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Teirumnīku purvs ir latvijas lielākā iekšzemes mitrāja - dabas lieguma "Lubāna mitrājs" sastāvdaļa, kas meklējams dienvidaustrumos no Lubāna ezera.

The territory has been established for protection of the bog and its habitat species. It is not appropriate for visits. North-east part of the bog can be slightly seen from the road Neveja – Lapmezciems on winter season. Further on Cirste direction is located on of most impressive oak trees in Latvia – Rigzemju ozols.

This is one of the largest high-type swamps (6,192 ha) in Latvia, with very distinct landscapes of little lakes and hillocks.  The Great Ķemeri Heath is of importance as an extensive hydrological system and preserver of the local microclimate.  It is also of international importance as a site for birds, as well as a major source of sulphurous water.  Along the Kalnciems-Kūdra road, which is on the eastern edge of the swamp (3.4 km from the Rīga-Ventspils highway), there is an information stand with information about the management of the heath and about the role of swamps in nature and in the lives of people.  Great Ķemeri Heath wooden pathway trail is now restored and opened for visitors in 2013.

Very wide territory for a nature restricted area where extensive forests and several bogs can be found. The territory is important living space for many bird species. Vasenieku bog path with observation tower is the most attractive sites of the restricted area and offers unique landscape of the bog for its visitors. Waterproof shoes are recommended for visitors as the first 500 m of the path is molded turf rampart. Information stands are significant source of information along the path. It is suggested to visit also Stikli (Glass) village where glass factory used to be. Chandelier of Stende church has been made in this factory (by memory of Inese Roze).