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Explore over 150 nature tourism destinations across Latvia and Estonia with our detailed Baltic Nature Tourism Map. Perfect for planning your next vacation, this map highlights the best spots for experiencing the natural beauty of the Baltic States. Start your adventure today!

See detail information on Baltic Nature Tourism web site

Baltic Nature

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On September 18th & 19th, in Riga, 10 Latvian and Estonian tourism organizations met together and started work on a new project - Forest and Coastal Hiking Trails' accessibility improvement for different social groups. The accessibility of hiking trails will be focused on 5 target groups - 1) people with functional impairments (movement, vision, hearing); 2) for seniors; 3) for families with small children, i.e. strollers; 4) for school-aged children; 5) for people with a language or cultural barrier. Trail accessibility will be improved in separate phases.
The project will be implemented over 3 years - from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026. The leading partner of the project is the Latvian Rural Tourism Association "Lauku Celotajs".

>>> Agenda (PDF, ENG)
>>> Presentation (Asnāte Ziemele, LC, PDF, ENG)
>>> Presentation (Iveta Šķiliņa, RPR, PDF, ENG)
>>> Presentation (Elin Priks, Setomaa, PDF, ENG)
>>> Presentation (Ilze Liepa, VPR, PDF, ENG)
>>> Photos (Aija Neilande KPR, PDF, ENG)

As we observe public interest in a healthy and natural life environment, there is a new way of learning about countryside tourism.  This allows urban residents to “adapt” to a rural life model so as to think about a lifestyle change or simply spend a few days like a “rural resident.”  This is a story about a lifestyle that changes accustomed ideas about the countryside, creating a rural environment which merges traditional and contemporary values.

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Die Baltischen Wanderwege sind da – voll ausgestattet mit Wegmarkierungen, Karten, Reiseführern und einer eigenen Webseite bieten sie Wanderern unvergessliche Naturerlebnisse in Estland, Lettland und Litauen.

Der Ostseeküstenwanderweg und der Waldwanderweg sind zwei Fernwanderwege im Baltikum. Zusammen als die Baltischen Wanderwege bezeichnet laden sie Wanderer aus aller Welt nach Estland, Lettland und Litauen ein und sind ein Teil des europäischen Netzwerks der Fernwanderwege. Bei der Ausarbeitung der Wanderwege wurde besonderes Augenmerk darauf gelegt, die Wege in ihrer gesamten Länge zu erschließen. Dazu wurden die Ortschaften auf dem Weg bei der Suche nach der optimalen Route, der Versorgung von Gästen, der Markierung der Wege sowie der Erstellung von Reiseführern und Karten aktiv eingebunden. Beim Wandern im Baltikum können sie sowohl die vielfältige Natur als auch wahre Gastfreundschaft genießen. 

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Kas jāzina un kam jāpievērš uzmanība pirms dodies atpūsties “Zaļajās brīvdienās”? Pēc kādiem kritērijiem atpūtas vietas Latvijā izvēlas trīs bērnu mamma un TV personība Dace Grimze? Ko ģimene iegūst, atpūšoties Latvijas laukos, “Zaļā Sertifikāta” saimniecībās?


Materiāls tapis ar Latvijas Vides aizsardzības fonda atbalstu.

Šodien, 13. maijā, "Lauku ceļotājs" piedalījās Latvijas Republikas vēstniecības Japānā rīkotajā vebinārā tiešsaistē, kur iepazīstināja japāņu tūroperatorus un medijus ar projektu "Lauku dzīvesveids – Pievilcīgu lauku dzīvesveida galamērķu radīšana" un "Lauku dzīvesveida" produktiem Latvijā.

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Here you can find 18 hiking tours for one and multiple days (up to 11 days) in Latvia and Estonia, which is part of the Baltic Forest Hiking long distance path (in Latvia – Mežtaka, in Estonia – Metsa matkarada) (E11) – the most interesting, scenic forest areas of both countries, which are renowned for their natural and cultural objects. Several tours include national parks, nature parks, and biosphere reserves, as well as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Every tour includes a schematic tour map, provides information about the mileage to be covered within a day, level of difficulty, most outstanding sightseeing objects, as well as practical information about the road surface, getting to the starting point and returning from the finish back to the city.

The tours are provided for both individual travellers and small tourist groups. It is recommended to book transport (rent a car or use public transportation), accommodation and meals in advance, as well as arrange personal and luggage transfer if necessary.

The tours may be shortened or extended depending on the wishes of travellers. These hiking tours, or some of them, may also be included in the traditional tourism routes and city excursions to diversify the offer.


On December 11, 2020, the winners of the competition "New Tourism Product 2020" in Latvia organized by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) were announced. The first place was awarded to the tourism product nominated by Vidzeme Planning Region – the long-distance hiking route Forest Trail (Baltic Forest Hiking).

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The project "A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: Building capacities, creating awareness, introducing technology" (MOST) team has created an introduction video for this project. It gives an insight of what is planned as well as for whom the project is meant for.

EU-funded SWITCH-Asia Programme Project MOST aims to support tourism MSMEs and associations as well as local and regional authorities in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan towards a new model of sustainable tourism based on the sustainable production and consumption patterns. This will be achieved through the provision of a life cycle and supply chain management approach to sustainability interventions in tourism, covering issues that range from support for regional policies & planning, adoption of standards, introduction of value chain concepts, to the awareness of relevant stakeholders, highlighting in this way the multi-stakeholder nature of tourism sustainability and the great benefits that will arise through the engagement and cooperation of all stakeholders.

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Vom 17. bis zum 26. Januar 2020 nimmt Lauku Celotajs auf der Messe “GrüneWoche” in Berlin teil, die seit 1926 dort jedes Jahr stattfindet. Die Grüne Wocheist das weltweit größte Branchenforum, auf dem Länder aus der ganzen Weltihre Lebensmittel, Traditionen und Kultur vorstellen.

Die   Messe   bringt   Lebensmittelhersteller,   Tourismus-Fachleute,landwirtschaftliche Unternehmer und Besucher zusammen, die sich für allesrund um Landwirtschaft und Ernährung interessieren

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