No 10430
See Lettland, Latgale

Lake Ezezers

Also known as Lake Jēsis or Lake Iesis, this is the lake in Latvia which has the largest number of islands.  Many literary sources and encyclopaedias in the 20th century claimed that there were 69 islands in the lake, but that was an exaggeration, because apparently the authors took sandbars overgrown with reeds and other plants to be islands.  The true number is approximately two times lesser.  The largest number of islands can be found in the north-eastern part of the lake.  The largest one is Lielā Lāča (Big Bear) Island (45 ha).  A farm was on the island at one time.  The islands and the oak trees that are on the shores of the lake – the Piļoru and Pahatnīku stands of trees – are in a restricted environmental reserve.

Entfernung von der Hauptstadt284