Seniorenfreundliche touristische Orte kann man nach dem Symbol “Silver Suitcase” erkennen – in Werbematerialien oder auf den entsprechenden Aufklebern vor Ort, an hervorragender Stelle. Unterkünfte sind gemütlich eingerichtet und gewährleisten einen hohen Bedienungsstandard. Gastgeber sind bereit, sich um die Senioren zu kümmern, ihre Wünsche und Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen. Die Innenausstattung der Räume ist auch bequem – Betten haben eine Standarthöhe, Schlaf- und Badezimmer sind genug breit für eine bequeme Bewegung. Die Einrichtung ist durchdacht und maximal bequem. Einige Unterkünfte haben ein qualitatives SPA-Angebot, Unterhaltungsprogramme und eine ausgezeichnete Küche.
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Überblick | Details |
Hotel KARLAMUIZAIstabiņas dažāda izmēra. Tās atrodas galvenokārt otrajā stāvā. Dažas istabiņas izvietotas arī pirmajā stāvā. Apkārtnes reljefs ir mainīgs, kas var sagādāt nelielas pārvietošanās grūtības. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
The Krimulda EstateSenioru karšu īpašniekiem 10% atlaide konkrētiem pakalpojumiem gan sezonā, gan nesezonā:
Trepes ir ērtas, lēzenas un drošas (bez margām). Ir atsevišķs lifts ar rampu ērtai piebraukšanai ratiņkrēslā un ar iespēju ērti nokļūt vajadzīgajā ēkas stāvā. Ir pieejamas labiekārtotas tualetes un dušas cilvēkiem ar kustību traucējumiem un atrodas guļamās istabas stāvā. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
REDERIDiscounts for senior citizens with a senior citizen card:
LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
von 66 - 200 EUR / DBL
SCHLOSS BIRINIBīriņu Pils parka, parka apbūves un Staļļa apskate senioriem 1,50€/pers visu sezonu (bez Pils ēkas apmeklējuma). Pils apskate ir par papildu samaksu 2€/pers. Senioru kartes īpašniekiem piedāvājam 5% atlaidi viesnīcas pakalpojumiem, rīta baseins, bibliotēka, parka zviļņi un pledu izmantošana iekļauta cenā. Senioriem pēc pieprasījuma tiek piedāvātas 1. vai 2. stāva istabiņas, jo stāvus savieno platas kāpnes ar margām. Čemodānu nešana jāpiesaka iepriekš. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortÜbernachtungsmöglichkeitThe Castle Building.
The Gardeners House.
Leistungen - businessLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
von 60 EUR / Nacht
Pferdehof KLAJUMIA 10% discount on all services for senior citizen cardholders all year round. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
KUCURU DZIRNAVASSeason and off-season discounts of 15% for senior citizens with a senior citizen card. Lavatory and shower facilities are available on the first floor of the building. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
UsiFrom September 1 to March 31, senior citizens with senior citizen cards receive a 15% discount on accommodation costs (including breakfast) if they spend at least three nights at the guesthouse. During the rest of the reason, cardholders can receive hiking poles for free, as well as a 15% discount on rental of bicycles. Guestrooms are on the first floor, but are not accommodated for guests with special needs. Contact the venue in advance if you need transport to or from the local bus stop. The owners will help to carry your baggage to your room. The lady of the house prepares nourishing and healthy dishes. LeistungenLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
EZERA MAJAA 15% discount on accommodations for senior citizens with a senior citizen card during the off-season. During the season, senior citizens can receive a gift of a basket of home grown garden goodies and other gastronomic items. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
Rehabilitacijas centrs LIGATNEA 20% discount for senior citizens with a senior citizen card on accommodations during the off-season, with a 10% discount during the season. During the season, there is an additional 10% discount on the top-secret Boarding House. The rehabilitation centre has a lift and handles alongside bathtubs. Nurses staff the centre on a 24/7 basis. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - businessLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
von 40 EUR / DBL
VALGUMA PASAULEA 15-20% off-season discount for senior citizens with a senior citizen card for accommodations and breakfast. The discount is offered to senior citizens in the restaurant, and there is also a 10% discount for spa procedures in the Wellness Centre. During the season, visitors can hike the Valguma Pasaule barefoot trail for free if the holder of a Silver Suitcase discount card has spent the night at the Valguma Pasaule Hotel. We offer several rooms that are particularly appropriate for senior citizens. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - businessLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
von 50 EUR / Nacht
PIEKUNIA 60% discount on accommodations for senior citizens with a senior citizen card during the season and off-season -- from EUR 5 to EUR 2 per night (plus the unchanging basic price of EUR 40 per night). LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
von 50 EUR / DBL
LAUCU AKMENSDuring the off-season, 20% off on accommodations, 10% on dining. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
LANTUSSenior citizens with a senior citizen card who spend two nights or more at the guesthouse during the season and off-season can receive a 20% discount on each subsequent night. Travellers with a senior citizen card are also offered a free breakfast. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - businessLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungenLeistungen - andere |
von 35 - 50 EUR / DBL
PITAGIA 10% discount for senior citizens with a senior citizen card during the off-season on workdays. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - ausstattungLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - entfernungen |
ROZMALASA 50% discount on the “Grain Trip” tour of the mill, including baking of pierogi, tea and the story of the mill. With the discount, the price is EUR 2.50. Please note that the mill has three stories and no lift. The hotel, however, has accommodations for differently abled people – two rooms on the first floor, one of which can be entered in a wheelchair. The first floor also has a lavatory for differently abled people. LeistungenLeistungen - komfortLeistungen - businessLeistungen - erholungLeistungen - andereMahlzeiten auf AnfrageRestorāns piedāvā internacionālu virtuvi ar gardiem un veselīgiem ēdieniem, plašu dzērienu karti un izcilu itāļu Segafredo kafiju, kā arī pašu ceptus cepumus, trifeles, kūkas un maizīti ar sēkliņām pie pusdienām vai vakariņām.
Project is co-financed by the European Union and Society Integration Foundation
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