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72 types of wild rhododendrons with 193 different species This is the only specialised rhododendron nursery in the Baltic States. Specialists there work on different kinds of rhododendrons, seeking to produce decorative and winter-resistant types of the flower. The nursery also sells plants. In the facility’s pine forest, which covers 11.8 hectares, you can see a large collection of rhododendrons from all over the world. There are 64 winter-resistant types of rhododendrons at “Babīte,” including “Alma Mater,” “Academia Scientiarum,” “Emeritus,” “Eduards Smiļģis,” “Dita Krenberga,” and others (these were developed by Rihards Kondratovičs). All of these are appropriate for Northern Europe.

Национальный ботанический сад в Саласпилсе с радостью ожидает посетителей, предлагая самую большую оранжерею в Балтии с растениями со всех континентов, за исключением Антарктиды; cамую большую в Балтии коллекцию растений и один из крупнейших в Северовосточной Европе дендрариев. Одни из наибольших в Европе коллекций боярышников, рябин, спирей, низкорослых форм хвойных, декоративных яблонь и других групп растений. Идеи по пополнению ассортимента Вашего сада новыми видами и сортами растений. Возможность на природе пополнить ботанические познания. Возможность пополнить личный архив фотографиями ближнего и дальнего плана на эксклюзивном фоне. Предлагают детскую площадку, удобные дорожки для велосипедистов, тропинки для любителей ходьбы, возможности для пикника.

~6,000, including nearly 300 types of dahlias, 120 types of azaleas, and 100 types of outdoor rhododendrons. The conservatories of the botanic gardens contain various exotic and tropical plants and fruit trees, including lemon, banana, pineapple, fig, olive, avocado and coffee bean plants. There is a broad collection of cacti, as well as the largest collection of palm trees in Latvia. Outdoors, there are lots of winter-resistant plants, medicinal plants, and poisonous plants. The plants are arranged in systematic groups – something which is typical only of the botanic gardens of universities. This is the only place in Latvia where you can see so many flowering magnolias in a single place in the spring. Outdoors you will find the Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa), the Gingko (Ginkgo biloba), the Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), the White Mulberry (Morus alba), and the Common Walnut (Juglans regia). The conservatories include several types of the highland tamarin (Araucaria bidwillii and A. heterophylla), the Wollemia Pine (Wollemia nobilis), the Moreton Bay Fig (Ficus macrophlla), the Water Lily (Victoria regia), etc.