No Name Description

Kemeri (Kemmer) are mentioned in the literature sources for the first time in 1561. In the second half of the 18th century and in the beginning of the 19th century the curative properties of Kemeri sulphur spring waters and swamp mud are well known, therefore here representatives of the highest Kurzeme social circles arrive for treatment. The local foresters welcome the guests. During this time the first mud baths are organised. For some time the development of Jurmala and Kemeri beach is terminated by the Fatherland War of 1812. Two decades later – from 1833 until 1835 the benefits of Kemeri were enjoyed by General Governor of the Baltics Graf K. M. Palen, who addresses the Tsar of Russia Nicholas I for supporting further development of the health resort. Plead is supported and in 1836 Tsar allocates 700 ha of state land and grants 100 000 roubles for the construction of sanatorium and paving of the road from Kemeri till Sloka-Tukums high-way. Two years later (in 1938) the first state bath institution is opened. This is also considered the year of founding the health resort. In several stages the formation of Kemeri Landscape Park is begun, which is an important part of the health resort. In the middle and second half of the 19th century further development of the health resort is promoted by steamboat, as well as railroad traffic that are opened in 1877 from Riga till Tukums. In 1912 direct railroad line Kemeri-Moscow is opened. Early before World War I the number of patients reaches 8300 per year. The 1st battlefront of World War I is held in Kemeri swamp for several years and the health resort is significantly destroyed. Despite this fact after the war it develops rapidly and Kemeri becomes a beloved recreation place for the residents of Riga and one of the most modern health resorts in Europe. In 1924 a new bath institution with mud-baths is built in Kemeri, which at the time is one of the most modern in Europe, but in 1936 State President Kārlis Ulmanis opens one of the most prominent buildings of the first independent state of Latvia period – hotel "Ķemeri". Also after World War II – during the Soviet times the health resort is significantly expanded and almost 10 sanatoriums are established within its territory, in which about 100 doctors are employed. In 1971 Kemeri is awarded the status of All-Union health resort. From 1975 until 1985 the largest of sanatoriums is constructed in Kemeri – Līva (initially – Latvija), which has two blocks of eleven storeys. Up to 1200 patients at the same time could receive treatment at Līva, but within a year – up to 140 000 patients. The sanatorium is closed in the beginning of the 90ies of the 20th century as unprofitable. Up to 1994 five sanatoriums operate in Kemeri: "Čaika", "Daugava", "Dzimtene", "Ķemeri" and "Līva" (Latvija) and resort policlinic "Ķemeri". The latter period may be considered the declining fame period of Kemeri as a large-scale health resort.


Materials of archaeological excavations show that the Ogre river banks were inhabited by the Livs. Ogre as a larger populated area and a major resort developed after the construction of Riga-Daugavpils railway in 1861. Until the World War I about 300 cottages offered their services in Ogre, most of them were destroyed during the war. The next "major" event took place 1965 when one of the largest knitwear plants in Europe was built in Ogre, which was staffed by guest workers from Vietnam and countries. Today, Ogre has still not recovered its glory of a resort, but has become a rather exclusive site of mostly low-rise residential buildings.


Liela meža masīva vidū gleznainās Būkas (Būka) upes krastos starp kokiem ieslēpies teiksmainais Vaišnoriškes ciems. Šis ir viens no skaistākajiem nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskajiem ciemiem. Vaišnoriške kā apdzīvota vieta sākusi veidoties 1756. g., kad šeit sena vēsturiska ceļa malā darbojies krogs. Pirmā viensēta ciematā ir zināma no 1830. g. Šodien redzamā apbūve ir tapusi g.k. 20. gs. sākumā. Ciems ir palicis cilvēku atmiņās ar liepu medu, jo meža velšu vākšana un biškopība bija viena no galvenajām šejieniešu nodarbēm. Tagad ciemā ir piecas sētas. No Vaišnoriškes var uzsākt laivu braucienu pa seklo un dzidro Būku.


Krustpils was first recorded in documents in 1237 in relation to the construction of the Kreutzburg castle on the right bank of the Daugava River.  A 1511 document lists it as a village.  In 1585, Polish King Stefan Báthory gifted the town to Nicholas Korff, whose family continued to own it until 1920.  Battles between Swedish and Polish forces occurred outside of Krustpils in 1626, and the sacked village was in poor shape until the mid-19th century.  Jēkabpils, in turn, was constructed as a settlement for Old Believers who were persecuted in Russia.  The Daugava has rapids opposite Krustpils and Jēkabpils, which means that boats had to dock there and reload their goods into wagons.  The settlement flourished, and in 1670 it was given the rights of a city.  It is named after Duke Jacob.  When the Rīga-Daugavpils rail line opened in 1861, Krustpils flourished, and Jēkabpils did not flourish.  The two cities were administratively merged in 1962, keeping the name of Jēkabpils.  There are typical one-story wooden buildings from the 19th century, red brick buildings built at the turn of the 20th century, as well as seven churches used by different denominations.  The dam along the left bank of the Daugava was built in 1861, and it was aimed at protecting the city against flooding.  Today it is a promenade that is popular among local residents for strolling and leisure.


Apdzīvota vieta ~ 1 km dienvidos no Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa, kas pazīstama ar savu neparasto nosaukumu. Interesanti, ka vietvārds saistīts arī ar iedzīvotāju uzvārdiem, ko var redzēt tāda paša nosaukuma kapos. Ciema apkaimē pazīstams ir Lielo Muļķu svētavots, kuru gan nezinātājam ir grūti atrast, tādēļ ieteicams izmantot vietējā gida pakalpojumus, apvienojot šīs vietas izziņu ar biškopības saimniecības „Cīruļi” apskati.


This is an ancient Liv village, known as Mustanumm is the last village in the south-easterly direction, and during the mid-20th century, just a few Livonians lived there.  Of 307 inhabitants in 1935, only 15 were Livonians.  At the beginning of the 19th century, there were six farms and a lagoon here, but at the end of the century there were 63 farms.  The valley of the Baķupīte River and the sea had remnants of pilings that provided evidence about a Medieval port.  Legends say that the sea robber Trommel had a castle on the left bank of the river during the 14th century.  Sailing ships were once built in the region, as well. Two locations of cultural and historical importance in Melnsils are the ancient cult location that is the Baķi castle hill, and the castle hill of a sea pirate Trommel.


An ancient Latgalian settlement. During the 10th century Kraslava district was under authority of the Prince of Polotsk, but the 13th century - under the authority of the Livonian Order. Until the beginning of 18th century it existed as a manor centre. In 1729 Kraslava was bought for 1400 thalers by Johan Ludvig Plater. Plater family ruled Kraslava for two centuries. In the of the18th century Platers began construction of Krāslava palace. After first division of Poland in 1772 Latgale was annexed to Russia. Kraslava began to perish. After construction of Riga - Daugavpils - Vitebsk railway (1865) economic life flourished again. Kraslava was little affected by the World War II, therefore, early wooden buildings of 20th century remained almost untouched.


Ap 200 m garajā un izstieptās formas laukumā no 16. – 20. gs. atradās Liepājas tirgus. Laukuma malās tolaik bija izveidojusies vienstāvu apbūve – iebraucamās sētas, viesnīcas un dārzi. Līdz ar Pētertirgus izveidi 1910. gadā, izmainījās arī laukuma apveidi un to ieskaujošā apbūve. Laukuma DA malā slejas iespaidīgā Liepājas Svētās Annas Luterāņu baznīca.


Ja mērķis ir savākt pilnvērtīgu etnogrāfisko ciemu fotokolekciju, ir jāapskata Strazdi (no lietuviešu valodas strazdai tulkojumā nozīmē strazds), kas ir pavisam neliela apdzīvota vieta Balošas (Baluošas) ezera ziemeļu krastā. Strazdi pirmoreiz rakstos minēti 1783. g. un ciema nosaukums cēlies no kādas mežziņu dzimtas uzvārda.


Ancient legends say that ship sank in the sea near the old cemetery during a storm and during a worship service. The pastor and members of the congregation volunteered to use a rowboat to save the crew of the ship.  Some of the men were rescued, while others were washed ashore.  In honour of this tragic, but also happy solution, the captain called the place Feliksberga, or the Lucky Shore.  Later it became known as Pilsberga, and it was renamed Jūrkalne only in 1925.


Ein ehemaliges Fischerdorf am Ufer des Kurischen Haffs. Aufgrund der Wanderdünen hat seinen Standort mehrmals seit dem Anfang des 19.Jh. geändert. Holzbebauung mit einheitlichem Stil und Traditionen.


An ancient territory inhabited by Livs already since the 5th – 6th century. In 1226 Bishop Albert built a castle on the right bank of Salaca river estuary, which has not been preserved until now. Salacgriva development also (similar to Ainazi) has been associated with the establishment of the port in the turn of the 19th – 20th century. Salacgriva became an important handling and transport hubs of products manufactured in Northern Vidzeme (especially timber). During the Soviet period, in the Northern part of Salacgriva established the Fishermen Park with one of the best small town stadiums and open air stage. During that time, the products of fish processing plant "Brīvais vilnis" was well known in the territory of USSR - especially sprats. Salacgriva is one of the two places in Latvia, where the weirs are still used for lamprey fishing.


The largest town in the region dates back to the 19th century, when three local fishing villages – Neibāde, Pēterupe and Katrīnbāde – became a popular location for leisure and swimming.  This led to the construction of many summer homes, and the development of the spa was facilitated by the opening of a rail line between Rīga and Saulkrasti in 1905.  New spas and restaurants were opened, and the spa infrastructure was developed.  During the summer there were various entertainments, including balls and concerts featuring orchestras from Rīga.  Also facilitating the development of the spa was a road and railroad line between Rīga and Saulkrasti that were installed during the 1930s.  During the Soviet occupation, leisure homes, sanatoriums and new summer homes were built in Saulkrasti, which was given the status of a city.  Today Saulkrasti is attractive because of its white sand beach, as well as various annual events, the Saulriets trail, the White Dune, the unique bicycle museum, Sea Park, the “Centrs” swimming facility, Sun Square, etc.


From the 6th century until the 8th century instead of the current Grobina the largest known Scandinavian trade and warrior colony in the Baltic States was located. Settlers from the inlands of Gotland and Sweden established their settlement at the hillock that was then located at the bank of the navigable Alande River. It is believed that the Cours Castle – Seeburg mentioned in the chronicles of the 9th century was located exactly here. After the loss of the order castle in the 13th century Grobina became the centre of the region. The most ancient construction of the city was formed around Lielā Street, as well as around Saules and Parka Streets.


Kretoņu (Kretuonas) ezera dienvidu krastā (ezeru gan neredz aizauguma dēļ) meklējams Kretoņu ciems. Šķiet, ka šī vieta ir „aizķērusies" pagātnē. Cauri ciemam iet viena iela, kurai abās pusēs izvietojušās 19. – 20. gs. mijā (dažas pat mazliet agrāk – 19. gs. vidū) celtās saimniecības. Te redzamas gan dzīvojamās, gan saimniecības ēkas, kuras rada etnogrāfiska brīvdabas muzeja sajūtu. Dažas no tām gan ir „padevušās" laika zobam. Lai vai kā, šis ir viens no neparastākajiem nacionālā parka etnogrāfiskajiem ciemiem, kuru pa „galveno ielu" vērts izstaigāt visā garumā. Šim, tāpat kā pārējiem etnogrāfiskajiem ciemiem ir piešķirts kultūras mantojuma objekta statuss.


This village is at the place where the Irbe (Dižirve, Īra) River flows into the sea, and it is on both shores of the river (sea side and land side).  The name of Irbe was recorded for the first time in a 1310 border agreement between the bishop of Kurzeme and the Rīga Dome Capitol.  The name of Lielirbe (Irvemūnde) was recorded for the first time in a document from an arbitration court in 1387.  At the end of the 19th century, the small port at Lielirbe was an active centre for the sale and transport of timber materials.  In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the largest number of sailing ships among villages on the western shore of Kurzeme was built there.  In 1939, the village had some 300 residents, more than 70 houses and a Baptist church which is now at the Ventspils Open Air Museum.  A narrow-gauge railroad passed through the village, which had a post and telegraph office, two grocery stores, an elementary school, a choir and a brass band.  Lielirbe was one of the largest villages to disappear after World War II.  Cultural historian Valda Marija Šuvcāne (1923-2007) was born in Lielirbe, and her daughter, Baiba Šuvcāne, is continuing her mother's work by writing important papers about life along the Livonian coastline.  By 2019, a bridge is to be reinstalled across the Irbe River.


The Capital of Latvia. The Old Town of Riga (included in UNESCO Cultural Heritage list) - an excellent medieval building monument. The pearl of Art Noveau in Europe. The former city of Hanza.


This is an ancient populated area.  There were 50 homesteads here during the 1930s, with only ten remaining in 1990.  The Livonian scholar and entomologist Kārlis Princis (1893-1978) was born in Oviši.  In 1944, he emigrated to Sweden.  The Oviši lighthouse (1814) is 38 metres high and is the oldest functioning lighthouse in Latvia.  There are lovely views from the top of the lighthouse.  The building in which employees of the lighthouse used to live was erected in 1905 and has been preserved.  A narrow-gauge train station was in the building at one time.  The Oviši Lighthouse Museum is nearby, as is the metal Tree of Austra.  Opposite Cape Oviši is a great place for bird watching. 


Dobele name in historical sources for the first time is mentioned in1254. Dobele was one of the most fortified Semigallian places; therefore from 1279 until 1289 it survived six attacks by German crusaders. In 1289 Semigallians was forced to retreat. In 1335 conquerors instead of Semigallian castle began construction of new - stone castle. On the opposite shore of Berze - on the left bank merchants and craftsmen village began to form. Town suffered greatly during the Northern War and during the subsequent plague. A significant event in the economic life was the 1927, when Liepaja-Gludas railway line was built. After World War II in Dobele and its vicinity came to the Soviet militaries, who built one of the largest Soviet tanks range "Dobele-2". Now Dobele travellers are offered a range of interesting sites to be visited.


Old fishermen village, which was first mentioned in 1429. Before WW2 Juodkrante was popular resort in Europe and it still has its traditions nowadays. Village has an unique scenery with its wooden houses, promenade, Lutheran Church (1885), Lithuania's Art Museum Hall and much more.