No Name Description
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Nagļi was built in 1862 by landlord Nābels. Some time ago, Nagļi Church was a branch of Viļāni Church. The Bernardian monks served there. After the closing of the cloisters in 1930s, the church was served by priests.

Labi aplūkojama (neliela izmēra vienstāvu ēka) no Klajumu vējdzirnavu puses. Baptistu draudze Jūrmalciemā dibināta 1933. gadā.


Celta 1933. g. vietējai brāļu draudzei. Baznīcā atrodas glezna “Kristus” (1850. g.) un Liepājas meistara Jēkaba Jauģieša 1920. g. darinātās ērģeles. Mūsdienās dievnamu izmanto Bārtas draudze. Pie baznīcas novietots akmens apkaimes represētajiem iedzīvotājiem.

Viļāni Old-Believers Prayer House. The architect P.Pavlovs built Old-Believers Prayer House in 1930s. The congregation was established very recently. Nevertheless the 14 meters high tower was constructed in 2004. The Prayer House is a very simple building but you will be pleased to see the magnificent icons. The Prayer House has been renovated completely.
Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church of Ozolmuiža was built in 1820 by the foundation of counts Plāteri-Zībergi. It is a stone building with a small bell tower. The church has a huge stone altar with four columns and a massive cross. It is a monument of state importance.

The first wooden Catholic church in Dagda was built in 1705, while the church that is seen today was built in the Baroque style during the latter half of the 18th century, the work financed by a local nobleman.  Important interior elements include the altar, the pulpit, the organ, a monument to the Hilsen dynasty, etc.  To the North of the church is historical Dagda itself, with typical red brick buildings from the early 20th century that are known as the former homes of Jewish merchants.


Rimši Old-Believers Prayer House. The church was built in the beginning of the 20th century.

During restorations of the tower of the Kolka Lutheran church in the 1990s, a document was found which spoke to the conversion of many Livs to the Orthodox faith.  The document was placed in the tower in 1885, when the church was being constructed, and it says that the decision by Livs to join the Orthodox church was based not on faith, "but instead as a resource for accessing advantages in relation to land."  The Orthodox congregation purchased land from a local aristocrat in 1885, and in 1990, a church, manse and school were built on the land.  All three buildings have survived to the present day.  The church has its own congregation, and worship services are held once a month.  There are news to show that Kolka is the only Liv shoreline village in which an Orthodox church was built during the 1890s.  The church's bell dates back to 1936.  During the Soviet era, the church was used as a mortuary, but today its original functions have been restored to it.


The Apriķi Lutheran Church is, for good reason, known as one of the most beautiful churches in Kurzeme. It was owned by the Osten-Zacken dynasty in the past, built in the 17th century, and rebuilt in 1710. The wooden interior is in the Rococo style with elements of the Baroque, and it dates to the mid-18th century. It is amazingly ornate. The beautiful ceiling paintings, which were produced by a Prussian painter called Rode, were painted between 1744 and 1746.

Bоrisovas St. Nikolay Old-Believers Prayer House was built in the period of 1911 – 1921 . The different feature of the Prayer House is a brick building placed on the hill. The bell of the temple was specially ordered and brought from St. Petersburg. The bell has a very soft sound.

Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā - A. Pumpura ielā 11 a. Varenais neobaroka stilā celtais dievnamu tapis 1905. g. Pastāv viedoklis, ka par šīs baznīcas prototipu izmantotas Aglonas vai Krāslavas bazilikas, kā arī Rietumeiropas baznīcu paraugi. Tās interjeru rotā divstāvīgs altāris, kurā novietota spāņu gleznotāja B. E. Muriljo pazīstamās gleznas “Svētā Dievmāte” kopija. 1909. g. baznīcā uzstādīja poļu meistara Ādolfa Hofmana būvētās ērģeles.No būvniecības laika saglabājusies arī pārējā baznīcas iekārta.


Церковь строилась с 1909 по 1913 год. Качество красного кирпича, используемого в строительстве храма, было плохим, поэтому с 1939 года заменено около 60 000 кирпичей! Храм считается одним из самых внушительных сакральных строений Латвии. В строительстве церкви применены декоративные элементы неоготического стиля, а в интерьере - алтарь, кафедра, хоры органа, молитвенные скамейкии изготовленные в наши дни исповедальни созданы в готических формах. Орган строился в 1931 году. Храм пострадал во время Первой мировой войны и был восстановлен в 1921 году. Осмотр церкви рекомендуется проводить в сопровождении гида.


Oldest (building started in 1227) stone church in Estonia. Unique christening stone in the Baltic States. Old painting on the walls.


Находится в 2,5 км к северу от Круте. Небольшое здание из деревянных бревен с дощатой обшивкой первоначально было построено в 1642 году, а кирпичная башня восстановлена после Второй мировой войны. Интерьер церкви – алтарь (вторая половина XVII века), алтарная икона неизвестного автора «Иисус у креста» (XVII в.) и богато орнаментированная кафедра (1642 г.) являются важными памятниками времен маньеризма.


The Dviete Catholic Church is in the centre of the small village of Dviete. The white church can be seen from a distance. The first wooden church was built here in 1775 by the owner of the local estate, Count J.K. Wischling. Later the church was dismantled and brought the Zarinki cemetery. The Neo-Baroque Catholic church that is seen today has two towers, and its construction was financed by Count Kazimir Plater-Sieberg. The church was destroyed during World War I, and until it was rebuilt and consecrated, the granary of the Dviete Estate magazine, with its ridged roof, was used as a prayer house. It is on the side of the Dviete-Bebrene road and has recently been restored. In 1940, a stone fence was installed around the church with a tiled roof, and a building for the congregation was built in the 1970s. The church features a particularly ornate sacral Baroque interior, which is seen as the most ornate interior of its type in the former Daugavpils District.


The Archangel Michael Catholic Church of Subate is in the historical centre of Subate. The building, which does not have a tower, was built of fieldstones in 1831, with financing from Count Mikhail Sieberg-Plater. An impressive bell tower was built in front of it. The church contains a sculptural group, “Golgotha,” from the late 18th century, along with a crucifix and a major altar relief that is made of carved wood. It is based on the globally famous Leonardo da Vinci fresco “The Holy Supper.”


Целостное здание церкви строилось в 1780 – 1781 гг. во времена барона Х.Ф. Бера, а перестраивалось в 1876 и 1888 гг. Церковь известна своим алтарем и кафедрой, выполненными в стиле рококо, и построенным в первой половине XVIII века органом. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.


according to legend, was washed into the sea because of collapsing shores along with other buildings and the old road.  The church was built in 1862 and has an altar painting from the late 19th century, "Mother of God," along with an organ.  The metal elements of the building's doors are interesting.  Hanging from the ceiling of the church is a sailing ship that has to do with the rescue of the crew of the sunken ship.  


Found in the northern part of Cesvaine, the church was built of fieldstones in the Neo-Gothic style in 1879 by the architect Paul Max Bertschy.  The church was restored in 1929 and again in the early 1990s.  The altar painting, “Christ on the Cross” (1923) is by Jēkabs Bīne.


Blessed Our Lady’s Birth Roman Catholic Church of Kaunata was rebuilt in 1850 by Zuzanna Druva after the wooden building was burned down. The church has a fabric icon „St. Elizabeth is visited by Mary”.