоссе Рига – Даугавпилс (А6) (напротив кафе «Бордертаун») стоит необычный (построенный из складывающихся конструкций) храм, который изготовлен в Одессе в 1866 году. Церковь служила передвижной церковью царской армии и стоит на этом месте с 1904 года. Раньше (с 1886 г.) она находилась в Даугавпилсе. При храме построен деревянный дом-молельня, который открыт целые сутки.

The communications facility in the forests of Bārta has been abandoned and is not being used other than for dismantling of buildings to obtain building materials.
The former Ķemeri swimming facility used to have a building of wooden bathtubs in the 19th century. The mud treatment facility which is designed in the style of Classicism was erected in 1924. The Ķemeri clinic was opened here after World War II. A monument to Ivan Pavlov, a distinguished Russian doctor and physiologist is on the western end of the ruins, and no one has taken much care of it, either.

The Sarkaņi Catholic Church is on the western shore of Lake Cirms, and it was built of field stones in 1830. The church is famous for a painting of the Virgin Mary which is said to be miraculous. This is a popular destination for pilgrims as a result of this fact.

There’s hardly anything left of the zenith missile base which once stood here for the purpose of protecting the western boundaries of the USSR – even specialists would have a hard time finding the location.
This is a site where you can try out ancient weapons – bows and crossbows (a reproduction of items from the 14th and 15th century), throwing an axe (replicas of German axes from the 13th century), and spears. Once you’ve learned how to handle those weapons, you can also forge a copy of a Medieval coin. You can try on copies of armoured caps and gloves and have your picture taken with a sword or battle axe. For larger groups, the enterprise will organise ancient sports and table games.

Pussalas pils pirmsākumi ir meklējami 14. gs. Tajā laikā minētā pils bija viena no lielākajām šāda tipa aizsardzības pilīm. Pēc Traķu un Viļņas ieņemšanas 1382. g. pils kļuva par Ķēstutu (Kęstutis) - Lietuvas dižkunigaišu dzimtas dzīves un valdīšanas vietu. 1655. g. Polijas – Lietuvas lielvalsts un Krievijas kara laikā pili nopostīja. Līdz mūsdienām no iespaidīgās celtnes (aizņēma 4 ha platību) saglabājušās tikai no laukakmeņiem celtā aizsargmūra un torņu paliekas. Tās iekšpagalmā ir apskatāma efektīvā viduslaiku ieroča – katapultas atdarinājums.


Lielā dziesmu vieta "Dzintari" ir ievērojama ar to, ka tieši tur 1866. gadā norisinājās pirmie latviešu skolēnu koru svētki. Lai iezīmētu šo vietu, 2015. gada vasarā  Madonas novada, Praulienas pagasta, Šūpuļkalnā (Madona – Varakļāni ceļa malā) tika uzstādīts Ivara Mailīša veidotais vides objekts “Latvija skan”. Šajā vietā atrodas arī māja, kurā dzīvojis ievērojamais koru virsdiriģents Haralds Mednis (1906-2000). Lai saglabātu mākslinieka piemiņu, 2016. gadā durvis vēra Haralda Medņa 20. gs. 30. gados uzceltā māja “Dzintari”. Tajā apskatāma izstādes par virsdiriģentu Haraldu Medni un Pirmajiem latviešu skolēnu koru svētkiem. Vietai dots skanīgs nosaukums – Lielā dziesmu vieta “Dzintari”. 


Atrodas Rucavas – Bārtas ceļa malā (pagrieziens uz Bārtas Romas katoļu baznīcu). Veltīts melioratoram Arvīdam Manfeldam – bijušā Liepājas rajona meliorācijas uzņēmuma priekšniekam kā pateicība no vietējiem iedzīvotājiem par ceļiem un tiltiem.


The Rēzekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas is in the southern part of the city, at Siņicina Street 4. The house of worship was built in 1895 and rebuilt in 1906. Its tower has three silver and brass bells (restored), and one of them is thought to be the largest bell in Latvia (4,832 kg with a tongue that weighs 200 kg in and of itself). Alongside is a museum which features the cultural and religious environment of the Old Believers.


The Livonian Order built a fortified castle on the largest island in Lake Alūksne – Marijas Island (Pilssala Island) in 1342.  It was linked to the land by a 120 m drawbridge.  The castle had several forecastles, and it was regularly modernised and expanded until the end of the 17th century.  It was one of the largest Livonian Order Castles, with similar ones found in Vastelina and Izborsk.  Defensive barriers were put up around the castle, which survived until the Great Northern War.  Its central part was blown up by the defeated Swedish military in 1702, after which Russians completely sacked it.  All that is left are the castle ruins on the island, which is now linked to Alūksne and Temple Hill by two wooden bridges.  An open-air stage alongside the castle ruins is used for various public events.


Ikšķiles vārds Pirmā pasaules kara laikā izskan saistībā ar diviem notikumiem – Ikšķiles priekštilta nocietinājumiem (Nāves sala) un kaujām pie Mazās Juglas upes.

1917. gadā 1. septembra rītausmā Vācijas impērijas armija uzsāka uzbrukumu iepretim Ikšķilei ar mērķi ieņemt Rīgu un saņemt gūstā Krievijas 12. armiju. Ar spēcīgu artilērijas atbalstu vācu vienības izsita Krievijas armijas karavīru daļas no Ikšķiles pozīcijām, kas savukārt ļāva Vācijas armijas karavīriem pa trim pontonu tiltiem šķērsot Daugavas upi.

1.septembra pēcpusdienā vācu izlases vienības sasniedza Mazās Juglas upes apkārtni pie Tīnūžiem, kur tām negaidīti ceļu aizšķērsoja no rezerves steigā atsauktā 8000 vīru lielā 2. latviešu strēlnieku brigāde, kura ieņēma pozīcijas gar Mazās Juglas upi. Latviešu strēlniekiem tika pavēlēts aizkavēt vācu karavīrus, līdz visa 200 00 vīru lielā Krievijas 12. armija izies no aplenkuma, nenokļūstot vācu gūstā. Latviešu strēlnieki savu uzdevumu izpildīja pilnībā, diennakti cīnoties pret gandrīz desmitkārtīgu vācu pārspēku. Kauja pie Mazās Juglas upes bija viena no traģiskākajām un reizē viena no leģendārākajām Latvijas vēstures lapaspusēm. "Tīnūžu muižā" ir izveidota 1. Pasaules kara tēmai un Juglas kaujām veltīta ekspozīcija.


In einem in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jh. errichteten Gebäude befindet sich eine Sammlung vom Limbažu-Museum und das Touristeninformationszentrum. Blick auf die Altstadt vom Turm (der glässerne Boden).


The monument is on a hillock along the lovely shores of Lake Alūksne and alongside Pleskavas Street (P 40).  The monument was unveiled on June 20, 1923, by Latvian President Jānis Čakste and was designed by the sculptor Jūlijs Miesnieks.  It features a shield with crossed words, and the text reads “For fallen soldiers from the 7th Sigulda regiment, 1919-1920), and on the other side there is a text “Better to take my head than our fatherland.”  The monument was torn down during the Soviet occupation (1953) and restored in 2009.


Palūšē atrodas nacionālā parka administrācija (izveidota neliela ekspozīcija) un tūrisma informācijas centrs, kempings, nesen atjaunotā laivu bāze un viens no biežāk apmeklētajiem parka objektiem – Palūšes baznīca (Palūšės bažnyčia), kas celta 1757. gadā. 2008. g. No dievnama apkārtnes paveras jauks skats uz Lūšu (Lūšiai) ezeru, īpaši saulrietos, kad baznīca iegūst teiksmainu nokrāsu. Blakus baznīcas žogam aug vecais Palūšes ozols. Uzskata, ka tā vecums varētu būt ~ 350 – 400 gadi.


Der Stützpunkt des Livländischen Ordens. Der Bau der Burg war eine Strafe für Ortsbewohner. Die Burg wurde nach dem Befehl des Dänischen Königs Frederik der II 1576 vernichtet.

Remnants of the plank ways of a fishing port can be seen on the shoreline and in the sea opposite Mazirbe. They recall the former fishing co-operative Zivs, which was here in the 1930s.

Durbe is the smallest town in Latvia with a distinguished history, as well as the smallest city in the country in terms of population (some 500 residents).  Durbe was first mentioned in a Courlandian document.  In 1260, there was a legendary battle at Durbe between the joint forces of the Livonian Order and the German Order and local tribes, including Courlandians who left the German forces to join the tribes.  One of Latvia's first professional gardeners, Sīmanis Klevers (1834-1922) lived and worked in Durbe, and it is thanks to him that the local gardens feature many rare types of apple trees.  The herald of Durbe, which was approved in 1925 features a silver apple tree.  Several local farms have fruit orchards, and there are many active gardeners.  An apple festival is held each September in Durbe. 

Kulnevskaya (Ilzeskalns) Orthodox Church was built in 1832 by Kulnevs, the landlord of Ilzenberg (Ilzeskalns) manor house. He was also the brother of Jacob Kulnevs. The Church has an iconostasis with icons of the 19th century. The rectangular building has semicircular niches at its sides. The members of Kulnevs family are buried here. The place of tomb is a rare phenomenon in Orthodox churches of Latvia.

Vāldamõ – a residential building that is yellow and has natural roofing materials.  It was built as a new farm at the beginning of the last century.  Virgo is the next homestead to the North from Vāldamõ, and it was established as a new farm in the 1920s.  The house (1930) features interesting wood carvings.  Next to the North is Fīlmaņi, which has a building that appears antique, but was built in the early 20th century as a single roof.  Silkalni is the homestead that we find if we turn to the right toward Pitrags at the crossroads.  The yellow building was built around 1906 as a single room.  Norpiedagi is to the South from Silkalni – a brown and larger house than the previous one.  The home was built around 1906 as a one-room granary by the active Liv public activist and boat builder Diriķis Volganskis (1884-1968).  His son, Edgars Valgamā, who was also a Liv cultural activist and worked as a pastor in Finland, was born here.  Anduļi can be found at the aforementioned crossroads.  This is one of the largest old farms in the village, and it is owned by the village elder.  The history of the homestead was first recorded in 1680, when it was called Kūkiņi.  The homestead includes a residential building (c. 1909), a threshing barn (1905), a granary (mid-19th century), and a smokehouse made of a boat that was cut in two.  Under the part of the threshing barn which is on the back of the dune, there is the medieval, so-called Plague cemetery.  Žoki is a homestead that is on the other side of the road from Anduļi.  The building that is there now was built on the foundation of an older one.  In the mid-19th century, Žoki was home to the first reading school for Liv children from the seashore villages of the Dundaga region.  Liv Nika Polmanis (1823-1903) worked there as a teacher.  Next to the North of Žoki is the Tilmači homestead, with several buildings that were built in the late 19th and early 20th century – a brown residential building, a stable and part of a granary.  When the residential building was restored, the owner found a board reading "1825. Kurlyandskaya gubernya."  The seven historical homesteads and buildings were at one time considered for listing on the UNESCO list of world heritage.