No Name Description

A wooden church was built here in 1766, and the new brick church was built on the foundations of the old church and consecrated in 1868.  The tall steeple of the church helped ship captains orient themselves during the daytime.  An altar painting by Gunta Liepiņa-Grīva, "Christ and Peter on the Sea," was consecrated in 1993 to replace the former painting, which was lost.  The blue-white-green Livonian flag was consecrated at the Mazirbe manse (now a recollection centre) on November 18, 1923.  Near the manse are several rocks which stand witness to the Black Plague in 1710 and 1711.  The text in Latin said that Livonians on the coastline were conquered by Swedish King Karl IX and the bubonic plague.  The texts on the rocks have eroded away, but records of them were made.  The Mazirbe cemetery has a monument to Old Taisel, a monument to the parents of captain A. Bertholds, and the legendary grave of a werewolf. 


The St George Lutheran Church of Subate is on the north-eastern shore of Lesser Lake Subate. The church was built in the Byzantium style in 1685 and 1868 and was commissioned by the owner of the Prode Estate, H.F. Osten-Sacken. This is the only church in Latvia which is reminiscent of the typical appearance of Protestant churches in the late 17th century. The small towers at the corners of the building are of interest. Inside you will find a richly ornamented ensemble of sculptures and wood carvings, including a 17th-century altar, pulpit and pews, as well as artworks from the 17th and 18th century and a bell that was cast in 1682. Some of the interior design was the work of students at the Stelmuže wood carving school.


Одна из самых красивых деревянных церквей Южной Латгалии. Построенный из бревен и обшитый досками храм строился в период с 1750 по 1751 гг. Сохранился алтарь работы XVIII века (резьба по дереву, барокко) и проспект органа, а также более 30 предметов, имеющих художественную ценность. Во дворе церкви в XIX веке построена колокольня. В направлении озера Рушонс построен деревянный пасторат.

Tiskādi Orthodox Church is the cultural monument of the local significance. The construction works of the building lasted from 1829 to 1878. The church was reconstructed in 2008. The church has antique icons and the library of sacred literature.

Atrodas starp Kr. Valdemāra un Kuršu ielām. Viena no iespaidīgākajām un greznākajām pilsētas celtnēm, kas būvēta neoromantikas formās. 19. gs. beigās katoļu draudze nevarēja saņemt atļauju jauna dievnama celtniecībai, tādēļ uz vecās ēkas uzbūvēja jaunu, kur vecā baznīca tapa par lielākās ēkas sānu kapelu. Baznīcas sienas un koka griestus rotā attēli ar Bībeles sižetiem. Dievmātes kapelā saglabājies mazās baznīcas (no 18. gs.) centrālais altāris. Baznīcas griestos ir iekārts burinieka modelis, ko dāvinājuši vētras laikā izglābušies jūrnieki.


Vienīgā baznīca nacionālā parka teritorijā. Tā atrodas Kirblas (Kirbla) ciemā – uz neliela pacēluma, kas Baltijas ledus ezera laikā bijusi sala, kuru no visām pusēm ietvēris ūdens. Kirblas baznīcas pirmsākumi ir meklējami 16. gs. un par tās celtniecību saglabājušies dažādi interesanti nostāsti. Tas ir viens no mazākajiem Igaunijas dievnamiem (29 x 11 m).

Īdeņa graveyard chapel has Catholic church services. Īdeņa chapel was built in 1898 by the foundation of dean Smilgevičs. The church is devoted to the honor of the Holy Cross. The chapel has a small bell tower and the weatherboards. You shouldn’t miss the chapel’s special celebration that is the indulgences of St. Francis of Assisi, stigmata day in September 17.

Atrodas Rīgas ielā 39. Dievnams celts 1848. – 1849. g. klasicisma stilā (arhitekts A. Štauberts), bet laikā no 1924. – 1934. g. pārbūvēts (A. Vizuļa projekts). Dievnama izskatu salīdzina ar Svētā Pētera katedrāles veidolu Vatikānā. Blakus baznīcai atrodas Rīgas ielas gājējiem domātā daļa.

St. Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Dukstigals. The wooden church was burned down in the World War II and restored in 1947. The church has the icon of Our Lady in the central altar and the statue of Our Lady.

Iespaidīga koka celtne un izcils koka arhitektūras piemērs, kuru pamanīs katrs Plateļu apmeklētājs! Plateļu baznīca ir viens no Lietuvas vecākajiem koka dievnamiem. Pašreiz redzamais ir būvēts 1744. g., bet zvanu tornis – 1899. g. Dienvidos no baznīcas plešas Plateļu muižas parks.


The Kaltene Lutheran Church dates back to 1567, when Duke Gotthard Kettler of Courland ordered the construction of new churches in Kurzeme.  One of them was in Kaltene, and was known as the Church of St Catherine.  In 1848, a clay church was built in place of the old wooden church.  A sacristy was added in 1880, and the church was rebuilt and expanded in 1896.  It suffered much damage during World War I because a Russian mine ship attacked it.  The church was restored during the first half of the 1920s.  The altar painting, “Christ and St Peter on the Sea” was painted in 1898 by M Pohl after a panting by R. Richter.  The pulpit and organ date back to the 18th century and are cultural monuments of national importance.  The organ was built by August Martin in 1843, and it was initially in a church in Gulbene.  The instrument was brought to Kaltene in 1943 and is the oldest surviving instrument by Martin.  The bell was manufactured in 2006 by the Liepājas Metalurgs company, and a new building for the congregation was built in 2012 and 2013.  The first scenes of the feature film “Long Road to the Dunes” and the film “Forest of Bulrush” were filmed outside the gates of the church.  Nearby is the Putniņi homestead.  In 1921, Culture Minister Rainis visited the homestead.  At that time there was a store there.  The Germans burned down the homestead during World War II. (Source: Roja TIC)


Celta ~ 1560. g. vietā, kur agrāk atradusies Sakas osta. Dievnamā apskatāms > 170 gadus vecs kuģa modelis. Vietējie ticēja, kas tas aizsargā jūrniekus un bojāejas. Šāda tradīcija Latvijā ir novērojama tikai dažās baznīcās. Baznīcu var apskatīt arī no iekšpuses.


The first church in Piņķi was made of wood.  The idea of building a new church emerged in the 1850s, and the cornerstone for a design by the architect J.D. Felsco was laid on May 25, 1872.  The church that is there today was completed in 1874.  The nine-register organ was built by the distinguished organ builder Wilhelm Sauer in 1890.  On July 17, 1916, the 5th Latvian Riflemen’s Battalion was on its way to the front lines at Smārde and stopped at the Piņķi Estate.  Col Jukums Vācietis delivered a sermon at the church on that date (though not all historians agree that he did so), and that has gone down in history as one of the most important events of the day.  The historical even inspired Aleksandrs Čaks to write the poem “Sermon at the Piņķi Church.”  The church is a cultural monument and can be toured.  It is lit up at night.  Alongside the stone is a rock that was installed in commemoration of the Latvian riflemen.


Traķu pirmsākumi ir meklējami Senajos Traķos, kas atrodas 4 km dienvidaustrumos no Traķu centra. Uzskata, ka Senos Traķus ir dibinājis Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Ģedimins (~ 1275. – 1341.) 14. gs. pirmajā pusē. 14. gs. otrajā pusē šeit uzcēla mūra pili, no kuras līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nostāvināti zemes vaļņi. Laikā no 1345. – 1382. g. tajā valdīja Ģedimina dēls – Ķēstutis (1297. – 1382.). Senajos Traķos dzimis arī viens no izcilākajiem viduslaiku Lietuvas valdniekiem – Ķēstuta dēls - Vītauts Dižais. Kā pilij, tā arī tās valdniekiem bija nozīmīga loma sekojošajos krusta karos un cīņās. 1391. g. pils tika sagrauta cīņas laikā ar Vācu ordeni, kādēļ arī zaudēja savu stratēģisko nozīmi. 1405. g. benediktīniešu mūki šajā vietā uzcēla baznīcu, bet 18. gs. beigās - jaunu un lielāka apjoma klosteri, kura vienu no korpusiem 1889. g. pārbūvēja par baznīcu.

The Crucifix of Kurpinīki is known also as the place where Janis Streičs shot some scenes of the movie „The Child of a Man”. Long time ago this crucifix was situated in the courtyard of writer’s grandfather Donat Klidzejs in the USA.

This is a simple one-story building with a cross on its roof.  The Pitrags congregation was established in 1890, but the church was built in 1902.  It was restored after a World War I fire in 1925 and 1926, and restored again during the period of Latvia's restored period of independence.


The first church was here in the early 18th century, followed by the second and third one (1847-1848), and then the one that is there now. The church was damaged during World War I and then during the Soviet era, when wool was stored there between 1969 and 1993. In the 1990s, the building was in terrible shape, but it is gradually recovering its appearance. Between 1826 and 1856, the sexton and organist at the church was the Latvian poet and translator Ansis Līventāls (1803-1878). His grave and monument are alongside the church. At the same place are the graves of German and Russian soldiers who died during World War I, as well as the grave monument of the pastor and writer Jacob Florentin Lundberg (1782-1858).


The Viesīte Lutheran Church is in Kaļķu Street in the western part of Viesīte, on the so-called Vales hillock which was left behind after the Ice Age. An interesting fact is that the defenders of Viesīte defeated the Bermont army here in 1919. The cornerstone for the church was laid on August 15, 1937 (a commemoration day for military heroes). The building was consecrated in 1939 and restored in 1994. Financing was provided for the construction of the church by Professor Pauls Stradiņš. The altar painting is by Ligita Caune. To the East of the church, at the foot of the Vales hillock is a monument to Stradiņš.


Церковь строилась с 1909 по 1913 год. Качество красного кирпича, используемого в строительстве храма, было плохим, поэтому с 1939 года заменено около 60 000 кирпичей! Храм считается одним из самых внушительных сакральных строений Латвии. В строительстве церкви применены декоративные элементы неоготического стиля, а в интерьере - алтарь, кафедра, хоры органа, молитвенные скамейкии изготовленные в наши дни исповедальни созданы в готических формах. Орган строился в 1931 году. Храм пострадал во время Первой мировой войны и был восстановлен в 1921 году. Осмотр церкви рекомендуется проводить в сопровождении гида.


Dievnams celts (1851. g.) un vēlāk (1876. g.) paplašināts. Tas tika sagrauts 2. Pasaules kara laikā un pēcāk atjaunots. Līdz Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanai to izmantoja par skolas sporta zāli. Pēc draudzes darbības atsākšanas (1989. g.) sākās arī baznīcas un ar to saistīto tradīciju atdzimšana. Apskatāma no iekšpuses.