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This is Latvia’s largest small-leaved lime tree (Tilia cordata). Some of its mighty branches are held up by supports. There are large holes in the trunk that have been covered up to prevent water entering the holes and causing even more rot. Just like many other trees of this size, this was a sacred tree in the past

Сохранилась лишь небольшая часть мощных ветвей, самые толстые из которых поддерживаются подставками, а пустую середину от дождя и снега защищает козырек. Самый толстый черешчатый дуб (Quercus robur) в Латвии и во всей Балтии, и самое толстое дерево Балтии. Один из самых толстых дубов Северной Европы. Живописен. Невдалеке от дуба находится стоянка для автомобилей и информационный стенд.

This is the thickest Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) in Latvia
This is the thickest common juniper (Juniperus communis) in Latvia and the Baltic States. It stands in the middle of a field and looks wonderful. The tree is sometimes known as the Rieteklis juniper, because the Latvian poet Rieteklis (Jūlijs Eduars Balodis, 1856-1940) like to sit under it.

An impressive two-trunk tree at the Nigliņi homestead, this is one of the most impressive trees on the Liv Shore.  The Liv language teacher Zoja Sīle was born here.  The Medieval Old Cemetery Hill – once used as burial grounds – is nearby.

Вековая сосна в Бигауньциемсе у кафе с таким же названием ­ "Вековая сосна" ("Дижприеде").
This is the second thickest tree in Latvia and the Baltic States. There is a large and open hole in the trunk of the tree. Like most trees of its size, it has suffered lightning damage. The tree is a wonderful part of the landscape, and a little wooden fence has been put up around it.
A very beautiful and expressive tree, it is found on the land of what was once the Vīceži Semi-estate.
The tree is in the middle of an untended field. Despite many dead branches and the messy surroundings, the tree is beautiful and well visible from the road. It is the third thickest tree in the Baltic States.