No Name Description
Kartavkalnā, kur senāk atradusies seno zemgaļu apmetne, ir izveidota dabas taka ar soliņiem, piknika vietām. Šeit apskatāms arī Jaunpils Kartavu kalns un lapegļu aleja, kā arī iespējams aplūkot, kāda izskatās senlatviešu apmetne ar īstu guļbaļķu sētu.
This path is found on the right bank of the ancient Abava river valley. The visitor will be able to view places where underground streams create wetlands, various kinds of meadows, a stand of juniper bushes, etc. The area is “managed” all year long by “wild” cows. The shore of the ancient valley can be climbed (some 200 steps), and the view is magnificent. It is recommended that the trail be visited in the company of a knowledgeable guide. There is a shorter path that is 600m long, along with a longer one that is more than a kilometre in length. It will take an hour or so to traverse it. Objects are found in the ancient Abava valley nature park.

The trail climbs up and down along the bluffs of lower River Pilsupe and reveals a fascinating sight of three white dune exposures (the largest is called the White Dune). The trail is 900m long, and the White Dune is ca 20m high. It has formed ca 6000 years ago, in the period of the Littorina Sea which is a foregoer of the Baltic Sea. Here the first Stone Age settlement on the North Western coast of Latvia has been found in 1934 by geologist S. Burhards. In the sand, some 500m from the sea, he found some pottery fragments, a sandstone hone, a piece of flint, parts of bones and an amber bead. He handed the findings over to the National Museum of History. In October 1934, the site was checked by archaeologist E. Šturms, who found the archaeological layer, typical for such settlements, in the landslides of the Pilsupe riverbanks. In 1936 he started larger excavations to continue by 1938. Totally seven, chronologically different settlements were detected and many artefacts found, including fragments of the so called Sārnate and pit-comb pottery, as well as some pieces of corded pottery. Based on these findings, the settlement is dated back to the beginning or middle of the 3rd millenary B.C., and it has been inhabited till the beginning of the 2nd millenary B.C. Especially remarkable are three clay figures in human shape which have probably been used for some religious cult purposes.

Since 1993, archaeologist Ilzes Loze has discovered several pit-comb ware culture settlements in large area around Pūrciems village. They are known in research literature as „the Ģipka settlements”.


The trail reveals one of the rare bluffs of the Gulf of Riga – the Ēvaži Bluff (up to 15m high, a beautiful scenery opens from its watching platform) and the seashore forests. The trail starts from the main road and crosses a biotope “Wooded dunes of the coast” (according to Habitats Directive, Annex II), which is frequently observed by the sea. One can climb down the stairs to an extraordinary beach with narrow seashore and Black Alders growing almost in the sea. There are occasional puddles which make shelter for Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita), a protected amphibian. Deeper pools are inhabited by three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), they are food for fish-eating birds. In the second half of the summer, Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) can be observed in the sea.

About two kilometres to the South, there is Melnsils, one of the Liv fishing villages, famous for the stories about a channel which was once dug to drain coastal lakes into the sea, as well as about Trommel, the chief of robbers. The trail is in the Slītere National Park.

Here you can cross a swamp without getting your feet wet and enjoy the local environment, which has been little touched by humankind. You can take the dam of the former Smiltene-Valmiera-Ainaži narrow gauge railroad. It crosses the swamp from the South-East to the North-West and is three to four km in length. There is also a circular wooden pathway on the eastern side of the dam. The length of the trail (including the dam) is around 5km, and it will take 90 minutes to two hours to traverse. The area is covered by environmental restrictions.
Andrupenes dabas takā var iepazīt sūnas, pārliecināties par sfagnu lielo ūdens uzsūkšanas spēju, gar laipas malām ieraudzīt apaļlapu raseni un purva dzērveni, apskatīt spilves, vaivariņus un purva vārnkāju, kā arī purva pasauli. Takas garums ~ 750m.
Overgrown with reeds, full of seashore meadows, lagoons, muddy little lakes and sandy shallows – this is the part of the Bay of Rīga shoreline which runs between Ainaži and Kuiviži. The Randi meadows are an important location for birds and plant life. It is a protected habitat with environmental restrictions. A bird-watching tower and nature trail have been installed so that visitors can study the meadows. The tour will take around one hour to complete. Objects are in the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.

Pie Gārsenes pils atrodas bijušais muižas parks 4ha platībā un pie tā sākas arī Gārsenes dabas takas. Dabas takas vēsturiski tika veidotas vienlaicīgi ar pils kompleksa būvniecību un ieeja takās atrodama pie mākslīgi veidotā, ar bruģa pamatni izliktā barona peldēšanās dīķa. Takas sākumā saglabājusies ošu aleja, ko savulaik stādījis barona dārznieks, savukārt taku vidusposmā apmeklētājiem ir iespēja pasēdēt uz Barona krēsla - akmens ar cilvēku veidotu sēdvietu tajā. Kopumā Gārsenes mežā vijas dažāda garuma labiekārtotas pastaigu un izziņas takas - Kultūrvēsturiskā taka, Zaļā taka, Baronu pastaigu taka, Staburaga taka,  ar ierīkotām atpūtas un ugunskuru vietām.  Takās apskatāmi vairāk kā 40 unikāli dabas objekti, gan dižakmeņi, gan dižkoki, kā arī un pagasta ievērojamākie arhitektūras un kultūrvēstures pieminekļi. No 2016.gada maija Dabas takās ietilpst arī „Krēslas stundas taka”, kas īpaši patiks zinātkāriem mazajiem ceļotājiem. Taka stāsta par Rūķu dzīvi mežā un tās veidošanas pamatā ir stāsti no „Lielās Rūķu enciklopēdijas”.


Klinšu smilšakmens ieži veidojušies, ūdens straumēm sanesot smilšainas, mālainas iežu daļiņas. Tās lēnām nogulsnējās un sablīvējās, topot par vareniem dabas veidojumiem! Līgatnes pagrabu alas savām rokām radījuši senie iedzīvotāji. Šī neparastā vieta ļāvusi daudzām paaudzēm izdzīvot, jo alās bija iespēja uzglabāt nepieciešamās pārtikas rezerves. Alām ir nemainīga temperatūra, kas padara tās par drošu pārtikas produktu un dzērienu glabātuvi.


Vikmesti dēvē arī par Foreļstrautu, jo tā ir nozīmīga foreļu un taimiņu nārsta vieta. Gaujas labā krasta pieteka ir izveidojusi dziļu gravu ar stāvām nogāzēm, kuras lejtecē izveidojušies nelieli – ap 4 m augsti smilšakmens atsegumi. Gravas labajā (rietumu pusē) paceļas ar mežu apaugušais Vikmestes pilskalns. Gar Vikmestes upi izveidota taka, kuras sākumdaļa atrodas pie Siguldas – Turaidas ceļa, bet beigu daļa – pie Raganas – Turaidas ceļa (ap 3 km).


Linezera dabas takā apskatāms ezers, kurš mēdz pazust pazemē. Apmeklējums saskaņojams ar zemes īpašnieku.


Taka izveidota Limbažu Lielezera ZA galā, tā ir 3.6 km gara vienā virzienā. Ezeru ziemeļu galā izbūvēts putnu novērošanas tornis. Izbūvēts bērnu rotaļu laukums, labiekārtotas atpūtas vietas, izveidota laivu piestātne. Pāri Donaviņai izveidots gājēju tiltiņš uz pontoniem.


Nītaures vēstures takā var apskatīt un iepazīt dažādus vēsturiskus objektus no 13.gadsimta līdz mūsdienām - seno pilskalnu, vācu ordeņa pilsdrupas, luterāņu un pareizticīgo baznīcas, soda vietu un muižas seno apbūvi.

This is a fairly unique territory in Latvia – a vast forest of oak trees (many of them very large, indeed), linden trees, elms and various other deciduous trees. In the company of a forest guide, the visitor can walk through a small part of the forest, learning about the inhabitants of the area and their importance. This is an environmentally protected zone.

Ap 7 km garā apļveida taka sākas pie leģendārajām Mangaļu mājām. Tā iepazīstina ar latviešu strēlnieku kauju vietām, vietām, kur atradušās to fortifikācijas, t.s. „Vācu valni” u.c. liecībām. Mangaļu mājās – Ziemassvētku kaujām veltīts muzejs.

This wooden pathway will introduce the visitor to a high-type swamp and a unique habitat – a place where sulphur streams flow into the Raganu swamp. The little lakes in the swamp are unique – they are the result of sulphur bacteria, and there is a special range of species in those lakes. The landscape is interesting, and the smell of sulphur pervades, mostly from sulphur ponds. The trail is 800m long and will require 20 minutes to an hour to traverse. The object is on the border of the Zemgale and Vidzeme regions.
Folkloras taka "Jāņkalni" iepazīstina ar mūsu senču rakstiem, zīmēm un dievībām, kas ir mūsu folkloras mantojums. Folkloras takas (garums: apm. 1,5 km vai 2 stundas) mērķis ir arī iepazīstināšana ar senlatviešu ieražām, folkloru, kā arī tautu dainu izprašana. Piedāvā iziet Latvijas karti - labirintu ar 19 etnogrāfiskajiem novadiem. Gids Jums sniegs izsmeļošu stāstījumu un atbildes uz interesējošiem jautājumiem.

Sedas purva kājnieku maršruts atrodas dabas liegumā Sedas purvs, pārgājienu pa maršrutu iespējams apvienot ar Sedas pilsētas apskati, kas ir unikāls 50.–60. gadu pilsētbūvniecības un arhitektūras paraugs -  kūdras purva strādnieku pilsēta. Maršrutam ir divi apļi - Jērcēnu aplis - 5,5 km un Sedas aplis - 4,2 km. Tajos apakatāms izstrādātais kūdras purvs, šaursliežu dzelzceļš, ritošais sastāvs, divi skatu toņi. Rudenī un pavasarī - putnu migrācijas lāikā -  interesanta vieta putnu vērošanai.

GPS koordinātes: Jērcēnu puses aplim: 57.7055987, 25.7001324; Sedas puses aplim: 57.6699587, 25.7514815.


The Sunset trail starts in the centre of Saulkrasti town and takes you to the White Dune. Saulkrasti town with its municipal rural territory, occupies a 17km long stretch of coastal land to the North from the river Lilaste and the lake Lilaste.

The White Dune stands on the right side of river Inčupe mouth. It is covered by old pine forest. The white, 18m high sand outcrop in olden times served as a landmark for fishermen. The White Dune formed as winds carried the sand from the beach over clay sediments of the Baltic Ice Lake. Some 150-200 years ago, the dune had been drifting as witnessed by several layers of soil buried within it. Local fishermen and farmers at Bātciems initiated afforestation of the drifting dunes. At that time, the 30m high dunes which are now covered with forest, were bare, shifting and even buried a farmstead. To speed up afforestation, mountain pines were planted. The White Dune was partly washed away in heavy storm in 1969, and 4-6m high precipice formed. Now the wind and sand have levelled out the dune surface, it has been fixed with willow-twigs or grown with forest where the largest pines are more than 170-190 years old. The pines are notable with their large trunks and branches, the scars obtained during their lifetime and the typical “crocodile skin” – the bark forms rhombuses resembling those of the reptile’s scales. Scots Pine (Pinus Silvestris) is one of the most common tree species in Latvia. It grows in dry, meagre sandy soil in dunes as well as in marsh. However, it does not stand overshadowing. Forest fires help pines to get rid of competitors as pine endures fire better than other trees because of its thick bark and high crown. The wood exudes resin and burned wounds close soon. Fire cleans space for seedlings of young pines. Pines can live 300-350 years.

Ground cover in dune forests is very sensitive. If the sparse vegetation is destroyed, not only the natural biodiversity and landscape is damaged, but also the dangerous shifting dunes can possibly “wake up”.

Embryonic dunes, White (yellow) dunes, Grey dunes and Wooded dunes are EU protected biotopes. Grey Dunes are protected by Latvian law as well.
A wooden trail with watching platform is built to protect the White Dune and to facilitate the sightseeing. In winter, a skiing trail in the vicinity of the White Dune is arranged.


Cena's heath swamp's trail was made to introduce vistors to one of the most beautiful things in nature - a moss swamp. The pathway goes not only around beautiful swamp lakes but also meets the degraded part of the swamp. At the beggining and the end is a watch tower.