No Name Description

The Strūves Park is toward the northwest of Jēkabpils, on the left bank of the Daugava, and opposite the Ādamsona (Krustpils) island. The park was established in the 19th century as a place where the city’s residents could relax and hold celebrations. It can be said with absolute certainty that this is a place of global importance, because the park contains a memorial stone to Professor Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struwe (1793-1864) from the University of Tartu. He was an astronomer and geodesist. The stone is at a place where Struwe completed his land survey of the Vidzeme Province of the Russian Empire. The meridian location which Struwe identified (and other points related to those locations are found in many other European countries) is on the UNESCO list of world heritage.


Ein zweistöckiges Holzhaus auf dem Uošvės-Hügel mit wunderschönem Blick aufs Haff. Hier hat drei Sommer der Träger des Nobelpreises, deutscher Schriftsteller Thomas Mann (1875 – 1955) verbracht.


Salos, Vaišnoriškė, Strazdai, Šuminai sind die bewohnten Dörfe im Augštaitija- Nationalpark, in denen historische Einzelgehöfte mit Holzgebäuden erhalten sind.


This is one of comparatively few castle hills along the banks of the Daugava River that is not overgrown with trees and bushes, which means that it has a classical castle hill form that is part of the local landscape.  The Dignāja castle hill was settled during several periods, particularly between the 5th and the 9th century AD, when it was an important centre.  Archaeologists have found that Lettigalian tribes lived here.  After the Holy Crusade invasion, the Livonian Order built a castle on the hill that has not survived.  It is said that there was once an underground passageway under the hill.  The hill itself offers a lovely view of the Daugava River valley.  World War I trenches have been preserved the area.  There was once a settlement at the foot of the hill.


The cosy land road along the sea is 1 km long, and it offers a look at the wonderful aspects of the village.  To the right are rocks from the sea, as well as miniature flower gardens on the seashore with tempting benches and overturned boats.  On the side of the shore is the Kaltene library, which is more than 100 years ago.  It was initially a summer home for Baron Nolken, and it was built in 1899.  Later it was rebuilt several times and took on new roles.  An elementary school was installed here in 1926, after which it became a club and then, in 1992, a primary school once again.  The path runs along beautiful seashore homesteads, among which one can find the former homes of old fishermen and ship builders such as Burliņi.  At one time, the Žulnieki portage at Smilgas was the site of  the kiln of blacksmith Pēteris Valdemārs.  He was the main blacksmith for ships between Kaltene and Upesgrīve. (Source: Roja TIC)


The memorial stone to Augusts Muižulis,a recipient of the Lāčplēsis Military Order, is placed in the Lapmežciems, at the edge of the road (P 128, Jūrmala-Talsi) at the marker for the 9th kilometre. A. Muižulis, (189 –1941) was a lieutenant colonel in the No. 4 Valmiera Infantry Brigade. The adjacent Tuteņi homestead is his native home.


This is the one street in Ķemeri where the towns' wooden buildings have been preserved to the greatest degree.  Turning onto Durbes Street from Karogu Street, you will find the Miervaldis Ķemers Museum, which is focused on the well known Latvian cultural activist, pastor and painter (1902-1980).  The museum is at Durbes Street 21.


The building was erected during the first period of Latvian independence, and it maintained its functions for a long time.  The building is located at Tukuma Street 30.  Beginning in 1940, the post office had an automated telephone central.  The Postal Service no longer uses it, and the building can only be viewed from the outside.


Located on the left bank of the Venta River 100 m to the Northwest of the Liepāja (A9) highway bridge across the river.  The antique castle hill was the site of a Livonian Order that existed from the 14th to the 18th century before being sacked during the Great Northern War.  No part of the castle has survived.  A stage was built on the castle hill in 1987, and it is a popular venue for various events.  The hill is surrounded by a park with wooden chairs that were designed by the sculptor Ģirts Burvis in honour of the kings of Courland.  There is a viewing platform, and there are legends about underground passages and a white lady who appears only once every 100 years.

Eine alte Ortschaft am linken Ufer des Flusses Nemunas. Liškiava-Kirche und Kloster, heiliger Berg und Burgberg mit den Ruinen der am Ende des 14. Jh unter Leitung von Vytautas der Großen gebauten Burg. Ein Kultstein mit einem Kühstapfen.

The Narūta River which flows out of Lake Ežezers is approximately 1 km long and ends at the small Obiteļi windmill lake.  On the right bank of the river is a windmill that was built around 1900.  Today the site has the Obiteļa leisure centre with a sauna and banquet facilities.


Taisnā Celtnieku iela ir bijušās Liepājas – Aizputes šaursliežu dzelzceļa (celta 1900. gadā, 49 km gara) līnijas „trase”, kuras malā (Celtnieku ielā 50) redzama bijusī dzelzceļa stacijas ēka.


This is an ancient and important place for trade and craftsmanship on the left shore of the Rīga hydroelectric power plant reservoir.  It rises some 15 m above the Daugava River.  The Zemgale port that is described in historical documents is thought to have been located alongside the castle hill and at the mouth of the little Varžupīte stream.  Antiquities that have been dug up here suggest that the castle hill and its adjoining ancient settlement were populated until the late 12th century, when the importance of Daugmale began to shrink because of rapidly growing Rīga.  The foundations of the castle hill have been shored up.


No Vilces muižas pa pastaigu taku var aiziet līdz pilskalnam (12 m virs apkārtnes, labiekārtots), kas atrodas Vilces un Rukūzes upīšu satekā. Atradumi liecina, ka cilvēku apmetne šeit ir pastāvējusi jau vidējā dzelzs laikmetā. Pilskalna piekājē atrodas atpūtai labiekārtotā Zaķu pļava. Nostāsti vēsta, ka Vilces grava bijusi laupītāja Kaupēna slēpšanās vieta.


This may be an ancient cult object, and today it is a little hill in the dunes that is a bit larger than other local hills.  It is said that a church once sank into the dune.  This tale suggests that there was a Christian or pagan prayer place here at one time. (Source: Roja TIC)


Eine der ältesten Ortschaften Litauens. Schon im 14. Jh befand sich hier eine Holzburg. Der 20 m hohe Merķine-Burgberg an der Mündung der Flüsse Merkys und Nemunas.


A haven for Russian Old Believers. Mustvee village has held fairs for the past two centuries. It is also a traditional fishing town.

Swedish scanst (Kuce Hill, Jumprava Hill). Medieval fortification. The monument of national meaning is located in the village Stari 450 m from Atspuki mill, 70 mto the Southeast from the ruins of Jumpravmuiža. The territory is 0,7 – 1 m deep outside and 1 – 1,5 m high inside. The new road to the ruins of Jumpravmuiža leads through the West side of the fortification.

Around 6 km in length and an isolated route stretching between Ragaciems and Klapkalnciems where, as stories about olden days tell, robbers used to attack travelers. Around 1.5 km before Klapkalnciems (going from the side of Ragaciems), in the dune by the sea there is installed a commemorational stone dedicated to the Finnish jaeger battles. It was installed on December 09, 1997. The stone has "travelled" from the south-eastern part of Finland where in 1940 it served as an anti-tank defense. In the monument, there are engraved the words, "Here during World War I, from August 1916 to December fought the Finnish yeagers". In turn, in Klapkalnciems there is installed a commemorational stone in the place where there are buried five Finnish soldiers.


Pie Vidzemes šosejas pirms Melturu tilta pāri Amatai ir privātais muzejs "Mežabrāļu bunkurs". Bunkurs izveidots, lai varētu vēstīt par Nacionālo partizānu mežabrāļu cīņu laikā no 1944.-1956. gadam, kad mežos pret okupācijas varu cīnījās ap 20 000 Latvijas patriotu. Nacionālo partizānu bunkurs izveidots balstoties uz savāktajām mežabrāļu atmiņām, dienasgrāmatu pierakstiem un fotogrāfijām. Uz bunkuru ved meža taka ar informāciju par dažādiem mežabrāļu piedzīvojumiem un cīņām. Bunkura pazemes daļā apskatāmi vēsturiskie priekšmeti, kas viņus pavadīja dzīvē un cīņā. Saimnieks piedāvā pastaigu pa meža taku, kur izvietota informācija par mežabrāļiem un slēpņu spēle bērniem. Ar iepriekšēju pieteikšanos iespējams iekļūt bunkurā un apskatīt iekārtotu bunkuru ar mežabrāļu izmantoto ieroču, munīcijas un citu priekšmetu ekspozīciju. Stāstījumu papildina savāktās mežabrāļu interviju videoieraksti. Apmeklētājiem iespējams pasūtīt mednieku desiņu cepšanu lapenē pie bunkura.