No Name Description

was first mentioned in written form in 1582.  A census in 1736 found two farms, Lekši and Žonaki.  A census in 1935 found that there were 106 people in Vaide, including 40 Livonians, 60 Latvians and a few Estonians and Germans.  In 1939, there were 21 homesteads in the village.  Nika Polmanis (1823-1903) was born at the Lāži homestead.  He was the first educated Livonian and lived in the region for all his life.  Livonian poet Alfons Bertholds (1910-1993) wrote a poem about a noble oak tree that grows alongside the homestead.  The vast Berthold family is linked to Žonaki -- Livonian storyteller Marija Šaltjāre, yacht captain Andrejs Bertholds (USA), his son, library scholar Artūrs Benedikts Bertholds (USA), Livonian poet Alfons Bertholds, Livonian language specialists Paulīne Kļaviņa and Viktors Bertholds, Swiss doctor Marsels Bertholds, globally renowned pianist Arturs Ozoliņš (Canada), and Livonian language storyteller and poet Grizelda Kristiņa (1910-2013), who was the last native speaker of Livonian.  The Ozolnieki homestead is also linked to the Bertholds family.  Paulīne Kļaviņa (1918-2001), a specialist in the fields of Livonian traditions and language, and her mother, Livonian storyteller Katrīna Zēberga, both lived there.  Paulīne collected ethnographic objects that can be seen at the Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum in the granary of the Livonian Dēliņi farm.  The Purvziedi homestead in Vaide is owned by forest ranger Edgars Hausmanis, who has a collection of forest animal horns and antlers.


Formed on the left side of river Emajõgi, in the valley of Doma Hill. The centre of The Old Town of Tartu is Town Hall Square with Town Hall and the fountain "The Kiss of the Students" (symbol of the city).


A small settlement with a school, library and shop. North from the Vidale are visible remains of the windmill. Going towards the Gulf of Riga, the road crosses Shlitere Zilie mountain precipice with spectacular views during late autumn, early spring and winter, when there are no leaves on the trees and sandstone outcrops. To the left you can see Zilie mountain spring - a landscaped water taking place. Road that runs from the Vidale to Melnsils side, is called by the locals Knipeldambi. They say that it was built by the German army first During World War I, putting logs on the road and covering them with sand.


Known as Alšvanga in the past, this place was mentioned for the first time in 1231 in an agreement that was signed between the deputy legate of the pope in Rome and the Courlandian tribes of the region.  The Livonian Order ruled the territory until 1561, and from 1573 until 1738 the order’s castle belonged to the von Schwerin dynasty from Pomerania.  It during the rule of this aristocratic family that a stone church was built in honour of Archangel Michael, and local residents began to convert to Catholicism.  Alsunga became the Catholic centre for all of Kurzeme, and local residents became known as the Suiti (from the Schwerin suite).

For nearly 400 years, Alsunga has been the historical centre of the Suiti territory.  This is Latvia’s most conservative region and is widely known with unusual songs, colourful folk costumes and various folk traditions and beliefs.  The Suiti have their own dialect, foods and many other things that have been long since abandoned or forgotten elsewhere in Latvia.  The religious has commingled with the folk here in one unique whole.  The Alsunga District covers 191 km2 and has some 1,500 residents.


A small settlement on the banks of the River Daugava, between Aizkraukle and Jaunjelgava. Skriveru region is associated with the life and work of popular Latvian author A. Upitis. Near Skriveri lies the oldest arboretum in Latvia. Its establishment in 1891 was started by the owner of Skriveru manor Maximilian von Siverss. In the park there are about 400 plant species, varieties and forms. One of the finest views of the Daugava will open from the so-called Krauklu Mountains – steep upper part of the right riverbank, which is an ancient hill fort.


(formerly Pize and Pizā in Livonian).  The current name of the village comes from a lighthouse (Mihailovskii majak) that was built during the age of the Russian Empire and named for the nephew of Tsar Alexander II.  The lighthouse that is there now is the third one to be built on the site.  It was built in 1957 and is the highest lighthouse in Latvia (57 m, can only be viewed from the outside).  The Lutheran church in Mikeļtornis was built in 1893, and nearby is the Pize Saloon (1857), which is terrible condition.  The saloon has a typical design from the 19th century and is the only venue of its type on the Livonian coastline.  The first Livonian cultural activist, Jānis Princis (1796-1868), was born in Miķeļtornis, and he and son Jānis translated the Gospel of Matthew into the Western Livonian language.  The two of them also wrote a collection of poetry, "Holy Songs and Prayers for Sailors."  The only poetry book in Latvia prior to that was published by Blind Indriķis.  A student of Vilhelms Purvītis, Livonian painter Andrejs Šulcs (1910-2006), was born at the Olmaņi homestead in Miķeļtornis.  A monument to Livonian poets was installed at the local cemetery in 1978 and was the first monument dedicated to Livonians.  There are plans to open an environmental object by artist Ģirts Burvis, "Century of Sailing Ships", in 2019.


Kuldiga is deservedly considered the most beautiful small town of medieval times in Latvia. Instead of it already in the 13th century the Bandava centre of the ancient Cours land was located. In 1242 construction of stone castle was begun at Venta Falls by the Livonian Order. Populated area formed beside the castle, which was the first to acquire the rights of a city in Kurzeme (in 1378). Significant was also its participation in the Hanza Union. From 1561 until 1795 Kuldīga was the capital city of Kurzeme Dukedom. Naturally, in the first half of the 17th century it experienced rapid economic growth, which was terminated by the beginning of the Northern War and plague epidemic. The pride of Kurzeme residents and the lack of larger industrial objects was the reason, why during the Soviet times larger masses of immigrants did not flood the city, therefore today Kuldiga is one of the most Latvian cities in Kurzeme. It is worth to visit Kuldiga and stay there for more than one day, because there is plenty to do here. Nature fans may observe the flying fish, but for researchers of cultural history a really vast field of work opens here.


The most populated place in The Curonian Spit - old curonian village - Nida. Until 19th century Nida's citizens were mainly fishermen. Later it became a popular resort. Like other villages here Nida has been "moved" because of "wandering dunes". There are a lot of museums to see. During tourism season there is around  ~ 200 000 – 300 000 tourists here.



The Slutiški village is a very ethnographic village with a layout and buildings typical of the Latgale region, complete with decorated windows and facades. The Slutiški Old Believers House features a museum focusing on the cultural environment and traditions of the Old Believers. One of Latvia’s most unusual landscapes can be seen from the ancient banks of the Daugava River.


The town's name in historical sources was first mentioned in 1224. In 1340 Archbishop of Riga built a stone castle at the Latgalian hill fort (now - the Lutheran Church). In 1802 (owned until 1920) Vecgulbene estate was bought by Baron G. Wolf. Manors in the surroundings of Gulbene and Vecgulbene castle substantially suffered during the Revolution in 1905 and in the further historical events. Today, there is a substantial change in the landscape, especially in the area of White Castle, where a large-scale restoration works occurred in recent years. Either way, - Gulbene is the place worth visit to get new impressions and knowledge.


An ancient territory inhabited by Livs already since the 5th – 6th century. In 1226 Bishop Albert built a castle on the right bank of Salaca river estuary, which has not been preserved until now. Salacgriva development also (similar to Ainazi) has been associated with the establishment of the port in the turn of the 19th – 20th century. Salacgriva became an important handling and transport hubs of products manufactured in Northern Vidzeme (especially timber). During the Soviet period, in the Northern part of Salacgriva established the Fishermen Park with one of the best small town stadiums and open air stage. During that time, the products of fish processing plant "Brīvais vilnis" was well known in the territory of USSR - especially sprats. Salacgriva is one of the two places in Latvia, where the weirs are still used for lamprey fishing.


Madona is probably the only town in Latvia, in whose area a lake settlement was located around the 9th century. Its residues are preserved in the northern part of Salas Lake (Baznicezers) under water. Until the end of 19th century, a small estate with the same name (Madona) was located in place, where present town is located, Latvians called the place Bizi. In 1898 construction of narrow gauge railway between Stukmani (Plavinas) and Valka was started. The development of railway helped the development of the town. Today Madona is well maintained Vidzeme town with its own charm typical for small town. Interestingly that it can also be considered as one of the most highly placed towns in relief of Latvia.


Smarde is an ancient place, mentioned in the 13th century documents. Today it is a small village with railway station and shops. Northeast of Smārde - former peat extraction places are located in Smārde marsh. During World War I the front line was near Smārde, the vicinity of which is witnessed by the memorial sites.


Entstanden als eine 6 km entfernte Arbeiterstadt des schon geschlossenen Ignalina-Atomkraftwerks. In der Stadtbebauung dominieren die für die Sowjetzeit typischen architektonischen Formen und Monumentalbauten.


Koguva village on Muhu island is an outstanding example of peasant architecture in Estonia. Farmsteads with dry stone walls are protected as an architectural monument. The museum complex comprises a wealthy seaside farm Tooma (Juhan Smuul, an Estonian author, was born here) with all its outbuildings and tools, a former village school and a textile exhibition.


Dagda is mentioned in the historical sources of 17th century as a trader village. In 1772, Dagda district was included the Pskov province, but in 1802 - Vitebsk province. In 1905 widespread peasant unrest took place here, during which many important architectural monuments were destroyed. Town was not spared also by the two world wars. What's to see for the tourist here? In the centre of Dagda historical buildings - houses, built of red brick - the so-called "Jewish tradesmen houses" are preserved. Dagda is the only place in the Latvia, where every year is celebrated Anne's Day in the town's park!


The Lutheran Church of Krimulda is considered one of the oldest churches in Latvia. It was originally built in the 13th century, soon after the conquest of Kubesele and later rebuilt many times. Near the church a meditation labyrinth "Lily Flower" is set up. When Liv chief Kaupo fell during the battle at Viljandi in 1217, according to the legend, the ash was buried at the church. A small hill adjacent to Runtinupite (Runtins) is popularly known as a grave site of Kaupo, at its right bank is located ~7 m long, artificially dug Kubesele or Runtin cave. On the left bank of Runtinupite columns the Kubesele hill fort. Kubesele nature trail starts at the church. This trail leads to the Gauja River, where the Great (Runtina) stone lies. Here can be seen anchor pads installed by Gauja raftsmen. Krimulda medieval castle (4 km east of Krimulda Church) was built the second half of the 13th century in the place where the right bank of Gauja valley is split by deep ravine of Vikmeste. Castle (residence of Riga dome capitol - Riga's Archbishop Council) was an imposing building, whose big inner yard was included by 1.5 m thick defensive wall. In 1601, while retreating, Swedish military leader Heinrich Lieven blasted Krimulda castle. Now at the hill fort, grown with the forest a small castle ruins can be seen. Nearby is located air cableway and starts Krimulda mountain road. Located nearby Krimulda manor was first mentioned in writings in the 15th century. Present manor castle was built in the 19th century in neoclassical style (owner - First Lieven). During the twenties of the 20th century, the castle after its alienation became a property of the Latvian Red Cross, which established here children's sanatorium. Nowadays the castle houses rehabilitation hospital "Krimulda", but from the farm buildings, manor stables, barn, servant, manager houses and the so-called Swiss Cottage and Park have been preserved. Thematic tours are offered here. If we go down the Gauja by boat, then we will be able to take a close look at about 15 m high Velnalas cliffs. They can be well seen also from the opposite - left bank of Gauja (resting place is established). In the middle of the cliff about 19 m deep and 4.7 m high Krimulda Velnala cave is located. If we go from the Velnala cave cliffs along the lower part of the right bank of Gauja in Turaida direction, you will see Pikenes cliff, rich with sandstone outcrops. At its foot ~ 1 km long Pikenes beaver trail is established. The Little Devil's Cave (5 m long) is on the side of the trail, with the Gudribas (Wisdom) spring that springs out of the cave, as well as Aunapieres cave which is the same length as Devils cave. Small oxbow lakes also can be seen.

Kaļķis is a populated area where dolomite is still extracted from quarries in the region (Kalnciems­2 is one such quarry). Some of the quarries are flooded.

Construction of the Sigulda castle was begun by the Order of Brethren of Swords in 1207, but in 1236 it was rebuilt for the needs of the Livonian Order.  The building suffered much damage during wars in the latter half of the 16th century and the early part of the 17th century.  It was burned down during the Great Northern War and was not restored.  Visible today is the south-western wing of the castle’s convent building and the main gate tower, behind which is the internal forecastle with an open-air stage that offers an impressive view of the ancient Gauja River valley.  The new Sigulda castle was built between 1878 and 1881, and it was owned by Count Kropotkin.  From 1923 until 1940, the castle housed a centre for writers, and during the Soviet Union it was a hospital for cardiology patients.  Since 2003, the Sigulda Administrative District Council has been located here.  The buildings that have been preserved include a wooden home (mid-19th century), where the Kropotkin family used to live, a granary (late 18th or early 19th century), the home of the gardener (19th century) and a brick wall (19th century).  If we go to the north-eastern direction, we will find the Vējupīte valley less than two kilometres away.  It includes the shallow (3.6 m) but high (6.1 m) Pēteris cave and the deep Pūču valley with the little Kraukļupīte River.  At the place where the two valleys come together we find the Satezele castle hill (its flat surface is 90 x 75 m), where, in the early 13th century, the oak castle of the ruler of Livonian lands, Dabrelis, was once found.  Nearby is the Kraukļu valley, with 11 m sandstone walls and a cave that is 5.2 m deep.  Nearby is the Paradise (Painter) hill, which offers a lovely landscape that has been painted and photographed since ancient times.  There is a Ferris wheel in the western part of Sigulda that is open during the summer, as well as an aerial tram that is the only transport vehicle of its type in the Baltic States and was installed in 1969.  The cable that carries the tram is 1,060 metres long and links the shores of the ancient Gauja River valley between Sigulda and Krimulda.  The cable is approximately 40 metres above the Gauja.  The south-western part of Sigulda features the mighty Beite cliff which is split by a deep stream valley.  To the west of the cliff is the Emperor’s View viewing area that is 67 m above the Gauja and offers a good view of Krimulda and the Turaida Castle.  A viewing area was established here in 1862, when Tsar Alexander II of Russia visited Sigulda.  The wooden Emperor’s chair is to the east of the viewing area.  The Turaida Museum Reserve is in the place where the shore is split by deep valleys carved out by streams.  It features several outstanding monuments that are as much as 1,000 years old.  Of note are the Turaida Estate (21 buildings), the grave of the Rose of Turaida, the Turaida Lutheran Church (1750), which is one of the oldest wooden churches in Latvia) and the Turaida Castle.  Folksong hill, which is nearby, is used for various thematic events.


Name of Ainazi is an integral part of the Latvian maritime history. The first Naval School, which was able to learn the Latvian peasant children, was established here in 1864. Naturally - Ainazi became an important Latvian coastal shipbuilding centre and port. Economic life of the town was also facilitated by the opening of Smiltene -Valmiera-Ainazi narrow-gauge railway line in1913. Today Ainazi is a small and quiet town on the Latvian - Estonian border with a number of interesting sightseeing objects.