SAFETUR - Practise based training tool for safety and security in Rural tourism (2012-1-LV1-LEO05-03389)

Project duration: 01.10.2012 - 30.09.2014

Project  goal:
Provide a practical and efficient, continously updated life-long learning opportunity for tourism micro-SMEs in Europe through improved training accessibility in the field of Safety and Security at workplace and for clients, leading to compliance with cross-European standards, an increased professionalism, competitiveness through trust and reliability and through these, stability and sustainability of rural tourism initiatives in Europe.

Project target group are rural tourism service providers and managers, also VET institutions.

Project main acitivities:
  1. Project partner meetings in Latvia, Norway, Germany and United Kingdom.
  2. Project webpage (, leaflet development and printing.
  3. Rural tourism Safety&Security case study  - best practise examples in partner countries, customer and rural tourism service provider survey's.
  4. Handbook development - material will be prepared using previous project SECTOUR results and experience received during case study. It will refer to Safety&Security in accommodation, food provided at this level and activities provided by accommodation. Handbook will be adjusted and translated for every partner country, in addition German language will be translated.
  5. Web tool development. The tool transfers the content of handbook to a virtual enviroment and will consist of web based Safety&Security check as online version of the self-evaluation, inspection manual and virtual training module.
  6. Project handbook and web tool testing in partner countries, improvements according to testing results.
  7. Dissemination events in project and EuroGites organization partner countries. Project results will be presented in EuroGites General Assambly.
Project results:
  1. Handbook "Your rural tourism business - run it smart"
  2. Web tool - online self evaluation
  3. Web tool - Inspection manual
  4. Web tool - Virtual training in Safety& Security
  5. European Rural Tourism Workshop in Safety

leonardo This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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