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Ein hervorragendes Sakralensemble im Barockstil (17 – 18 Jh.), eine Kirche und ein tätiger Nonnenkloster.


Šo sakrālo celtni uzskata par vecāko Zemgales baznīcu, kas joprojām pilda savu pamatfunkciju. Tās celtniecību uzsāka 1567. g. un pēc nopostīšanas atjaunoja 1614. g. Pēc poļu - zviedru un Ziemeļu kara to atkārtoti atjaunoja 1815. g. Dievnamu var apskatīt arī no iekšpuses.


Varakļānu centrā, Rīgas ielas malā paceļas neliels paugurs, uz kura atrodas balta ēka ar 4 kolonnām un kupolveida jumtu, kas celta pēc Romas Panteona parauga. Kapela būvēta 1814. g. (arhitekts Vinčento Macoti), un tajā atrodas grāfu Borhu dzimtas apbedījumi. Kapelā bija novietoti arī Sv. Viktora pīšļi, kas pārvesti uz Varakļānu katoļu draudzes baznīcu.


Atrodas Celtnieku un Z. Mauriņas ielu krustojumā. Dievnams uzcelts 2000. gadā modernās arhitektūras formās (arhitekti Aija un Andris Kokini), kas simbolizē Noasa šķirstu vai zviedru laivas, kas atnesušas kristīgo ticību.


The Rēzekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas is in the southern part of the city, at Siņicina Street 4. The house of worship was built in 1895 and rebuilt in 1906. Its tower has three silver and brass bells (restored), and one of them is thought to be the largest bell in Latvia (4,832 kg with a tongue that weighs 200 kg in and of itself). Alongside is a museum which features the cultural and religious environment of the Old Believers.


This small wooden church with fragments of a metal gate is on the side of the road in the village of Ruduški.  It is not open to visitors on a daily basis.


Eine einzigartige Kirche mit einem im 17. Jh. beiseite gebauten Glockenturm.


The church is on the highest part of the banks of the Marku river, and it is behind the Piedruja border control point.  A paved street leads to the church, and it is thought that it was built in the early 20th century by local farmers, who were required to bring stones for the street when they attended worship services.  The church has six cupolas and is seen as one of the most beautiful ones in the Krāslava Administrative District.  The building was erected between 1883 and 1885 to replace an old 17th century wooden church.  It corresponds to the architectural form of the Old Russian town of Vladimir and the Byzantine style.  It is said that at one time the church had as many as 1,000 members.


Located at 1 Katedrāles Street. The oldest church in Ķemeri was built in 1893 in the style of the wooden churches of the Northern Russia. (Architect V. Lunskis). Near the church, there are buried 97 Russian soldiers killed in World War I for whom in 1925, a monument was unveiled-a black marble cross. Not far from the church you can find the Brethren's Cemetery and a monument to the Soviet soldiers who died from the wounds in World War II and after the war. This is the oldest church in Ķemeri. According to legends, it is built without a single nail. You can see the church during the worship but the visitors must be appropriately dressed! During the rest of the time, the building can be viewed from the outside.


Atrodas Raiņa ielā 18. Baznīca celta 1911. - 1912. g. pēc Stukmaņu muižas nomnieka barona R. Noldes iniciatīvas. 1. pasaules karā cietušo baznīcu atjaunoja un no jauna iesvētīja 1921. g. Baznīcā apskatāma altārglezna “Kristus augšāmcelšanās”. Dievnams tāpat kā daudzas citas pilsētas ēkas ir būvētas no apkaimē sastopamā izejmateriāla – dolomīta. Interesanti, ka tornis būvēts ēkas vienā malā – asimetriski.


Vecauces ev. lut. baznīca ir valsts nozīmes arhitektūras piemineklis. Baznīca pirmo reizi uzcelta kā koka būve 1667. gadā, bet pēc zibens spēriena 1729. gadā tā nodega. Mūra baznīca celta 1744. gadā, savukārt 1866.gadā Mēdemu valdīšanas laikā baznīcu paplašināja līdz 500 sēdvietām, izgatavoja jaunu altāri, kanceli un uzstādīja Liepājas ērģeļmeistara Kārļa Hermaņa būvētas ērģeles. meklētājiem piedāvā doties interesantā, izklaidējošā un informatīvā ekskursijā pa baznīcu, apskatot ekspozīciju "Auce pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laikā" un baznīcas bibliotēku (Baznīcas grāmatas (pirmās Latvijas brīvvalsts laiks – 1918.-40.g., vācu laiks, padomju laiks un šodiena)). Baznīcā izveidotajā Mākslas telpā apskatei tiek piedāvātas vairākas unikālas ekspozīcijas: skolotājas Jadvigas Kupčes grāmatu un personīgo lietu ekspozīcija, kantātes “Dievs Tava zeme deg” vārdu autora Andreja Eglīša ekspozīcija, izcilā flamenko ģitārista Andreja Kārkliņa un režisora Kārļa Pamšes ekspozīcijas.


Atrodas Grobiņas centrā, Dzērves laukuma malā. Pirmā baznīca Grobiņa bija celta jau ap 1560. g., bet nākamā – 1596. g. celtā iznīcināta 1659. g. zviedru iebrukuma laikā. Pēc Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Jēkaba Ketlera iniciatīvas 1664. g. tiek uzcelts jauns dievnams, ko atjauno 1892. gadā. Tas dedzis 2. pasaules kara laikā, bet vēlāk atkal atjaunots. Šobrīd notiek altāra restaurācijas darbi.


was built between 1930 and 1947.  On both sides of the altar are sculptures of angels that date back to the late 17th century and were sculpted in Subate.  They are the only elements of this kind in the Baroque decorative sculpture in churches in Kurzeme.  It may be that the figure of the Saviour on the cross with a sleeping lamb at his feet was produced by the same artists.  No one knows how the artworks arrived in Subate.  The organ with its wooden pipes was manufactured by Juris Bokums.  During the season, the interior of the church can be toured, and if you contact the church in advance, you can arrange for organ music performances. 


Atrodas Rucavas galvenās ielas malā, netālu no centra.Rucavas draudzi dibināja 1871. gadā, bet izmēros nelielo dievnamu uzcēla 1888. gadā.


Labi aplūkojama (neliela izmēra vienstāvu ēka) no Klajumu vējdzirnavu puses. Baptistu draudze Jūrmalciemā dibināta 1933. gadā.


Jau pēc dievnama veidola var spriest, ka vēl ne tik sen – padomju laikos ēka bija izmantota citām vajadzībām. Pēc 2. pasaules kara to atsavināja draudzei, bet torni – uzspridzināja, dievnamā ierīkojot noliktavu. 20. gs. deviņdesmitajos gados draudze uzsāka baznīcas atjaunotni un tagad tā kalpo savam pamatmērķim.

St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church of Pilcene (Piļcine) is the oldest wooden church in Latgale, built in 1670. It is prominent because of its half columns, hexagonal tower, semicircular windows, and a dome with a cross and antique interior.

The Bebrene Catholic Church is opposite the Bebrene Estate on the side of the Ilūkste-Birži road. Work on the church began in 1797, but it was only completed in 1883. The outside of the church is in the style of Classicism, while the interior was designed in Baroque forms. The interior of the church can be viewed during worship services.


The church was opened in 1651 after half a century of sometimes interrupted construction.  It was fully rebuilt and took on its current appearance in 1876.  The church contains one of the most important church objects in Latvia – the oldest pulpit in the country (1590).  It was designed in the style of Mannerism.  The church also has a bell from a wrecked chapel of the local knighthood.  The bell was manufacture in 1450 and was installed at the church in the 19th century.  It is the oldest church bell in Latvia.  The German painter F. Wolff painted the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” and it, along with the altar, have recently been restored.


The first church in Vecpiebalga was built in 1345, and the next one was built between 1839 and 1845 by the Livonian builder Mārcis Sārums.  The church was destroyed in 1944 and restored between 1995 and 1997 (architect Ausma Skumiņa).  The altar painting is titled “Christ Walking in the Land of Piebalga.” Outside the church is a rock to commemorate those who suffered from political repressions in Latvia.