No 30042
Das militärische Erbe
Das militärische Erbe Lettland, Kurzeme

Pape: Militärversuchsfeld des Flugwesens

Destroying munitions at the former Pape airfield

You can also find seven or eight craters in the forested dunes around the area. Some are full of water, and local livestock sometimes use these as drinking holes.
At one place near Pape, you can still see the mast of a ship out in the sea. It was once a target for Soviet military flights. You can also find seven or eight craters in the forested dunes around the area. Some are full of water, and local livestock sometimes use these as drinking holes. The craters appeared in 1987, when the Soviet military blew up piles of munitions from World War I and World War II, as well as out-of-date munitions of the Soviet military itself. It is said that the explosion was so massive that the windows broke at the Jūrmalciems Cultural Building that is more than 10 kilometres away.
Tourism objects involved in this story
Am Militärversuchsfeld des Flugwesens in Pape wurde früher Schießausbildung und Bombardierungen im Sturtzflug ausprobiert. Zur Zeit ist das Objekt im Besitz von der Selbstverwaltung des Gebietes und es wird nicht genutzt. Auf dem Meeresgrunde liegen versenkte Schiffe und andere Ziele.