No Name Description

Beliebte und eine der ältesten Straßen in Jurmala zwischen Dzintari und Majori. Die 1,1 km lange Straße mit Wirtshäusern, Sommercafés und Souvenirladen.


Находится на ул. Кунгу, д. 24.Одно из старейших зданий города - деревянный сруб с черепичной крышей, построенный во второй половине XVII века и прозванный в народе гостиницей мадам Хойер. Здесь в 1697 году во время путешествия «Великого посольства» в западную Европу останавливался (инкогнито) русский царь Петр I. Находящееся по соседству здание на ул. Кунгу, д. 26, является вторым старейшим жилым зданием Лиепаи (1699 г.) – жилой дом бургомистра города. Во время Северной войны здесь останавливался король Швеции Карл XII. Оба здания подлежат осмотру только снаружи.

The Smārde saloon has a very long history, and food is served here. There is a car park, and approx. 100 m to the East is a cemetery and monument to commemorate soldiers who fell during World War II.

It lies between Pīlādžu street and the left bank of the river Siliņupe. In the 3rd to 2nd millenium B.C., there was a fishermen and hunters' settlement in the place of which there is installed an informational commemorational stone (Sculptor O.Skarainis). The settlement near the river Siliņupe is the oldest known human settlement in the area of the Ķemeri National Park. There are found many artifacts: pottery fragments and arrow tips, flint and amber pieces, etc..It is possible that the adjacent residential area has been the place of a cemetery. A small portion of the finds is displayed at the Lapmežciems Museum, the other ones are located in the National History Museum of Latvia.


During the latter half of the 19th century, one of the largest ship building facilities was located here between the Dzeņi and Lielkalni homesteads.  It was known as the Ķirbiži and then the Vitrupe shipyard, though nothing remains of it.  28 ships were built here between the 1860s and 1929.


Musteikas pirmsākumi ir meklējami jau 18. gs. Līdz Musteikai no Marcinkones puses var nokļūt pa grantētu ceļu, kas ved gar bijušajiem kolhoza zivju dīķiem. Automašīnu var atstāt ciema sākumā un izstaigāt to ar kājām, izjūtot veco ēku smaržu un šarmu. Musteikā atrodas Dzūkijas biškopības vēsturei veltīts „dzīvs” muzejs, kur stropos dzīvo bites, bet tā saimnieks ir biškopis pēc aicinājuma un būtības. Ja palūgsiet, viņš demonstrēs – kā ar krama, metāla un posas piepes palīdzību senos laikos ieguva uguni.


The cosy land road along the sea is 1 km long, and it offers a look at the wonderful aspects of the village.  To the right are rocks from the sea, as well as miniature flower gardens on the seashore with tempting benches and overturned boats.  On the side of the shore is the Kaltene library, which is more than 100 years ago.  It was initially a summer home for Baron Nolken, and it was built in 1899.  Later it was rebuilt several times and took on new roles.  An elementary school was installed here in 1926, after which it became a club and then, in 1992, a primary school once again.  The path runs along beautiful seashore homesteads, among which one can find the former homes of old fishermen and ship builders such as Burliņi.  At one time, the Žulnieki portage at Smilgas was the site of  the kiln of blacksmith Pēteris Valdemārs.  He was the main blacksmith for ships between Kaltene and Upesgrīve. (Source: Roja TIC)


Near Mākoņkalns hill there is a trail that is mowed in the summer and leads to several historical rocks – Plakanais (Flat) rock, Āža muguras (Ram's Back) rock (on which you can clamber), and the Jaunstašuļi Velna pēdas (Devil's Footprint) rock, on the surface of which is a shape similar to a human footprint.  There are signs along the side of the road leading to the trail.

Swedish scanst (Kuce Hill, Jumprava Hill). Medieval fortification. The monument of national meaning is located in the village Stari 450 m from Atspuki mill, 70 mto the Southeast from the ruins of Jumpravmuiža. The territory is 0,7 – 1 m deep outside and 1 – 1,5 m high inside. The new road to the ruins of Jumpravmuiža leads through the West side of the fortification.

Located on the left bank of the Venta River 100 m to the Northwest of the Liepāja (A9) highway bridge across the river.  The antique castle hill was the site of a Livonian Order that existed from the 14th to the 18th century before being sacked during the Great Northern War.  No part of the castle has survived.  A stage was built on the castle hill in 1987, and it is a popular venue for various events.  The hill is surrounded by a park with wooden chairs that were designed by the sculptor Ģirts Burvis in honour of the kings of Courland.  There is a viewing platform, and there are legends about underground passages and a white lady who appears only once every 100 years.


The historic stone, on which there is carved over 200 years old boundary-mark, sets the border between the Duchy of Courland and the Russian province. Nowadays, it sets the Babīte and Jelgava district boundary. The stone lies to the East of Kalnciems–Peat road (the south of the swamp Labais purvs) at the edge of a forest firebreak and it can be hard to find. To this end, the description of the road map may help: around 400 m south of the car parking lot at Lily Lake from Kalnciems-Peat road to the right (in the east) turns a forest road which leads down from hills Krāču kalni. It should be around 170 m to go until it abruptly turns to the right (to the southeast). Then you must go in this direction until after ~ 0.5 km to turn to the northeast where after further ~ 0.4 km of the current forest road intersection turn to the north. After ~ 0.4 km turn right (to the east) on a big firebreak, on the left (the north) side of which behind the drainage ditch during the non-leaf period there can be seen a rounded stone. Due to the poor condition of roads, the stone can be reached only on foot.


The Strūves Park is toward the northwest of Jēkabpils, on the left bank of the Daugava, and opposite the Ādamsona (Krustpils) island. The park was established in the 19th century as a place where the city’s residents could relax and hold celebrations. It can be said with absolute certainty that this is a place of global importance, because the park contains a memorial stone to Professor Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struwe (1793-1864) from the University of Tartu. He was an astronomer and geodesist. The stone is at a place where Struwe completed his land survey of the Vidzeme Province of the Russian Empire. The meridian location which Struwe identified (and other points related to those locations are found in many other European countries) is on the UNESCO list of world heritage.


Ein zweistöckiges Holzhaus auf dem Uošvės-Hügel mit wunderschönem Blick aufs Haff. Hier hat drei Sommer der Träger des Nobelpreises, deutscher Schriftsteller Thomas Mann (1875 – 1955) verbracht.


To the East of the Ezermuiža-Dūmele road you will find the bed of the ancient Lake Dieviņezers.  It was one of the largest lakes in Kurzeme in the past, being 7.5 km long and 1.6 km wide.  A canal was dug in 1838 (Melnsilupe River today), and the water from the lake was siphoned to the sea so as to create fertile farmland. Residents of Ezermuiža have been involved in forestry work since the age when barons ruled the land.  Dūmele is connected to Košrags by a lonely forest road that is known as the Bottom Road.  A bike route runs down it.  The Ziedkalni weekend house is in Dūmele. The "Ziedkalni" homestead in Dūmele offers spa services, cod fishing and accommodations.


A place fraught with many legends and ghost stories about the old burial mound at the church of Mazirbe, an ancient tomb covered by stones– the only known grave of warewolves in Latvia.


Находится на ул. Базницас, д. 17. Здание построено в XVII веке, как жилой дом кулдигского бургомистра. В 1701 году здесь гостил король Швеции Карл XII, который в передней оставил огромный сундук (2 х 2,5 м), на который после реставрации можно взглянуть и сегодня.


Grūti iedomāties, ka vēl joprojām Eiropā ir apdzīvotas vietas, kuru sasniegšanai ir labu laika sprīdi jābrauc pa neapdzīvotu mežu ieskautu smilšainu ceļu, kur tikai paretam var redzēt kādu sēņotāju vai ogotāju! Tāpat kā Zervinos ciemam, arī šim ir piešķirts kultūras mantojuma pieminekļa statuss, jo Linežeris ir viens no dažiem nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskajiem ciemiem. Linežerī ir aplūkojamas 19. – 20. gs. mijā celtās ēkas un apskatāms tā laika ciema plānojums. Šejieniešu tāpat kā citu dzūku galvenā nodarbošanās bija mežistrāde un meža velšu vākšana. Nelielā mērā – arī lauksaimniecība. Apceļojot nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskos ciemus, rodas pamatots jautājums: „Ar ko mūsdienās te nodarbojas cilvēki. Kā viņi spēj dzīvot tik nomaļā vietā”? Jāatzīst, ka lielākā daļa te ierodas tikai vasaras laikā. Neskatoties uz to, etnogrāfiskie ciemi ir ļoti sakopti un joprojām „dzīvi”!

A monument to the founders and directors of the Ķemeri spa (1861) on the banks of the Vēršupīte.
Marking of the Jānis Lībietis Alley in the Ķemeri Park – Lībietis directed the institution which managed the Ķemeri sulphurous springs from 1928 until 1944, and the monument to him is at the end of the Jānis Lībietis Pathway

Vijciema čiekurkalte savu darbību uzsāka 1895. g. pēc plašiem apkārtnes meža ugunsgrēkiem. Šobrīd tā ir vecākā Latvijā un viena no vecākajām Eiropas čiekuru kaltēm. Pēc ceturtdaļgadsimta dīkstāves to atjaunoja 1992. g. Vienreizējais kultūrvēstures piemineklis ir saglabāts pilnīgā darba kārtībā. Ēkā atrodas 19. gs. beigās ražotā autentiskā iekārta un aprīkojums. Arī mūsdienās to izmanto čiekuru žāvēšanai. Ekskursijas laikā apmeklētāji var iepazīties pilnu čiekuru (g.k. – priedes) apstrādes ciklu. Ziemā, kad ir īstais čiekuru žāvēšanas laiks, te demonstrē kaltēšanas procesu. Vijciema čiekurkalte ir iekļauta Eiropas kultūras mantojuma objektu sarakstā.