No Name Description

The church was built from 1801 until 1804 by Fridrihs Veits from Cēsis.  At the centre of the altar is a painting, “Christ on the Cross,” which dates to the latter half of the 19th century.  The bell was cast in 1895, and the organ was built in 1914.  In front of the church is a 1930 monument to those who fell during World War I and Latvia’s liberation battles (sculptor Kārlis Zāle, architect Aleksandrs Birzenieks).  Restoration of the façade and interior of the church was finished quite recently.


The first church in Vecpiebalga was built in 1345, and the next one was built between 1839 and 1845 by the Livonian builder Mārcis Sārums.  The church was destroyed in 1944 and restored between 1995 and 1997 (architect Ausma Skumiņa).  The altar painting is titled “Christ Walking in the Land of Piebalga.” Outside the church is a rock to commemorate those who suffered from political repressions in Latvia.

The Crucifix of Kurpinīki is known also as the place where Janis Streičs shot some scenes of the movie „The Child of a Man”. Long time ago this crucifix was situated in the courtyard of writer’s grandfather Donat Klidzejs in the USA.

The Bebrene Catholic Church is opposite the Bebrene Estate on the side of the Ilūkste-Birži road. Work on the church began in 1797, but it was only completed in 1883. The outside of the church is in the style of Classicism, while the interior was designed in Baroque forms. The interior of the church can be viewed during worship services.


This is the highest point in the southern part of Daugavpils.  A radius of approximately 300 m around 18. Novembra Street once housed the first Old Believer prayer house (1908-1928), the St Boris and Gleb Orthodox Cathedral (1905), the Daugavpils Mother of God Catholic Church (1905), and the Daugavpils Martin Luther Lutheran Church (1893).


Atrodas Bauskas vēsturiskajā centrā, Plūdoņa ielā 13 a un ir šīs pilsētas daļas vecākā ēka. Dievnams celts 1591. - 1594. g. vēlās gotikas stilā, bet tornis piebūvēts 1614. g. Baznīcas iekšpusē atrodas nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi: altāris (1699. g., pārbūvēts 1861. g., mākslinieks J. Dērings), kancele (1762. g.) un ērģeļu prospekts (1766. g.) – abi Nikolaja fon Korfa dāvinājums, draudzes soli (17. gs. vidus – 18. gs. sāk.), senākais no koka veidotais Bauskas ģerboņa attēlojums (1640. g.), deviņas 16. – 17. gs. kapu plāksnes, epitāfijas u.c. Baznīca, kurā ir vērts ieiet!


 The Orthodox Church and Cloister of the Holy Spirit and the Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Miracle Maker are found at Brīvības Street 200 in Jēkabpils. The Byzantine Church of the Holy Spirit was built between 1853 and 1886 to replace a wooden church which had been built in the latter half of the 17th century and burned down in 1773. Duke Jacob of the Duchy of Courland supplied the timber for the old church. The cloister was alongside the church. On Second Easter in 1903, the church caught on fire, and the only icon rescued was a painting of the Virgin Mary. The church suffered damage during World War I and was restored in 1933. Alongside the Church of the Holy Spirit is the oldest church in Jēkabpils – the oldest stone church in the city, which is named after St Nicholas the Miracle Maker and was erected in 1774. This is a very small church, just 17 x 19.5 m. The cloister of the Church of the Holy Spirit operates the church today, and it can be viewed from the inside. The stone fence that surrounds the complex is massive, but atypical of urban environments in Latvia.



Atrodas Grobiņas centrā, Dzērves laukuma malā. Pirmā baznīca Grobiņa bija celta jau ap 1560. g., bet nākamā – 1596. g. celtā iznīcināta 1659. g. zviedru iebrukuma laikā. Pēc Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Jēkaba Ketlera iniciatīvas 1664. g. tiek uzcelts jauns dievnams, ko atjauno 1892. gadā. Tas dedzis 2. pasaules kara laikā, bet vēlāk atkal atjaunots. Šobrīd notiek altāra restaurācijas darbi.


was built between 1930 and 1947.  On both sides of the altar are sculptures of angels that date back to the late 17th century and were sculpted in Subate.  They are the only elements of this kind in the Baroque decorative sculpture in churches in Kurzeme.  It may be that the figure of the Saviour on the cross with a sleeping lamb at his feet was produced by the same artists.  No one knows how the artworks arrived in Subate.  The organ with its wooden pipes was manufactured by Juris Bokums.  During the season, the interior of the church can be toured, and if you contact the church in advance, you can arrange for organ music performances. 


The church was built between 1640 and 1642 as a mark of respect for the king of Poland.  It was commissioned by Duke Jacob Kettler and has a confessional bench with allegoric paintings (1691), as well as three altars decorated with Rococo carvings.  There is a 16th century sculpture of the Madonna and her child.  Contact the church for a tour.

Vainova Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1980 replacing the previous church that was burnt by lightening. Initially, the Prayer House was one of the biggest churches in Latgale (for 2 000 people). The congregation of the church exists since the 18th century.

The Archangel Michael Catholic Church of Subate is in the historical centre of Subate. The building, which does not have a tower, was built of fieldstones in 1831, with financing from Count Mikhail Sieberg-Plater. An impressive bell tower was built in front of it. The church contains a sculptural group, “Golgotha,” from the late 18th century, along with a crucifix and a major altar relief that is made of carved wood. It is based on the globally famous Leonardo da Vinci fresco “The Holy Supper.”

Guriliški Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the beginning of the 20th century. It has a very old bell that was made in 1939.
Sts. Simon and Judas Roman Catholic Church of Dricāni was built in 1859 on the top of the hill. There is the wooden altar of the Holy Spirit, decorated with woodcarvings, wooden statuettes and the icon of Simon and Jude.
Puderova Old-Believers Prayer House. The architectural monument of local importance was built in the beginning of the 20th century.

Baznīca atrodas Sodu ielā (Sodų gatve) 8. Tās pirmsākumi meklējami 1409. g. (viena no vecākajām Lietuvas baznīcām), kad Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Vītauts Dižais izveidoja Traķu apgabala baznīcu. Dievnams joprojām ir pazīstams ar 1123. g. Konstantinopolē gleznotās Traķu Dievmātes gleznu, kuru it kā Vītautam 1390. g. uzdāvinājis Bizantijas ķeizars Emanuels Paleologs II. Šis fakts gan ir jāuzskata par leģendu, ko aprakstījis vēsturnieks Albertas Vijūkas – Kojalavičius, jo 1645 g. gleznas restaurācijas laikā noskaidrojās, ka tā ir tapusi 15 gs. beigās vai 16. gs. sākumā. Traķu Dievmātes glezna ir pirmā Lietuvas pāvesta vainagotā glezna (vainagošanas ceremonija notika 1718 g.), pēc kuras brīnumus piedzīvojuši daudzi ticīgie - gan katoļi, gan pareizticīgie, gan pagāni, gan tatāri. Latvijā - Aglonas bazilikā atrodas šīs gleznas kopija, ko uzskata par svētu! Vislabākais skats uz baznīcu, Traķu ezerpili un Traķiem paveras no klaja paugura Galves (Galvė) ezera ziemeļu krastā.

Kampišķi Old-Believers Prayer House was reconstructed in 1931 by architect V. Šervinskis. The building is very high and spacious; has two cells and a rectangular belltower with the cross on the top.

Atrodas Celtnieku un Z. Mauriņas ielu krustojumā. Dievnams uzcelts 2000. gadā modernās arhitektūras formās (arhitekti Aija un Andris Kokini), kas simbolizē Noasa šķirstu vai zviedru laivas, kas atnesušas kristīgo ticību.


Atrodas pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukuma malā. Dievnams tapis 1495. g., pēc Livonijas ordeņa mestra Valtera fon Pletenberga (~ 1450. – 1535.) pavēles. Gadsimtiem ritot, ēka pārbūvēta un tagad redzamais tornis celts 1907. g. Baznīcā apskatāmi nozīmīgi kultūrvēstures pieminekļi: altārglezna “Golgāta” - H. Kīperta darināta kopija (pēc K. Arnoldi Kandavas luterāņu baznīcas oriģināla (1864. g.)), muižniekam Fīlipam Drahenfelsam veltīta epitāfija (B. Bodekers, 16. un 17. gs. mija), A. D. Tīzenhauzenas kapu plāksne (1648. g.), kristāmtrauka pamatne (18. gs.) un piemiņas plāksne 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušajiem draudzes locekļiem (1925. g.). Ap Tirgus laukumu (atjaunots, jauka strūklaka) izvietojies Dobeles vēsturiskais centrs.


The present wooden church on the hill was built in 1947 but today it has been restored. Currently, the deanery of Rezekne is located there. Every day you can see it from the outside. Until 1960, in Dukstigals there were two congregations: White Dukstigals (Šadurska) and Black Dukstigal (Slobodska). In White Dukstigals, the church was built in 1775. In 1960, during the time of the Soviet power, the church was violently demolished, despite the fact that it was an architectural monument and the oldest wooden church in Latgale-367years old! The "excuse" was the explanation that one congregation must not have two churches.