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The first barefoot trail created in the Baltic States in the recreation complex "Valguma pasaule", which is located on the forested shores of Lake Valguma. When walking on the path, the feet "massage" sand, wood chips, clay, peat, gravel, cones and various other materials.


Teiči Nature Reserve — untouched territory, bogs, and birds. This is a significant bird resting place before seasonal migrations. Here you can see up to 1,500 cranes and 8,000 geese at once. The bog is a mating-place for black-cocks, therefore if you are near in an early spring, listen, and maybe you will hear these majestic mating calls.
You can get acquainted with this unique nature territory when accompanied by a guide and taking an excursion to Sildi trail that has been renovated in 2013. After a walk in the length of about 3 kilometres on well-improved wooden footbridges, you will reveal amazing and untouched bog landscape. Here you can know more about different bog types (raised moss, transition, and grass bogs), see pools and puddles from the safe ground of the bog’s footbridges, as well as enjoy the blueness of two bog lakes (lakes Sildi and Dzērvīte) and visit the bog island Siksala. 

The trail can be visited only with the Nature Conservation Agency employee's escort from June 1 until October 31.


The trail tells about grey dunes which have survived thanks to the border restrictions and the presence of military. The trail starts from the parking place at the mouth of the Užava river. It is one of the few natural rivermouths in Europe. One can also see the „tacis”, an industrial installation for lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) fishing during their spawning migration period. The 3km long trail is circular. It winds for 1.5km from the Užava rivermouth to the North, along the coastline (the beach is covered with sand and pebbles), and returns to the starting point by a gravel road through grey dunes. Along the trail, one can observe a distinct white dune with rare plant species Linaria loeselii, Lathyrus maritimus, Anthyllis arenaria, Tragopogon heterospermus. About 1km from the rivermouth, in the sea, one can see a wrack of a sailing ship (parts of frame). The visibility depends on the flow of sand in the sea. The way back opens a beautiful view of the range of grey dunes. Unfortunately, Scots Pine starts taking over the area. There are three important biotopes of EU significance: „Fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation 2130”, „Decalcified fixed dunes with Empetrum nigrum 2140” and „Dunes with Salix arenaria 2170”, forming a unique mosaic. Typical species here: mountain Alison ‘(Alyssum gmelinii), Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla pratensis), Sand Pink (Dianthus arenarius), Rosemary Leaved Willow (Salix rosmarinifolia), Dark Red Helleborine (Epipactis atrorubens), Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylus uva-ursi).

As a former military site, some military constructions can be seen here like horseshoe-shaped sand ramparts by the road in gray dunes. They were built to disguise military vehicles in case of sea attack. By the Kangroti graveyard, towards the Užava river, there is an underground pillbox. It is a one-man fortification to fire along the coastal perimeter.

The Mouth of River Užava walking route is in the nature reserve „Užava”

Folkloras taka "Jāņkalni" iepazīstina ar mūsu senču rakstiem, zīmēm un dievībām, kas ir mūsu folkloras mantojums. Folkloras takas (garums: apm. 1,5 km vai 2 stundas) mērķis ir arī iepazīstināšana ar senlatviešu ieražām, folkloru, kā arī tautu dainu izprašana. Piedāvā iziet Latvijas karti - labirintu ar 19 etnogrāfiskajiem novadiem. Gids Jums sniegs izsmeļošu stāstījumu un atbildes uz interesējošiem jautājumiem.
Overgrown with reeds, full of seashore meadows, lagoons, muddy little lakes and sandy shallows – this is the part of the Bay of Rīga shoreline which runs between Ainaži and Kuiviži. The Randi meadows are an important location for birds and plant life. It is a protected habitat with environmental restrictions. A bird-watching tower and nature trail have been installed so that visitors can study the meadows. The tour will take around one hour to complete. Objects are in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.

Takas sākums atrodas pie Veclaicenes pagasta pārvaldes (autosvālaukums). Tā izlokas gar Ievas, Trumulīša un Raipala ezeru dienvidu krastiem un pa ziemeļu krastu nogāzēm atgriežas atpakaļ sākumpunktā. Apļveida takas garums – ap 8 km. Atrodas Augšzemes aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū, Kornetu – Peļļu subglaciālajā vagā.

A pathway of wooden trails and little bridges, featuring the most beautiful part of the Ieriķupīte river, with several waterfalls, an old windmill, a unique millwheel, and various areas of obstacles for active people in the company of a guide.
Engures apkaimē aug 22 no Latvijā sastopamajām 32 orhideju dzimtas sugām .Lai dabas parka apmeklētājiem dotu iespēju aplūkot šīs interesantās augu sugas, ierīkota Orhideju taka. Kopējais takas garums ir 3.5 km, tā sākas netālu no Engures Ornitoloģisko pētījumu centra, līkumo caur kalcifilajiem purviem un mežam putnu novērošanas torņa virzienā, un aizvijas tālāk gar atjaunoto ezera piekrastes pļavu, kurā mīt govis un zirgi. Takas sākumā novietotajā informācijas zīmē attēlotas ne tikai apkārtnē sastopamās orhidejas. Tur iespējams gūt daudzpusīgu informāciju arī par citām interesantām Engures ezera dabas parka augu sugām.

This territory was established to protect the rare tree specie in Latvia - common hornbeam, which covers approximately 4% of the territory, but the most visually interesting part of the area is the Tīrspurvs swamp, also known as the Dunika heath. This is where the visitor will find Latvia’s longest and most impressive swamp footpaths, which crosses the area from the North to the South. Visitors will be fascinated by the unique landscape of the central part of the swamp, where in some places there are not even small swamp pine trees. Various habitats will be found – small swamp lakes, mineral islands, marsh pools, etc., and that is to say nothing of all the birds in the area.


1,8 km garā taka atrodas neparastā vietā – uz Cirīša ezera salas. Tās galvenās vērtības ir augu valsts un dzeņveidīgo putnu daudzveidība. Viens no apskates objektiem ir Upurkalns – sens pilskalns. Taka labiekārtota, izveidoti informācijas stendi, atpūtas vieta. Lai nokļūtu uz salas, no vietējiem jānomā laiva, vai jādodas ar savējo. Atrodas dabas parkā „Cirīša ezers”.


The trail climbs up and down along the bluffs of lower River Pilsupe and reveals a fascinating sight of three white dune exposures (the largest is called the White Dune). The trail is 900m long, and the White Dune is ca 20m high. It has formed ca 6000 years ago, in the period of the Littorina Sea which is a foregoer of the Baltic Sea. Here the first Stone Age settlement on the North Western coast of Latvia has been found in 1934 by geologist S. Burhards. In the sand, some 500m from the sea, he found some pottery fragments, a sandstone hone, a piece of flint, parts of bones and an amber bead. He handed the findings over to the National Museum of History. In October 1934, the site was checked by archaeologist E. Šturms, who found the archaeological layer, typical for such settlements, in the landslides of the Pilsupe riverbanks. In 1936 he started larger excavations to continue by 1938. Totally seven, chronologically different settlements were detected and many artefacts found, including fragments of the so called Sārnate and pit-comb pottery, as well as some pieces of corded pottery. Based on these findings, the settlement is dated back to the beginning or middle of the 3rd millenary B.C., and it has been inhabited till the beginning of the 2nd millenary B.C. Especially remarkable are three clay figures in human shape which have probably been used for some religious cult purposes.

Since 1993, archaeologist Ilzes Loze has discovered several pit-comb ware culture settlements in large area around Pūrciems village. They are known in research literature as „the Ģipka settlements”.


Takas sākums atrodas Vidagā, vietā, kur uz Vizlas celts vēsturiskais akmens arkas tilts. 1,2 km garā taka bez marķējuma ved gar pašu upes krastu līdz pat ietekai Gaujā. Redzami skaisti dolomīta atsegumi, nelieli krāčveidīgi ūdenskritumi un iespaidīgais Žākļu dižakmens.


Vikmesti dēvē arī par Foreļstrautu, jo tā ir nozīmīga foreļu un taimiņu nārsta vieta. Gaujas labā krasta pieteka ir izveidojusi dziļu gravu ar stāvām nogāzēm, kuras lejtecē izveidojušies nelieli – ap 4 m augsti smilšakmens atsegumi. Gravas labajā (rietumu pusē) paceļas ar mežu apaugušais Vikmestes pilskalns. Gar Vikmestes upi izveidota taka, kuras sākumdaļa atrodas pie Siguldas – Turaidas ceļa, bet beigu daļa – pie Raganas – Turaidas ceļa (ap 3 km).


Taka atrodas Riekstusalas pussalā, netālu no putnu vērošanas torņa. Uz peldošiem pontoniem celtā laipa iepazīstina ar Kaņiera ezeru „tuvplānā”. Var iepazīt niedrājus, to putnus, labi redzamo ezera gultni ar zivju mazuļiem un kalcifilām augu sabiedrībām. Laipa aizved līdz salai, uz kuras aug kadiķi.

Uz pāļiem veidotā koku laipu taka līkumo cauri Vēršupītes dumbrājiem (pārmitri platlapju meži), tādēļ visiespaidīgākie skati šeit ir vērojami tieši pavasara palos vai citos gadalaikos pēc lielām lietavām, kad mazā upīte iziet no krastiem un appludina dumbrājus lielākā platībā. Par teritorijas sezonālu applūšanu liecina arī daudzo alkšņu resnie sakņu kakli, kas nevilšus atgādina mangrovju audzes. Mitrie meži ir viens no sugu skaita ziņā daudzveidīgākajiem Latvijas biotopiem.
Here you can cross a swamp without getting your feet wet and enjoy the local environment, which has been little touched by humankind. You can take the dam of the former Smiltene-Valmiera-Ainaži narrow gauge railroad. It crosses the swamp from the South-East to the North-West and is three to four km in length. There is also a circular wooden pathway on the eastern side of the dam. The length of the trail (including the dam) is around 5km, and it will take 90 minutes to two hours to traverse. The area is covered by environmental restrictions.

The trail reveals one of the rare bluffs of the Gulf of Riga – the Ēvaži Bluff (up to 15m high, a beautiful scenery opens from its watching platform) and the seashore forests. The trail starts from the main road and crosses a biotope “Wooded dunes of the coast” (according to Habitats Directive, Annex II), which is frequently observed by the sea. One can climb down the stairs to an extraordinary beach with narrow seashore and Black Alders growing almost in the sea. There are occasional puddles which make shelter for Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita), a protected amphibian. Deeper pools are inhabited by three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), they are food for fish-eating birds. In the second half of the summer, Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) can be observed in the sea.

About two kilometres to the South, there is Melnsils, one of the Liv fishing villages, famous for the stories about a channel which was once dug to drain coastal lakes into the sea, as well as about Trommel, the chief of robbers. The trail is in the Slītere National Park.


10 km garais pārgājienu maršruts iepazīstina ar vienu no vēl retajiem, cilvēka mazāk ietekmētajiem Daugavas senlejas posmiem. Tā sākums – Aizkraukle, finišs – Skrīveri. Gar upes krastu izvietotas atpūtas vietas. Maršrutu var braukt arī ar velosipēdu.


Interesanta dabas izziņas taka, kurā izvietoti informatīvie stendi, kas stāsta par dažādiem pļavu biotopiem – sausām, palieņu un parkveida ozolu pļavām un tās iemītniekiem. Pļavas nogana dzīvei savvaļā pielāgotie mājlopi.


Cecīļu dabas taka ir kājāmgājēju tūrisma maršruts, kurā ir iespēja iepazīt Amatas novada dabas objektus gar Kumadas upes, Dančupītes un Amatas upes krastu. Takas sākuma punkts ir Amatas novada Ieriķos, 1 km no kafejnīcas, degvielas uzpildes stacijas, Cecīļu dabas takas apmeklētāju centra, blakus autoservisam. Apmeklētājiem ir iespēja izbaudīt cilvēka nepārveidotu dabas ainavu – Dančupītes kanjonu, minatūru ūdenskritumu, no Kumadas upes labā krasta aplūkot iespaidīgo Cecīļu iezi un citus objektus. Taka ir marķēta.
Takas garums ir 2 km, bet vasaras sezonā to ir iespēja pagarināt, dodoties uz Dzilnas iezi, sekojot norādēm.  Taku iespējams apmeklēt jebkurā gadalaikā. Sezonas tumšajā periodā Cecīļu iezis un Dančupīte, sestdienās un pēc iepriekšējas  pieteikšanās, ir izgaismota.