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Aptuveni 2km garā Ķirbižu meža izziņas taka izveidota apļveidā gar Vitrupes abiem krastiem. Visā takas garumā var mācīties atpazīt Latvijas mežu raksturīgākos kokus, krūmus un augus. Šeit var aplūkot arī Vālodzes dižozolu (6.5 m). Upes labajā krastā, pie tā sauktā vīna pagrabiņa un kreisajā krastā apmēram 200 m no takas sākuma pie Meža muzeja, atklājas ainaviski skati uz ieleju un Vitrupi.

The Markova information trail is the most diverse and impressive trails along the upper reaches of the Daugava river in terms of objects and landscapes. The visitor will go to the top of the Markova castle hill, which offers a great view of the river valley. The deep Putāni stream valley will be crossed to get to the cliffs on the right bank of the Daugava. Here, the visitor will see one of the most unusual landscapes of Latvia’s river valleys. There is the Slutišķi village of Old Believers, along with the mighty Slutišķi cliff in the background. The trail is 1.6km long, and it will take an hour or two, particularly if the visitor chooses to tour the village and the homes of the Old Believers.

Taka atrodas Riekstusalas pussalā, netālu no putnu vērošanas torņa. Uz peldošiem pontoniem celtā laipa iepazīstina ar Kaņiera ezeru „tuvplānā”. Var iepazīt niedrājus, to putnus, labi redzamo ezera gultni ar zivju mazuļiem un kalcifilām augu sabiedrībām. Laipa aizved līdz salai, uz kuras aug kadiķi.


Taka ved cauri mežam uz skatu torni purva malā. Takā apskatāma Nāzara priede –priede, pie kuras 1905. gadā nošauts dumpinieks, pati priede – ekoloģiskais koks ar dzilnu kaltiem dobumiem, nokaltusi. Melnalkšņu dumbrājs - slīkšņa ar cūkaušiem un puplakšiem. Oleru purvs no skatu torņa – pārejas un sūnu purvs, kas izveidojies nolaista ezera vietā. Papildus objekti blakus takai, pieejami pa ceļu – Oleru muižas komplekss, Krustakmens, Oleru muižas kapi.

Kopējais takas garums: 1,1 km.

Pokaiņu mežs atrodas 13 kilometru attālumā no Dobeles, braucot Īles virzienā. Tas, izvietojies uz stāviem pauguriem un dziļām ielejām, veido neparasti gleznainu ainavu. Mežā grupās, kaudzēs, akmens upēs un valnīšos, atrodas slavenie Pokaiņu akmeņu krāvumi. Krāvumi daudziem cilvēkiem liek sajust savdabīgus enerģijas strāvojumus - vieni redz vīzijas, bet citi – uztver informācijas plūsmu. Takas ved pa pagurainu apvidu.

4 km garā un marķētā taka iepazīstina ar dziļo Imulas ieleju – Abavas kreisā krasta pieteku. Īpaši iespaidīga ieleja izskatās bezlapu periodā, kad ir apjaušami tās izmēri un formas. Vēstures cienītāji var upes gultnē uzmeklēt Langsēdes Velna pēdas akmeni. Atrodas dabas parkā „Abavas senleja”.


This territory was established to protect the rare tree specie in Latvia - common hornbeam, which covers approximately 4% of the territory, but the most visually interesting part of the area is the Tīrspurvs swamp, also known as the Dunika heath. This is where the visitor will find Latvia’s longest and most impressive swamp footpaths, which crosses the area from the North to the South. Visitors will be fascinated by the unique landscape of the central part of the swamp, where in some places there are not even small swamp pine trees. Various habitats will be found – small swamp lakes, mineral islands, marsh pools, etc., and that is to say nothing of all the birds in the area.

One of the most popular areas of uncovered sandstone in Latvia, known for its unusually smooth and sound-reflecting cliff wall (around 12m in height). Located on the right bank of the Salaca river, there is a place for tenting. A fun experiment is to stand in various closes opposite the cliff and to speak quietly. The echo will be heard either by the speaker or by people who are standing elsewhere. Located in the Salaca valley nature park and the Skaņaiskalns park.

Teiči Nature Reserve — untouched territory, bogs, and birds. This is a significant bird resting place before seasonal migrations. Here you can see up to 1,500 cranes and 8,000 geese at once. The bog is a mating-place for black-cocks, therefore if you are near in an early spring, listen, and maybe you will hear these majestic mating calls.
You can get acquainted with this unique nature territory when accompanied by a guide and taking an excursion to Sildi trail that has been renovated in 2013. After a walk in the length of about 3 kilometres on well-improved wooden footbridges, you will reveal amazing and untouched bog landscape. Here you can know more about different bog types (raised moss, transition, and grass bogs), see pools and puddles from the safe ground of the bog’s footbridges, as well as enjoy the blueness of two bog lakes (lakes Sildi and Dzērvīte) and visit the bog island Siksala. 

The trail can be visited only with the Nature Conservation Agency employee's escort from June 1 until October 31.


1,2 km garā taka atrodas netālu no vietas, kur Gauju šķērso Vidzemes šoseja (A 2). Izejot taku, var iepazīt vienu no Latvijas augstākajiem dolomītiežu atsegumiem – Randātu klintis, kas paceļas 25 m virs Gaujas. Taka ir apļaveida un tās apskatei nepieciešamas ~ 45 minūtes.


Taka izveidota 2005. gadā. Tā atrodas uz Lapmežciema un Bigauņciema robežas un izskatās kā koka dēlīšu laipa gar Siliņupi. Taka aizved līdz jūrai, kur apskatāms vecais Lapmežciema mols. Siliņupē novērojami ūdensputni.


1.2 km long, the trail passes through a unique terrain of hillocks and forests, with the height of the valley rising to as much as 15 metres.  Visitors will find a diversity of plant life, as well as the beautiful little Kauliņupīte River, which crosses the rail at two points.  The health trail was established in the late 1990s.


Atrodas mežā, netālu no Kaltenes. Labiekārtota (laipas, kāpnes, informācijas stendi) taka, kas iepazīstina ar Latvijai samērā neparastu dabas pieminekli (aizsargājams) – Kaltenes kalvām, kas ir lieli, līdztekus Rīgas jūras līča krasta līnijai orientēti laukakmeņu krāvumi. Uzskata, ka tos veidojuši Baltijas ledus ezera ūdeņi un ledi. Garums – ap 1,5 km.


Dabas taka atrodas Zaķumuižā un ved cauri vecajam muižas parkam, pa ceļam iespējams aplūkot simtgadīgus kokus, dažādus augus, kā arī dažādus kukaiņus, putnus. Taka ir veidota kā mācību taka un to veidojusi Zaķumuižas pamatskolas skolotāja. Taka ir 1,5 km gara. Tai ir vidējas grūtības pakāpe: takas reljefs ir samērā vienmērīgs, mērens, izņemot atsevišķus posmus (daži stāvumi un kritumi, dažviet nelīdzens reljefs), tāpēc īpaša fiziska sagatavotība pirms takas iziešanas nav nepieciešama. Vietās, kur reljefs ir stāvāks, izvietoti roku balsti, bet pāri muižas dīķu sistēmas ūdeņiem uzcelti divi tiltiņi. 



The trail (the length 1.2 km) introduces with the habitats of dunes and century-old pines, partly covered with sand. Biologists estimate that the oldest tree, the “mother of pines”, could be around 200 years old. Coastal pine forests serve as a barrier between the sea and land protecting inland areas from impact of the sea and winds. Felling coastal forests was forbidden by law already back in 1643, during the Duchy of Courland. Still due to economic activities, the seashore forests were often fell and fires occurred there occasionally. As a result, the sand which had for centuries been hold by trees, started drifting at Cape Kolka. In the 1930ies, there were about 142 hectares of sandy areas in the Slītere National Park, and 11.5 hectares of those were drifting sand. To stop drifting, the sand areas were carefully afforested. Afforestation was started before WW I and it was completed in the 1970ies. To plant new trees, first the sand had to be stopped. Just 26km to the south from Kolka there was one of the largest sand dunes in Latvia, 25km in length. Every year it devoured 0.3 hectares of land. The sand was stopped covering it with heather, twigs and branches of pines and junipers. Pine trees were planted between them.

Today in Kolka, the old, low pine trees tell about the once drifting sand. After storms, when the water washes the bluff and tree roots are exposed, one can see that the tree trunks once have been covered with sand more than 1 meter high. The trees on the seacoast usually have crooked trunks and flag-shaped crowns formed under influence of persisting sea winds. Now these forests are designated biotope “Wooded dunes of the coast”.

Stable white dunes (biotope 2120) do not form in Cape Kolka as they are washed by sea waters during spring and autumn storms. Embryonic dunes develop here (code 2120) with plants that usually grow in dunes. These plants have adapted well to poor soils, heat, drought, and the saline sea water.

The Kolkasrags Pine Trail is in Slītere National Park.

One of the most attractive and informative nature trails in the environs of Rīga. It leads the visitor around the 17-metre Ragakāpa dune, which is most interesting. People can learn about the habitats of the dune areas and the plants and animals of the area. Some of the pine trees are as much as 100 years old and more. The trail is 2km long in each direction and will take some two hours to traverse. This is part of the Ragakāpa nature park.
Near the Priedīši homestead, there is a nature trail which allows visitors to study Lake Dziļezers and the surroundings. There are various lakes in this region which are found in a depression left behind by the Ice Age – Lake Dziļezers, Lake Riebezers, Lake Mazezers, Lake Auziņš, Lake Skuja and Lake Bruņķītis are all there. Along their shores, there are various kinds of forests, including ones with broadleaf trees that are under environmental protection. The trail is 3km in length and will take an hour or so to traverse. This is a part of the environmentally restricted territory of Lake Dziļezers and Lake Riebezers.

Nepilnus 3 km garā taka iepazīstina ar dziļo Imulas ieleju – Abavas kreisā krasta pieteku. Īpaši iespaidīga ieleja izskatās bezlapu periodā, kad ir apjaušami tās izmēri un formas. Viens no takas iespaidīgākajiem objektiem ir Buses jeb Matkules pilskalns. Apskatāmi citi objekti – Baznīckalns, Bedrīšakmens, Ķauķa kalns ar avotiņu. Atrodas dabas parkā „Abavas senleja”.


Nature trail "Curves of Riva" starts at Ulmale-Labraga Lutheran Church and continues 3 kilometres down the picturesque downstream of river Riva. Rīva here flows in a canyon-type ravine which reaches 12 meter rise at some points. The trail reveals countless river twists and turns and steep coastal cliffs.
The air here is unusual, filled with sea and pine tree aroma. You'll be able to enjoy an undisturbed peace and quiet, watching the magnificent scenery and the tranquil flow of the river.

The trail is partly accessible with an assistant and is marked with green paint.

Lots of wild animals can be found in vast paddocks along the ancient Gauja river valley and its small tributaries – areas in which living conditions are as close to natural circumstances as possible. Here the visitor can find, if lucky, reindeer, deer, wild boars, bears, foxes, lynx, various kinds of birds, as well as aurochs. There is a dense network of pathways in the park, including lots of information. There is also a route for drivers and bicyclists. During the winter, it is used for distance skiing. There is also a visitors’ centre.