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The first barefoot trail created in the Baltic States in the recreation complex "Valguma pasaule", which is located on the forested shores of Lake Valguma. When walking on the path, the feet "massage" sand, wood chips, clay, peat, gravel, cones and various other materials.


The trail tells about grey dunes which have survived thanks to the border restrictions and the presence of military. The trail starts from the parking place at the mouth of the Užava river. It is one of the few natural rivermouths in Europe. One can also see the „tacis”, an industrial installation for lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) fishing during their spawning migration period. The 3km long trail is circular. It winds for 1.5km from the Užava rivermouth to the North, along the coastline (the beach is covered with sand and pebbles), and returns to the starting point by a gravel road through grey dunes. Along the trail, one can observe a distinct white dune with rare plant species Linaria loeselii, Lathyrus maritimus, Anthyllis arenaria, Tragopogon heterospermus. About 1km from the rivermouth, in the sea, one can see a wrack of a sailing ship (parts of frame). The visibility depends on the flow of sand in the sea. The way back opens a beautiful view of the range of grey dunes. Unfortunately, Scots Pine starts taking over the area. There are three important biotopes of EU significance: „Fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation 2130”, „Decalcified fixed dunes with Empetrum nigrum 2140” and „Dunes with Salix arenaria 2170”, forming a unique mosaic. Typical species here: mountain Alison ‘(Alyssum gmelinii), Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla pratensis), Sand Pink (Dianthus arenarius), Rosemary Leaved Willow (Salix rosmarinifolia), Dark Red Helleborine (Epipactis atrorubens), Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylus uva-ursi).

As a former military site, some military constructions can be seen here like horseshoe-shaped sand ramparts by the road in gray dunes. They were built to disguise military vehicles in case of sea attack. By the Kangroti graveyard, towards the Užava river, there is an underground pillbox. It is a one-man fortification to fire along the coastal perimeter.

The Mouth of River Užava walking route is in the nature reserve „Užava”

A pathway of wooden trails and little bridges, featuring the most beautiful part of the Ieriķupīte river, with several waterfalls, an old windmill, a unique millwheel, and various areas of obstacles for active people in the company of a guide.
Plieņciema taka atrodas dabas liegumā "Plieņciema kāpa" starp Plieņciemu un Ķesterciemu. Pāri kāpai ir izveidota laipu taka un atpūtas vieta. Taka ir izveidota, lai mazinātu negatīvo ietekme uz Plieņciema kāpas dabas vērtībām – zemsedzes nomīdīšanu, piegružošanu ar atkritumiem, braukšanu ar autotransportu.

The Sunset trail starts in the centre of Saulkrasti town and takes you to the White Dune. Saulkrasti town with its municipal rural territory, occupies a 17km long stretch of coastal land to the North from the river Lilaste and the lake Lilaste.

The White Dune stands on the right side of river Inčupe mouth. It is covered by old pine forest. The white, 18m high sand outcrop in olden times served as a landmark for fishermen. The White Dune formed as winds carried the sand from the beach over clay sediments of the Baltic Ice Lake. Some 150-200 years ago, the dune had been drifting as witnessed by several layers of soil buried within it. Local fishermen and farmers at Bātciems initiated afforestation of the drifting dunes. At that time, the 30m high dunes which are now covered with forest, were bare, shifting and even buried a farmstead. To speed up afforestation, mountain pines were planted. The White Dune was partly washed away in heavy storm in 1969, and 4-6m high precipice formed. Now the wind and sand have levelled out the dune surface, it has been fixed with willow-twigs or grown with forest where the largest pines are more than 170-190 years old. The pines are notable with their large trunks and branches, the scars obtained during their lifetime and the typical “crocodile skin” – the bark forms rhombuses resembling those of the reptile’s scales. Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris) is one of the most common tree species in Latvia. It grows in dry, meagre sandy soil in dunes as well as in marsh. However, it does not stand overshadowing. Forest fires help pines to get rid of competitors as pine endures fire better than other trees because of its thick bark and high crown. The wood exudes resin and burned wounds close soon. Fire cleans space for seedlings of young pines. Pines can live 300-350 years.

Ground cover in dune forests is very sensitive. If the sparse vegetation is destroyed, not only the natural biodiversity and landscape is damaged, but also the dangerous shifting dunes can possibly “wake up”.

Embryonic dunes, White (yellow) dunes, Grey dunes and Wooded dunes are EU protected biotopes. Grey Dunes are protected by Latvian law as well.
A wooden trail with watching platform is built to protect the White Dune and to facilitate the sightseeing. In winter, a skiing trail in the vicinity of the White Dune is arranged.


Dabas taka atrodas Zaķumuižā un ved cauri vecajam muižas parkam, pa ceļam iespējams aplūkot simtgadīgus kokus, dažādus augus, kā arī dažādus kukaiņus, putnus. Taka ir veidota kā mācību taka un to veidojusi Zaķumuižas pamatskolas skolotāja. Taka ir 1,5 km gara. Tai ir vidējas grūtības pakāpe: takas reljefs ir samērā vienmērīgs, mērens, izņemot atsevišķus posmus (daži stāvumi un kritumi, dažviet nelīdzens reljefs), tāpēc īpaša fiziska sagatavotība pirms takas iziešanas nav nepieciešama. Vietās, kur reljefs ir stāvāks, izvietoti roku balsti, bet pāri muižas dīķu sistēmas ūdeņiem uzcelti divi tiltiņi. 



Informatīvi bagāta un interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kas ved pa Gaujas tuvumā esošajiem krasta biotopiem – boreāliem mežiem, nogāžu mežiem, gar vecupi, jauktiem lapu koku un platlapju mežiem, kā arī parkveida ozolu pļavām. Ziemeļgaujas aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū esošie meži ir vieni no sugām daudzveidīgākajiem Latvijā. Taka ir marķēta, izveidotas skatu platformas, izvietoti informatīvie stendi.

Kopējais takas garums: 2,2 km

Here you can cross a swamp without getting your feet wet and enjoy the local environment, which has been little touched by humankind. You can take the dam of the former Smiltene-Valmiera-Ainaži narrow gauge railroad. It crosses the swamp from the South-East to the North-West and is three to four km in length. There is also a circular wooden pathway on the eastern side of the dam. The length of the trail (including the dam) is around 5km, and it will take 90 minutes to two hours to traverse. The area is covered by environmental restrictions.
The beginning of this circular trail can be found at the Krimulda church – the oldest in Latvia. In one direction, the tourist will pass along the banks of the little Runtiņupīte river (Runtiņš) to the place where it flows into the Gauja river. Among the points of interest along the way are the parsonage of the church, the Kubesele castle hill, a memorial to the Livonian chieftain Kaupo, the Kubesele cave, the Saulstari rock, the “Great Rock”, ancient anchor blocks, ancient graveyards, a unique labyrinth, etc.

This trail of pathways dates back to 2005 and it passes from the Dunte Estate (which has an exhibition about Munchhausen) along damp shoreline forests and on to the sea.  There are rest stops along the trail with wooden sculptures related to the famous Baron Munchhausen, as well as other attractions.  The trails are in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.



This territory was established to protect the rare tree specie in Latvia - common hornbeam, which covers approximately 4% of the territory, but the most visually interesting part of the area is the Tīrspurvs swamp, also known as the Dunika heath. This is where the visitor will find Latvia’s longest and most impressive swamp footpaths, which crosses the area from the North to the South. Visitors will be fascinated by the unique landscape of the central part of the swamp, where in some places there are not even small swamp pine trees. Various habitats will be found – small swamp lakes, mineral islands, marsh pools, etc., and that is to say nothing of all the birds in the area.


Dabas liegumā "Pilskalnes Siguldiņa" ir izveidota dabas taka - kājinieku tūrisma maršruts – t.s. Augšzemes ainavu taka, kas sākas Pilskalnē un beidzas pie Driģeņu mājām. Tā izlīkumo ezeru krastus, šķērso purvu (laipas). Apmeklētājiem, arī bērniem, izveidotas arī īsākas - lokālas takas. Pieejami dažādu taku garumi: 1,6 km, 3,8 km, 8 km.


The trail informs visitors about one of the loveliest natural habitats in Latvia – a moss or high swamp.  The path is in the Stiklu swamp nature reserve and passed through lovely swamp lakes, plants and animals, and the degraded part of the swamp.  At the middle of the path is a bird watching tower that can be climbed.



This path is found on the right bank of the ancient Abava river valley. The visitor will be able to view places where underground streams create wetlands, various kinds of meadows, a stand of juniper bushes, etc. The area is “managed” all year long by “wild” cows. The shore of the ancient valley can be climbed (some 200 steps), and the view is magnificent. It is recommended that the trail be visited in the company of a knowledgeable guide. There is a shorter path that is 600m long, along with a longer one that is more than a kilometre in length. It will take an hour or so to traverse it. Objects are found in the ancient Abava valley nature park.
This is a tour that will take you trough time and space, because it clearly reveals the history of the location since the end of the Ice Age, which created the impressive ancient Gauja river valley. Uncovered sandstone leads one back to the Devonian period, known as the “fish age” – here we’re talking about history that dates back hundreds of millions of years. Human beings arrived in the region quite recently, but they’ve also left lots of evidence behind.

Kokneses dabas taka (5,65 km) ved gar Daugavas un Pērses krastiem un savieno Kokneses parku un Likteņdārzu. Pastaigā pa dabas taku var doties no jebkuras sevis izvēlētas vietas, kas vijas cauri Kokneses parkam. Takā izveidotas laipas, tiltiņi, informācijas stendi un norādes.


Here the visitor will find an ecological tourism trail in the ancient Embūte valley. The hills around Embūte date back to the Ice Age. There are valleys and forests of many fallen trees which are protected habitats. The visitor will learn about important natural and cultural monuments – the Embūte castle hill, as well as the ruins of a baronial estate, a castle and a church. The Courlandian chieftain Indulis died in the region. The visitor can view the Devil’s Dam, along with meadows, a viewing tower, etc. There are bicycler routes in the region. The site is located in the Embūte nature park.


Ap 1,6 km garā un labiekārtotā Adamovas dabas taka iepazīstina ar Adamovas krauju un tās apkaimē esošajām dabas vērtībām. Takas sākums meklējams pie autostāvlaukuma, no kura paveras plašs skats uz Krāslavu un Daugavas senieleju. Adamovas krauja (aizsargājams ģeoloģisks piemineklis) ir viena no garākajām (ap 1,7 km) un augstākajām (25 - 35 m) Daugavas kraujām. Tā veidojusies sānu erozijas rezultātā, Daugavas ūdeņiem noskalojot Daugavas pamatkrastu Adamovas loka ziemeļdaļā.

The Markova information trail is the most diverse and impressive trails along the upper reaches of the Daugava river in terms of objects and landscapes. The visitor will go to the top of the Markova castle hill, which offers a great view of the river valley. The deep Putāni stream valley will be crossed to get to the cliffs on the right bank of the Daugava. Here, the visitor will see one of the most unusual landscapes of Latvia’s river valleys. There is the Slutišķi village of Old Believers, along with the mighty Slutišķi cliff in the background. The trail is 1.6km long, and it will take an hour or two, particularly if the visitor chooses to tour the village and the homes of the Old Believers.
Taka veidota gar Gaujas labo krastu augšpus un lejpus Gaujienas un tā iepazīstina ar nogāžu mežu un dažādu pļavu biotopiem. Visā tās garumā izvietoti informatīvi stendi. Takas daļu lejpus Gaujienas var braukt ar velosipēdu.