No Name Description

Found on the right bank of the Daugava where the little Karikste river flows into the Daugava, all that remains of the castle today is a set of ruined walls and foundations.  The castle was built by the Livonian Order in 1224, and it was inhabited until the mid-17th century, when it was sacked during the Polish-Swedish war.  The ruins offer a good view of the local gravel road that goes along the right bank of the river valley.



The estate is in the centre of Ineši, 5 km to the south of Vecpiebalga.  The estate dates back to the latter half of the 17th century, when an ornate castle for the noble Sheremetyev family was built here in the style of Classicism and on the banks of the little Orisāre River.  The castle was built down during the 1905  Revolution, but restored four years later.  Around the castle is a lovely landscape park.  The castle served as the prototype for the Slātava Estate in the famous novel “Age of the Surveyors” by the Kaudzīte brothers.  In 1992, the Piebalga Administrative District Museum was opened in the wine cellar of the castle, which is home to the Ineši Parish Council and a porcelain painting studio.  Organised tours of the estate and its surrounding area are available.


Das heute gesehene Ensemble (im Stil des Neorenaissance gebautes Gutshaus) entstand im wesentlichen in der Zeit zwischen 1897 – 1902 als ein Eigentum vom Grafen Joseph Tyszkiewicz und seiner Frau. Ein Park.


Iespējams apskatīt Kroņvircavas muižas kompleksu, kas bija pēdējā Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Pētera Bīrona lauku īpašums ar pili.  To pēc hercoga pasūtījuma 1776. - 1785. gadā būvēja galma arhitekts Severīns Jensens. 

No hercoga pils līdz mūsdienām saglabājies vienīgi ziemeļaustrumu korpuss un virtuve kā atsevišķa ēka. Vispilnīgāk no muižas kompleksa ēkām saglabājušās Kavalieru māja, Pārvaldnieka māja, kurā tagad vietu radis projekts “Muižas istabas”, klēts-magazīna, stallis. Kroņvircavas muižas apbūve ir Valsts aizsardzības objekts. Pili ieskāva liels baroka stila parks ar ūdens parteru, kas kā muižas dārzs sākts ierīkot 1693. gadā.

Šobrīd “Muižas istabās” saimnieko ģimene, kas vēlas saglabāt autentiskās mājas vērtības, iedzīvināt džezu uz “Muižas istabu” improvizētās skatuves, izstādīt mākslinieku darbus un  svinēt svētkus. Aicinām apmeklēt vēsturiskā un kultūras mantojuma interesentus dzīvās mūzikas pavadījumā atklāt Vircavas bagāto vēsturi, ģimenes piedzīvojumus ar 250 gadīgo namu un sajust īpašo atmosfēru, ko novērtējuši daudzi mūsu apmeklētāji. 


The residential building was erected in the early 18th and renovated in the middle of the 19th century.  Restoration of the manse and its ancillary buildings is continuing even today.  Since September 2009, the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church has housed its Recollection Centre at the manse.  The ruins of an old stable can be seen.


1339. g. Livonijas ordeņa mestrs (no 1328. – 1340.) Eberhards fon Monheims pašu zemgaļu 1286. g. nodedzinātās pils vietā uzceļ jaunu - mūra pili. To sešus gadus vēlāk nodedzināja lietuviešu karaspēks. Pili gan atjaunoja Kurzemes hercoga Ketlera valdīšanas laikā, taču Ziemeļu kara laikā - 1701. g. to atkal noposta zviedru karapulki. Līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājusies tikai no laukakmeņiem celtās pils sienas atliekas.


This is a lovely park and a reconstructed estate from the mid-19th century, located 14 km away from Panevežys in northern Lithuania.  The estate was established during the latter half of the 19th century, and during the 20th century, various buildings were erected, including a two-story mansion with two floors (mid-19th century), stables, cellars, a gardener hut and ancillary buildings.  The mixed-type park with ponds was installed in during the latter half of the 19th century.  There was a large pergola on a hillock in the park, and it was alongside the gardener's hut.  The silhouette of the park is enlivened by newly pave pathways and little bridges that link the ponds.


Kīdevas muiža rakstos ir minēta 1614. g., taču pašreiz redzamā divstāvu kungu māja, ir celta 19. gs. beigās. Ēkas sienas ir klātas ar koka šķindeļiem, kas viens otru pārklāj kā zivs zvīņas. Šāds kungu mājas sienu pārklājums Igaunijas mērogā ir unikāls. Laikā no 1919. – 1951. g. tajā atradās skola. Blakus muižai atrodas neliels parks. Diemžēl turpat pusgadsimtu ilgās pamestības rezultātā ēkas atrodas ļoti kritiskā stāvoklī. Tas ir arī pietiekams apmeklējuma iemesls.


The Livonian Order built a castle made of bricks and fieldstones in this location in 1253.  The building measured 72 x 40 metres and had a three-story residential area and a gate tower at its centre.  An entrance for soldiers was installed at the height of the second floor of the fortified wall during the 14th century, with barriers and four bastions installed during the 16th and 17th century.  Legend has it that the daughter of a knight was bricked into the wall and that there was once a secret underground passage to the Lutheran church that is 200 metres away.  The park includes the “Ancient Seashore” promenade, featuring plaques with quotes from Zenta Mauriņa and Jānis Rainis.


On the left bank of the ancient Gauja River valley, between the Paparžu ravine and the ravine along which the Sigulda-Turaida road passes through the valley there are the ruins of a castle built by the Order of the Brethren of the Sword.  Construction on the castle began in 1207, and three decades later, in 1236, the castle was rebuilt for the needs of the Livonian Order.  The Sigulda Castle suffered much damage during wars in the late 16th and early 17th century.  During the Great Northern War, it was burned down and never restored.  What is there today is the south-western segment of the castle's convent building, as well as the tower of the main gate.  Beyond that is the internal forecastle, where there is an open-air stage for the annual Sigulda Opera Music Festival and other public events.  There are also impressive views of the ancient Gauja River valley, Krimulda and Turaida.  Reconstruction of the ruins is currently ongoing, and after the work is completed a second tower on the left side of the stage will be available to visitors.  The plan is to install crossings around the walls of the convent building.  Presently the ruins are available on a 24/7 basis and free of charge, but after the restorations are completed in 2012, admission will be charged.


Skaistā ēka atrodas Lizuma centrā. Lizuma muižas īpašumi piederējuši dažādām dzimtām – vācbaltiešiem Tīzenhauzeniem, Malamiem un Volfiem. 1836. g. muižu iegādājas barons Otto Gotlībs fon Volfs, kura laikā muižas pils iegūst tagadējo veidolu – Tjudoru neogotikas stilu ar poligonālu torni. Jau no 1937. g. pilī izvietojusies Lizuma skola, kas ir viens no iemesliem, kādēļ saglabājusies ne tikai pati ēka, bet arī atsevišķi interjera elementi kāpņu telpā, Zilajā (Mednieku) zālē u.c. Pili ieskauj parks, kur atrodas muižas saimniecības ēkas – mūra klēts (te kultūras nams), 1876. g. celtais zirgu stallis (sporta halle), kalpu un dārznieka namiņš u.c. Bijušajā spirta brūzī ražo Gotiņas konfektes. Pils tornī izveidots Lizuma vidusskolas veidotais novadpētniecības muzejs.

Muižas ansamblis veidots 19.gadsimtā, tās arhitektūrā atspoguļojās vairāku eklektisma formāli stilistisku virzienu uzslāņojumi, taču dominējošais bija baroka stils. Tā bija grāfa Kazimira Plātera-Zīberga (1808-1876), vēlāk grāfa Fēliksa Konstantina Plātera-Zīberga (1847-1928) rezidence. Pils un daļa saimniecības ēku tika iznīcinātas pirmā pasaules kara laikā, krievu armijas lielkalibra artilērijas apšaudes gaitā. Pārpalikušās drupas laika gaitā tika nojauktas. Līdz mūsdienām saglabājušies vārtu stabi, kas ir apmierinošā tehniskā stāvoklī. Muižā bijusi arī grāfa Zīberga 1697. gadā celta mūra kapela ar altāri un skaistām gleznām. Dievkalpojumus esot noturējis Ilūkstes prāvests. Bijušie īpašnieki: 18. gadsimtā barons A. Plāters-Zībergs, Kazimirs Plāters-Zībergs (1808-1876).

Находится ~ в 1 км на восток от центра Априки. Дворец господской усадьбы (стиль барокко) строился с 1742 по 1745 гг., а башня неоготического стиля как пристройка возводилась в конце XIX века. На фронтоне главного фасада дворца выполнен рельеф из песчаника с гербом родов баронов Остен – Сакенов и Корфов, который является самым роскошным элементом среди подобного рода имений Латвии. В здании сохранились и первоначальные элементы интерьера (осматриваются в сопровождении гида) – дверные створки, расписанная голландская печь, оконные дубовые ставни, коробки, чеканные металлические детали и паркет. В комплекс господской усадьбы входит дом управляющего, дом прислуги, хозяйственные постройки и парк. С 1920 года во дворце господской усадьбы действует школа и устроен музей края, который непременно следует посетить! Сейчас в музее выставлена коллекция этикеток производимого в Латвии хлеба. В 1901 году господскую усадьбу приобрел Карл Густав Маннергейм (1867 - 1951), который был президентом государства Финляндии и легендарным автором системы фортификации линий Маннергейма - Зимняя война (1939 - 1940).


The stronghold dates back to the 13th C, exhibitions in its cellars present wildlife and history of the island. Workshops (smithy, glass, ceramics, stone) run from May to August for visitors to admire or participate in. The archery range nearby adds to the excitement and there you can also mint coins.
Mihkli Farm Museum (+372 454 6613, is a museum branch in Viki village in western Saaremaa with lots to tell and see about heritage, culture and architecture.


The Rēzekne castle hill is an impressive hillock (15 m) on the right bank of the Rēzekne River. From the 9th to the 12th century, there was a Lettigalian castle here. In 1285, the Livonian Order began to build a two-story stone castle on the site, and its ruins have survived to this very day. Alongside the castle hill is the Eastern Latvian Creative Service Centre - „Zeimuļs”, along with a tourism information centre.


Palmse Manor is known to be considered as one of the most beautiful manors in Estonia. The manor has been mentioned first in 1510 as a property of women's monastery. In later centuries it belonged to Palenu family. Manor was built in 1697 but it was made the way we see it nowadays in 18th century. It has been renovated one more time in 1970-1980's. Around the building is a big and scenic park with several ponds. Inside the manor you can become familiar with its interior and visit the basement as well as buy Estonian wine.


The Varakļāni Estate has a mansion which is known as one of the most outstanding monuments to Classicism in Latgale. It was built between 1783 and 1789 and designed by the Italian architect Vincento Macotti, and it was owned by Earl Michael Johan Borch. Late in the 18th century, the same architect designed the estate’s lovely and romantic landscape park, which was one of the first parks of its kind in Latvia. The Varakļāni Administrative District Museum is housed in the mansion today.


The road leading to this estate is reminiscent of a narrow mountain road with a deep river valley alongside it.  The estate used to be known as the Libe Estate, and the buildings that are seen there now belonged to a nobleman, Magnuss.  The mansion has a Neo-Gothic glass tower which is known as an architectural curio among specialists.  The Sarkaņi Parish Council sits in the mansion.  The granary is the work of a local enthusiast, Andris Trečaks, who has collected a series of ancient objects.  Outside the granary is a very broad view of the “lower” Lubāna flatlands, resembling a painting with an empty frame.


The origins of the castle date back to 1237. The closed yard that was typical of Medieval castles has been preserved. The interior took on its Historicism design in the mid-19th century, but there are also more ancient elements such as the gate tower, the basic walls, the firing apertures, the vaulted structures, the window apertures, etc. The Jēkabpils Museum of History was installed in the castle in 1994, and it can be toured in the company of a guide or an audio guide.