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Latvijas lauku tūrisma asociācija “Lauku ceļotājs” uzsākusi darbu pie bukleta "Lauku labumi" - tajā tiks apkopota informācija par lauku saimniecībām, kas atvērtas apmeklētājiem/tūristiem un piedāvā ekskursiju pa saimniecību, nogaršot un/vai iegādāties saražotos lauku labumus, izmēģināt amatu prasmes u.c.

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On 5th June in Brussels, the president of the Latvian Countryside Association "Lauku Celotājs", Asnāte Ziemele received an award Best Life-Environment Project for POLPROP-NATURA  project in EU LIFE programme. The project took place in the SlītereNational Park as a demo territory from 2009-2012. "Lauku Ceļotājs" executed the project together with the people and organizations of Slītere. The sustainable tourism development model was created by attracting local entrepreneurs, inhabitants, local authorities and administration of SlītereNational Park. This experience was used for making proposals for environmental protection and tourism development policy. 

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Vēl līdz 31. janvārim var pieteikties dalībai "Balttour" forumā, kas no 6. līdz 9. februārim Rīgā pulcēs simtiem pārstāvju no Baltijas un NVS valstu tūrisma uzņēmumiem, valstu pārstāvniecībām un profesionālajām organizācijām.

"Balttour forums. NVS valstu fokuss" ir biznesa forums Baltijas un NVS valstu tūrisma profesionāļiem, kas aktivizē tūrisma pakalpojumu apmaiņu reģionā, nodrošinot efektīvu pārdošanas un pirkšanas platformu, organizējot tūrisma profesionāļu diskusijas un piedāvājot neformālus pasākumus kontaktu veidošanai. Foruma programmu skatiet šeit.

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„Lauku ceļotājs” participate in Project „AcTour: Active Tourism for Sustainable Development” where partners from Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Latvia intends to transfer an innovative, tchnology-enhanced and job-related Training Guide and Curriculum on Active Tourism as a new professional profile for European rural regions. Project results will be available here

Open AcTour project page in a new window

The  4th European Congress on Rural Tourism, organised jointly by EuroGites and our Romanian partners of ANTREC, is now officially launched to take place in Romania, October 7-10, 2012. Detailed programme here. Follow program updates in the congress web site: 

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Please fill in a questionnaire and help us to create a new rural tourism product oriented on local heritage and people. The respondents will take part in the lottery. The main award is gift card of EUR 500 for the accommodation in the Baltic States. Questionnaire "Local heritae in rural tourism" is in English, German and Russian here

im Anhang finden Sie den aktuellen Newsletter von Baltic Country Holidays. Diesmal aktuell:

  • Kanu Fahren im Frühlingshochwasser - ein besonderes Erlebnis.
  • Die neusten Übernachtungsinfos aus den baltischen Ländern.

Neue Routen für die nächtste Saison:

  • Tour durch die baltischen Nationalparks
  • Kanufahrten in Kurland
  • Vogelbeobachtung im Frühjahr
  • Urlaub auf dem Lande in den östlichen Teilen Lettlands und Litauens.

Neue Veröffentlichungen.

Willkommen auf unserem Stand auf der ITB 2012.

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Мы будем ITB Berlin от 7 - 11 марта, Зал 18, стенд Латвии №: 126A. Мы будем рады встретиться с Вами! Добро пожаловать в стенд !

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Together with partners from Spain, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Sweden, we are working on a new training material on employment opportunities in rural areas. The new fields of employment are organic farming, fungi, chestnut tree growing, active tourism, interpretation in rural areas, renewable energies, professional caregivers. Project results will be accessible from

Open AKTOS project page in a new window

All travel enthusiasts are welcome to acquaint themselves with the best and most exciting tourism offers at the biggest in the Baltics travel market – the 19th International Travel Trade Fair “Balttour 2012” – to be held at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre in Riga, Latvia, 10–12 February.

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