No Name Description
Notra’s Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works lasted from 1928 till 1931. The church is situated on the site of the previous church that was originally built in 1853.

One of the most unusual houses of worship in the national park, this one has a red brick tower, and together with local residential buildings it makes up an interesting cultural landscape.  The prayer house is not open to the public.


Atrodas Ganību ielā 120. Celta (iesvētīta 2001. g.) mūsdienu modernās arhitektūras formās un interesanta ar faktu, ka sākotnēji bijusi Vatikāna paviljons Pasaules izstādē “Expo 2000” Hannoverē. To pārbūvēja un uz Liepāju pārcēla par Vācijas katoļu saziedotajiem līdzekļiem. Ēkā darbojas katoļu draudzes centrs.


Found in the northern part of Cesvaine, the church was built of fieldstones in the Neo-Gothic style in 1879 by the architect Paul Max Bertschy.  The church was restored in 1929 and again in the early 1990s.  The altar painting, “Christ on the Cross” (1923) is by Jēkabs Bīne.



Meklējama pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukumā 11. Dievnams uzcelts 1886. g. Ēkā atrodas vairāki nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi – gleznas, krucifikss (18. gs.) u.c. Baznīcas dārzā apskatāma skulptūra “Latgales māte” (tēlnieks B. Buls) un piemineklis politiski represēto piemiņai (tēlniece V. Dzintare). Baznīca ir apskatāma arī no iekšpuses.


Находится в 2,5 км к северу от Круте. Небольшое здание из деревянных бревен с дощатой обшивкой первоначально было построено в 1642 году, а кирпичная башня восстановлена после Второй мировой войны. Интерьер церкви – алтарь (вторая половина XVII века), алтарная икона неизвестного автора «Иисус у креста» (XVII в.) и богато орнаментированная кафедра (1642 г.) являются важными памятниками времен маньеризма.


 The Krustpils Lutheran Church is found at Rīgas Street 211A in Krustpils, on the right bank of the Little Daugava. The stone church which is there was built between 1818 and 1820 and consecrated in 1824. Two older churches stood on the site before then. The church was seriously damaged during World War I, and it was restored in 1924. There are several notable cultural monuments in the church – the altar painting, “Christ Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane”, the organ (with pipes that were manufactured in Germany), etc. The church is seen as one of the best examples of Empire-style architecture in Latvia, and in 1999 it was granted the European blue flag as an element of cultural heritage. There are legends about underground passages to Daugavsala, which is to the West of the church. The church is closed to visitors most days and can only be viewed from the outside. Nearby the church are two monuments – one commemorating the politically repressed, and the other memorialising national partisans.



The first church was here in the early 18th century, followed by the second and third one (1847-1848), and then the one that is there now. The church was damaged during World War I and then during the Soviet era, when wool was stored there between 1969 and 1993. In the 1990s, the building was in terrible shape, but it is gradually recovering its appearance. Between 1826 and 1856, the sexton and organist at the church was the Latvian poet and translator Ansis Līventāls (1803-1878). His grave and monument are alongside the church. At the same place are the graves of German and Russian soldiers who died during World War I, as well as the grave monument of the pastor and writer Jacob Florentin Lundberg (1782-1858).


The church is on the highest part of the banks of the Marku river, and it is behind the Piedruja border control point.  A paved street leads to the church, and it is thought that it was built in the early 20th century by local farmers, who were required to bring stones for the street when they attended worship services.  The church has six cupolas and is seen as one of the most beautiful ones in the Krāslava Administrative District.  The building was erected between 1883 and 1885 to replace an old 17th century wooden church.  It corresponds to the architectural form of the Old Russian town of Vladimir and the Byzantine style.  It is said that at one time the church had as many as 1,000 members.

Krustceļi Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1939.

The church was opened in 1651 after half a century of sometimes interrupted construction.  It was fully rebuilt and took on its current appearance in 1876.  The church contains one of the most important church objects in Latvia – the oldest pulpit in the country (1590).  It was designed in the style of Mannerism.  The church also has a bell from a wrecked chapel of the local knighthood.  The bell was manufacture in 1450 and was installed at the church in the 19th century.  It is the oldest church bell in Latvia.  The German painter F. Wolff painted the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” and it, along with the altar, have recently been restored.


Atrodas skaistā vietā – Elernes loka ziemeļdaļā, Daugavas senielejas malā. Mūsdienās redzamais dievnams celts no tēstiem laukakmeņiem iepriekšējo vietā laikā no 1934. - 1961. gadam. Pēc baznīcas uzcelšanas padomju vara tajā izvietoja klubu, tādēļ draudze baznīcu atguva tikai 1989. gadā. Šīs vietas agrākais nosaukums – Naujene (Novene) ir lietuviešu cilmes. Savukārt, Juzefovas vārds cēlies no vietējā muižnieka Juzefa (Jezupa) Šadurska.


according to legend, was washed into the sea because of collapsing shores along with other buildings and the old road.  The church was built in 1862 and has an altar painting from the late 19th century, "Mother of God," along with an organ.  The metal elements of the building's doors are interesting.  Hanging from the ceiling of the church is a sailing ship that has to do with the rescue of the crew of the sunken ship.  


Atrodas iepretim bākai. Saukta arī par Pizes (Miķeļtorņa lībiskais nosaukums) baznīcu. To uzcēla 1893. g. Padomju laikā ēkā bija izvietots pionieru nometnes klubs. Tagad tā atkal kalpo savam pamatmērķim.


Atrodas Celtnieku un Z. Mauriņas ielu krustojumā. Dievnams uzcelts 2000. gadā modernās arhitektūras formās (arhitekti Aija un Andris Kokini), kas simbolizē Noasa šķirstu vai zviedru laivas, kas atnesušas kristīgo ticību.


Baznīca atrodas Sodu ielā (Sodų gatve) 8. Tās pirmsākumi meklējami 1409. g. (viena no vecākajām Lietuvas baznīcām), kad Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Vītauts Dižais izveidoja Traķu apgabala baznīcu. Dievnams joprojām ir pazīstams ar 1123. g. Konstantinopolē gleznotās Traķu Dievmātes gleznu, kuru it kā Vītautam 1390. g. uzdāvinājis Bizantijas ķeizars Emanuels Paleologs II. Šis fakts gan ir jāuzskata par leģendu, ko aprakstījis vēsturnieks Albertas Vijūkas – Kojalavičius, jo 1645 g. gleznas restaurācijas laikā noskaidrojās, ka tā ir tapusi 15 gs. beigās vai 16. gs. sākumā. Traķu Dievmātes glezna ir pirmā Lietuvas pāvesta vainagotā glezna (vainagošanas ceremonija notika 1718 g.), pēc kuras brīnumus piedzīvojuši daudzi ticīgie - gan katoļi, gan pareizticīgie, gan pagāni, gan tatāri. Latvijā - Aglonas bazilikā atrodas šīs gleznas kopija, ko uzskata par svētu! Vislabākais skats uz baznīcu, Traķu ezerpili un Traķiem paveras no klaja paugura Galves (Galvė) ezera ziemeļu krastā.


Work on a new church began in 1574 at the commission of Duke Gotthard Kettler of Courland and Zemgale.  The steeple was installed between 1686 and 1688, and in 1862 its height was increased to 80.5 m.  The church burned down because of Soviet bombardment on July 27, 1944, and in 1954 the Soviet military blew up its ruins.  Reconstruction of the steeple began in 2009, and it now has an outstanding interactive museum that is particularly interesting for children, along with a glassed viewing platform.


Atrodas pilsētas centrā, Atbrīvošanas alejā 98. Dievnamu sāka celt 1840. g. (iesvētīja 1846. g.) un tas uzskatāms par pilsētas vecāko sakrālo būvi. Nekvalitatīvu būvniecības materiālu izmantošana un cēlāju pieredzes trūkums bija iemesls, kādēļ 1854. g. to nācās pārbūvēt. Pie baznīcas atrodas 1867. g. būvēta Sv. A. Ņevska kapliča, kas veltīta cara Aleksandra II paglābšanās faktam vilciena katastrofā un stikla mauzolejs, kurā apbedīts baznīcas mecenāts ģenerālis Karaulovs (šobrīd tiek restaurēts). Dievnams ir atvērts arī apmeklētājiem.


The Nereta Lutheran Church is in the centre of Nereta at Rīgas Street 2. The Baroque church features elements of the late Gothic period, and it is seen as one of the oldest churches in Zemgale. It was built between 1584 and 1893 at the initiative of Count Wilhelm von Effern and rebuilt in 1679. There are gravestone reliefs in the church dedicated to Wilhelm and Georg von Effern which date back to the late 16th century. The gravestone for Georg Effern is the most distinguished artwork in the style of early Nordic Mannerism in Latvia. The altar painting was painted in 1863 by P. Handler. The organ was built by R. Knauff in 1893, and the stained glass windows were produced by E. Baiermann in 1900. The chandeliers on the ceiling date back to the 17th and 19th centuries. Visitors can view Nereta and its surroundings from the unique eight-corner tower of the church, which is 38.6 m high.

St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church of Viļāni. The Church together with the Monastery of Bernardian Order was built in the middle of the 18th century. It is a national cultural monument. Many important paintings, sculptures and objects of applied arts have survived here. The Church has an organ and a fisharmony. The status of national importance was awarded to the architectural monument in 1952.