No Name Description

The Aknīste Catholic Church was built between 1937 and 1940, and its design is based on the Kaunas Church of the Resurrection in Lithuanian. The building features the rectangular and geometric forms that were typical of the age of Functionalism. Inside is a large wooden altar, along with a pulpit and two side altars (from the early 19th century) which were once found at the Rokišķi church. They were brought to the Aknīste church when the one in Rokišķi was redesigned. In 1997 the church was granted the Blue Flag of European cultural heritage. Alongside the church are the red brick gates of an old Catholic church, which date back to the latter half of the 19th century. Also there is the Selonian Park.

Tiskādi Orthodox Church is the cultural monument of the local significance. The construction works of the building lasted from 1829 to 1878. The church was reconstructed in 2008. The church has antique icons and the library of sacred literature.

Meklējama pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukumā 11. Dievnams uzcelts 1886. g. Ēkā atrodas vairāki nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi – gleznas, krucifikss (18. gs.) u.c. Baznīcas dārzā apskatāma skulptūra “Latgales māte” (tēlnieks B. Buls) un piemineklis politiski represēto piemiņai (tēlniece V. Dzintare). Baznīca ir apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.


Eine der größten Kirchen Osteuropas (bis 16. Jh.) un die einzige mittelalterliche Kirche Estlands mit zwei Türmen. Wurde in 13. – 16. Jh. gebaut, zerstört im Laufe des Livländischen Kriegs. Im Chorteil der Kirche befindet sich das Museum der Universität Taru (früher – eine Bibliothek). Die Türme sind renoviert und in denen sind die Aussichtsplätze eingerichtet.

Lipuški Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1893 at lake Rāzna in village Lipuški. In former days, it was one of the largest Old- Believers parishes in the Baltic countries; you will notice Old-Believers cemeteries that are placed in the neighbourhood.
Kulnevskaya (Ilzeskalns) Orthodox Church was built in 1832 by Kulnevs, the landlord of Ilzenberg (Ilzeskalns) manor house. He was also the brother of Jacob Kulnevs. The Church has an iconostasis with icons of the 19th century. The rectangular building has semicircular niches at its sides. The members of Kulnevs family are buried here. The place of tomb is a rare phenomenon in Orthodox churches of Latvia.
The Crucifix of Kurpinīki is known also as the place where Janis Streičs shot some scenes of the movie „The Child of a Man”. Long time ago this crucifix was situated in the courtyard of writer’s grandfather Donat Klidzejs in the USA.

When you drive down the Nereta-Ilūkste road, the church, which was built in 1805 and restored in 1888, can be seen from a distance. The altar, pulpit and organ prospectus are all original. German soldiers who fell during World War I are buried outside of the church. Two plaques on the western wall of the building honour residents of the Laši Parish who died during the First World War, as well as those local residents who suffered Soviet repressions.

Štikāni Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works of the church were held in 40s of the 20 th century on the site of the previous church built by brothers Rogozini. You should see Gospel (the protected art object).

Atrodas Pļaviņu HES ūdenskrātuves krastā (R. Blaumaņa ielas galā) iepretim salai, uz kuras top Likteņdārzs. Baznīca (celta 1687. g.) ir vairākkārt atjaunota (1731., 1887.). Tagad redzamais tornis tapis par Stukmaņu muižas īpašnieku atvēlētajiem līdzekļiem. Baznīcā par mācītāju kalpojis Ernests Gliks. Padomju laikos ēkā atradies Stučkas vēstures un mākslas muzejs. Apmeklētāji var uzkāpt dievnama tornī (čuguna zvans!), kā arī aplūkot mākslinieka A. Dobenberga gleznas. Baznīca ir atvērta un apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.


Целостное здание церкви строилось в 1780 – 1781 гг. во времена барона Х.Ф. Бера, а перестраивалось в 1876 и 1888 гг. Церковь известна своим алтарем и кафедрой, выполненными в стиле рококо, и построенным в первой половине XVIII века органом. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.


This is one of the most outstanding Catholic churches in Latvia.  The current building was built in 1761 in the Polish Baroque style.  The interior from the 18th century is original and very ornate.  Each year there are spiritual music events and Polish cultural festivals here.  The guide will give you a tour of the church and of other tourism destinations along the frontier line of the EU (please be sure to bring along your passport!).


Iespaidīgais un monumentālais dievnams uzcelts 1816. gadā. No baznīcas nozīmīgākajām interjera detaļām ir saglabājušās ērģeles, altārglezna, lustra un kroņlukturis. Jāpiebilst, ka baznīca savā pastāvēšanas laikā nav pārtraukusi savu darbību.


Храм неоднократно горел и строился снова. Теперешняя церковь построена в 1874 году, а после пожара 1927 года была восстановлена в 1932 году. Можно осмотреть алтарную икону«Иисус со святым причастием», две картины И. Зебериньша «Иисус у креста» и «Иисус благословляет детей» (1957 г.). Проспект органа является первым, построенным в «латышском» вкусе органом (резчик по дереву П. Планкус, 1936 г.), а сам инструмент номинирован как самая красивая и самая объемная работа лиепайского мастера Екаба Яугиеша. Трубы органа сделаны из дерева, что является редким случаем. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.

Guriliški Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the beginning of the 20th century. It has a very old bell that was made in 1939.

Находится в стороне от площади Куршу, ул. Э.Венденбаума, д. 1. Старейшая церковь города, сведения о которой сохранились с 1508 года. Первый храм на этом месте был построен из дерева. После неоднократных перестроек (последняя – в 1893 г. под руководством архитектора Лиепаи Пауля Макса Берчи) храм приобрел теперешний вид в неоготическом стиле с башней высотой около 60 м. Церковный интерьер славится одним из самых выдающихся шедевров времен барокко в Латвии – алтарем (резчик по дереву Николя Сефренс младший), который в 2012 году отметил свое 350-летие.Алтарь считается одной из самых выдающихся работ Восточной Европы того времени. Ретабло алтаря (5,8 x 9,7 м) известно тематическим циклом страданий Иисуса. В храме находится третий по величине орган Латвии, который построен по эскизам композитора и органиста Альфреда Калниньша. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри и подняться на колокольню.


Celta ~ 1560. g. vietā, kur agrāk atradusies Sakas osta. Dievnamā apskatāms > 170 gadus vecs kuģa modelis. Vietējie ticēja, kas tas aizsargā jūrniekus un bojāejas. Šāda tradīcija Latvijā ir novērojama tikai dažās baznīcās. Baznīcu var apskatīt arī no iekšpuses.

Kampišķi Old-Believers Prayer House was reconstructed in 1931 by architect V. Šervinskis. The building is very high and spacious; has two cells and a rectangular belltower with the cross on the top.
St. Alois Roman Catholic church of Ostrone (Ustroņu) was built in 1935 in the time of dean B. Valpitrs CCM (Congregation Clericorum Marianorum).

A wooden church was built by local craftsmen here between 1655 and 1658.  Financed by the Plater aristocratic family, it was a miniature basilica, and this is seen as one of the oldest wooden churches in Latgale.  That makes it a unique cultural and historical monument.  The central altar has baroque wood carvings that were produced by masters from a local sculptural school.  The side altar includes a painting of Mary Magdalene from the mid-18th century.  The church was moved to its present location on the right bank of the Daugava in 1698.  It has been restored several times – in 1890 and 1918.  The stone wall that stretches around the church dates back to the late 17th century, and the freestanding bell tower was built in the mid-19th century.  It was restored in 2002.  According to various sources of information, the Indrica congregation is the oldest one in Latgale.