No Name Description

Traķu pirmsākumi ir meklējami Senajos Traķos, kas atrodas 4 km dienvidaustrumos no Traķu centra. Uzskata, ka Senos Traķus ir dibinājis Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Ģedimins (~ 1275. – 1341.) 14. gs. pirmajā pusē. 14. gs. otrajā pusē šeit uzcēla mūra pili, no kuras līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nostāvināti zemes vaļņi. Laikā no 1345. – 1382. g. tajā valdīja Ģedimina dēls – Ķēstutis (1297. – 1382.). Senajos Traķos dzimis arī viens no izcilākajiem viduslaiku Lietuvas valdniekiem – Ķēstuta dēls - Vītauts Dižais. Kā pilij, tā arī tās valdniekiem bija nozīmīga loma sekojošajos krusta karos un cīņās. 1391. g. pils tika sagrauta cīņas laikā ar Vācu ordeni, kādēļ arī zaudēja savu stratēģisko nozīmi. 1405. g. benediktīniešu mūki šajā vietā uzcēla baznīcu, bet 18. gs. beigās - jaunu un lielāka apjoma klosteri, kura vienu no korpusiem 1889. g. pārbūvēja par baznīcu.

Sts. Simon and Judas Roman Catholic Church of Dricāni was built in 1859 on the top of the hill. There is the wooden altar of the Holy Spirit, decorated with woodcarvings, wooden statuettes and the icon of Simon and Jude.

Atrodas Celtnieku un Z. Mauriņas ielu krustojumā. Dievnams uzcelts 2000. gadā modernās arhitektūras formās (arhitekti Aija un Andris Kokini), kas simbolizē Noasa šķirstu vai zviedru laivas, kas atnesušas kristīgo ticību.


The church was built in the Neoromantic style between 1936 and 1939 on the basis of a design by the architect Pavlov.  It was consecrated before the completion of construction, this happening in 1937.  The church honours the Anguished Mother of God, and the central altar is dedicated to her.  Icons in the building date back to the early 20th century, and a statue of the Fatima Mother of God is in the yard near the entrance.


 The Krustpils Lutheran Church is found at Rīgas Street 211A in Krustpils, on the right bank of the Little Daugava. The stone church which is there was built between 1818 and 1820 and consecrated in 1824. Two older churches stood on the site before then. The church was seriously damaged during World War I, and it was restored in 1924. There are several notable cultural monuments in the church – the altar painting, “Christ Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane”, the organ (with pipes that were manufactured in Germany), etc. The church is seen as one of the best examples of Empire-style architecture in Latvia, and in 1999 it was granted the European blue flag as an element of cultural heritage. There are legends about underground passages to Daugavsala, which is to the West of the church. The church is closed to visitors most days and can only be viewed from the outside. Nearby the church are two monuments – one commemorating the politically repressed, and the other memorialising national partisans.


Vainova Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1980 replacing the previous church that was burnt by lightening. Initially, the Prayer House was one of the biggest churches in Latgale (for 2 000 people). The congregation of the church exists since the 18th century.

The church was opened in 1651 after half a century of sometimes interrupted construction.  It was fully rebuilt and took on its current appearance in 1876.  The church contains one of the most important church objects in Latvia – the oldest pulpit in the country (1590).  It was designed in the style of Mannerism.  The church also has a bell from a wrecked chapel of the local knighthood.  The bell was manufacture in 1450 and was installed at the church in the 19th century.  It is the oldest church bell in Latvia.  The German painter F. Wolff painted the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” and it, along with the altar, have recently been restored.


Kolka Evangelical Lutheran Church. A story has survived of one Danish trader saved in a shipwreck at Kolkasrags who in gratitude built a church in Kolka. The church had changed its location for three times in Kolka. The foundation of the church visible nowadays and built of boulders was laid by Karl Ludwig Ferdinand von der Osten-Zaken, the former owner of the Dundaga estate. It was built instead of the wooden church (or close to it) which was heavily damaged during the Crimean War. The first construction works were started in 1885 by the construction foreman Otto Sievert (Architect: T. Zeiler). In the Soviet time, the church was vandalized and it was used as a warehouse. It is worth to see the modern- style altarpiece
(a donation of the artist Helen Heinrihson) which does not have a counterpart in any other church. Before in its place there was placed a cross.
Kolka Orthodox Church. Data on the Liv turning to orthodoxy are provided by a document found in the tower of the Kolka Orthodox Church (see also below) during restoration works (the nineties of the last century) that was placed there during building of the church in 1885. It says that the Liv turning to orthodoxy or the so-called emperor's faith "has nothing to do with the religious belief but it is a means to get the earthly benefits or pleasures." In 1885, the orthodox congregation purchased land from baron Osten-Zaken. In 1890, a church, priest's house and school building were built on it. All the buildings have survived until now. The church has its own congregation and worships are held once a month. Information is found that Kolka is the only Liv coastal village where in the nineties of the 19th century there was built an orthodox church. The church bell is place "occupied" in 1936. In the Soviet time, the Church was used as a chapel but nowadays it performs its original role.


This, the third church at this location, was built in 1906 at the initiative of and financing from Gotthard von Budberg, who dedicated it to his late wife, Gertrude. The Walker company organ in the church was built in 1906 in Ludwigsburg in Southern Germany. In 1992, a memorial plaque to commemorate people from Gārsene who were repressed by the Soviet regime was consecrated at the church. 100 m to the East is a cemetery where we see the legendary chapel of the Budberg dynasty, as well as the graves of the noblemen. The church is open to visitors.


The Krimulda Lutheran church is seen as one of the oldest in Latvia. It was built in the early 13th century, soon after the territory of Kubasele was conquered. Over the subsequent centuries, it has been rebuilt many times. Alongside the church is a meditation maze called "Lily Blossom." When the Liv warrior Kaupo fell in battle near Vīlande in 1217, his remains were supposedly interred at the church. Local residents, true, describe a small hillock that is near the church as the grave of Kaupo. The site is located alongside the little Runtiņupīte (Runtiņš) river, on the right bank of which is a manmade cave that is approximately seven metres deep. It is the Kubesele Cave or the Runtiņala Cave. The Kubesele castle hill is on the left bank of the Runtiņupīte. The Kubesele Nature Trail starts at the church. If you hike down the trail, you'll see all of the aforementioned objects and others. The trail leads to the Gauja River where, on the right bank, is the Great (Runtiņš) Rock. Nearby you'll find anchor blocks installed by rafters on the river.


The Viesīte Lutheran Church is in Kaļķu Street in the western part of Viesīte, on the so-called Vales hillock which was left behind after the Ice Age. An interesting fact is that the defenders of Viesīte defeated the Bermont army here in 1919. The cornerstone for the church was laid on August 15, 1937 (a commemoration day for military heroes). The building was consecrated in 1939 and restored in 1994. Financing was provided for the construction of the church by Professor Pauls Stradiņš. The altar painting is by Ligita Caune. To the East of the church, at the foot of the Vales hillock is a monument to Stradiņš.


Atrodas Raiņa ielā 18. Baznīca celta 1911. - 1912. g. pēc Stukmaņu muižas nomnieka barona R. Noldes iniciatīvas. 1. pasaules karā cietušo baznīcu atjaunoja un no jauna iesvētīja 1921. g. Baznīcā apskatāma altārglezna “Kristus augšāmcelšanās”. Dievnams tāpat kā daudzas citas pilsētas ēkas ir būvētas no apkaimē sastopamā izejmateriāla – dolomīta. Interesanti, ka tornis būvēts ēkas vienā malā – asimetriski.


0,2 km austrumos no Vidsmuižas atrodas no šķeltajiem laukakmeņiem un sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem celtā (1910. - 1912. g.) Vidsmuižas katoļu baznīca. Tāpat kā Riebiņos esošā, arī šī ir uzskatāma par tipisku 19. – 20. gs. mijas Latgales lauku baznīcas paraugu.


Pastāv uzskats, ka tieši Rubenē izveidojusies pirmā latviešu draudze. Baznīcas altārdaļa būvēta jau, bet pati baznīca savu pašreizējo izskatu ieguvusi 1739. gadā.Būtiska baznīcas interjera sastāvdaļa ir Ķieģeļu muižas mantinieces Barbaras Helēnas fon Budbergas 1762. gadā dāvinātais kroņlukturis ar Krievijas impērijas divgalvaino ērgli un zaru ornamentiem uz bumbas. Baznīcā redzama arī zīme (1869. g.), kas ir veltīta pusgadsimtam kopš dzimtbūšanas atcelšanas.

Pastāv vairākas teikas par Rubenes baznīcas nosaukuma rašanos. Viena no tām vēsta, ka, sargājot baznīcu no velna, tās sienā iemūrēta sieviete un vīrietis, kura vārds bijis Rubens. Baznīca esot nosaukta viņam par godu.Vēl viena versija vēsta, ka baznīcas nosaukums cēlies no rubeņa, kas sēdējis kādā no kokiem, kas vēlāk izmantots baznīcas celtniecībā.


Храм неоднократно горел и строился снова. Теперешняя церковь построена в 1874 году, а после пожара 1927 года была восстановлена в 1932 году. Можно осмотреть алтарную икону«Иисус со святым причастием», две картины И. Зебериньша «Иисус у креста» и «Иисус благословляет детей» (1957 г.). Проспект органа является первым, построенным в «латышском» вкусе органом (резчик по дереву П. Планкус, 1936 г.), а сам инструмент номинирован как самая красивая и самая объемная работа лиепайского мастера Екаба Яугиеша. Трубы органа сделаны из дерева, что является редким случаем. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.


Dievnama mūri kā svētvieta glabā ne tikai svētuma starojumu, mierinājumu, bet arī smagus, rūgtus un iznīcinošus notikumus. Vairākkārt pārbūvēta, sagrauta, dedzināta, un tomēr atjaunota.


The present wooden church on the hill was built in 1947 but today it has been restored. Currently, the deanery of Rezekne is located there. Every day you can see it from the outside. Until 1960, in Dukstigals there were two congregations: White Dukstigals (Šadurska) and Black Dukstigal (Slobodska). In White Dukstigals, the church was built in 1775. In 1960, during the time of the Soviet power, the church was violently demolished, despite the fact that it was an architectural monument and the oldest wooden church in Latgale-367years old! The "excuse" was the explanation that one congregation must not have two churches.


Одна из самых красивых деревянных церквей Южной Латгалии. Построенный из бревен и обшитый досками храм строился в период с 1750 по 1751 гг. Сохранился алтарь работы XVIII века (резьба по дереву, барокко) и проспект органа, а также более 30 предметов, имеющих художественную ценность. Во дворе церкви в XIX веке построена колокольня. В направлении озера Рушонс построен деревянный пасторат.


Atrodas Jasmuižas austrumdaļā. Dievnams celts 1815. g., bet pārbūvēts 1932. g.

Bоrisovas St. Nikolay Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the period of 1911 – 1921 . The different feature of the Prayer House is a brick building placed on the hill. The bell of the temple was specially ordered and brought from St. Petersburg. The bell has a very soft sound.