No Name Description

This beautiful castle (1797-1802) is seen as the most brilliant example of Classicism in Latvian architecture.  It, like the Eleja Castle, was designed by the architect of the royal court in Russia, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi and the architect Johann Georg Adam Berlitz.  The ornate interior was unique for Kurzeme at the time when the castle was built.  Empress Catherine II gifted the castle to Charlotte von Lieven (1742-1828) after Charlotte served as governess for the empress’ grandchildren.  An agricultural school operated in the building from 1921 until 1941, and it was very much damaged and pillaged during World War II.  Restoration began later, when the Mežotne experimental selection station was housed in it.  The lovely building houses a hotel and can be toured.  Around the castle, which is on the banks of the Lielupe River, there is one of the most beautiful English-type gardens in Latvia – perfect for a stroll.


Atrodas Viļānu dienviddaļā, Maltas upītes krastos, kuras tecējumu pārtrauc Viļānu HES. Par muižu atrodamas ziņas jau no 15. gs. beigām, kad tā piederēja bruņiniekam J. Loem. Līdzīgi kā Vidsmuiža, arī šī bija viena no Latgales lielākajām muižām, kurai piederēja zemes > 49 000 ha platībā. 18. - 19. gs. mijā ap muižu sāka veidoties Viļānu miests. Muižas dzīvojamo ēku, kas apskatāma tikai no ārpuses, ieskauj parks.


Sēļu muiža, par kuru pirmās ziņas saistāmas ar 1561. gadu, ar seno ēku kompleksu un ainavu parku mūsdienās vēl joprojām darbojas kā pagasta administratīvais un kultūras centrs, kur tiek organizēti arī atpūtas un saviesīgi pasākumi. Neskatoties uz to, ka muiža vairākkārt ir tikusi pārbūvēta, tās senatnīgums ir vēl saglabājies. 

Sēļu pagasta Tautas nams piedāvā bezmaksas ekskursijas Sēļu muižas kompleksā un divas meistardarbnīcas: ādas apstrādes meistardarbnīca pie Benitas Audzes un kokapstrāde un galdniecība pie Uģa Vītiņa.


The first mention of Pēterupe Rectory goes back to the late 17th century. The Manor Park and the buildings have partially survived to the present day, including a linden alley at the end of Smilšu Street, planted by the pastor Jānis Neilands in 1879 and the grand oak planted by Johann Wilhelm Knierim in 1869. After the fire of 1908, the Rectory was restored and partially rebuilt. In Soviet times, the property was removed from the parish and the house was named “Līgotnes”. During German times the Rectory was occupied by legionnaires. After the war, the building of the Rectory was turned into a hospital, then into a secondary school and later it was transformed into a block of flats for teachers. Now the building again belongs to the parish and it is inhabited by a priest of the parish and his family. 


The Volkenberga Castle was built in the 13th century by the Livonian Order, and it was practically impregnable, as it was on top of Mākoņkalns hill.  These were among the first fortifications in Latgale, and only fragments of the castle remain today.  Architect Pēteris Blūms has said that this was a special type of fortification.  Legends say that after the lord and lady of the castle died, the property was divided up among their three daughters – Roze, Lūcija and Marija.  Each sister built a new castle on the land which she inherited – Roze built Rēzekne, Lūcija built Ludza, and Marija built Viļaka.  A memorial plaque at the foot of Mākoņkalns hill recalls the visit which pre-war Latvian President Kārlis Ulmanis paid to Latgale in 1938.


The estate in Milzkalne that is along the banks of the Slocene River dates back to the 15th century, when it was built as a closed complex for the Livonian Order.  It is the only fortified estate of its type to have survived to the present day, and it was once used as a hiding place for aristocrats during an attack.  The gate towers with their ornate weather vanes were built in the late 17th century, and the ancillary buildings date back to the 18th and 19th century.  A brick wall with firing apertures survives.  The Latvian Road Museum is in one of the wings of the complex, while the former mansion offers accommodations, tours and tastings of local goodies.


Находится ~ в 1 км на восток от центра Априки. Дворец господской усадьбы (стиль барокко) строился с 1742 по 1745 гг., а башня неоготического стиля как пристройка возводилась в конце XIX века. На фронтоне главного фасада дворца выполнен рельеф из песчаника с гербом родов баронов Остен – Сакенов и Корфов, который является самым роскошным элементом среди подобного рода имений Латвии. В здании сохранились и первоначальные элементы интерьера (осматриваются в сопровождении гида) – дверные створки, расписанная голландская печь, оконные дубовые ставни, коробки, чеканные металлические детали и паркет. В комплекс господской усадьбы входит дом управляющего, дом прислуги, хозяйственные постройки и парк. С 1920 года во дворце господской усадьбы действует школа и устроен музей края, который непременно следует посетить! Сейчас в музее выставлена коллекция этикеток производимого в Латвии хлеба. В 1901 году господскую усадьбу приобрел Карл Густав Маннергейм (1867 - 1951), который был президентом государства Финляндии и легендарным автором системы фортификации линий Маннергейма - Зимняя война (1939 - 1940).


Meklējama Skaistkalnes dienviddaļā, Mēmeles labajā krastā, Skolas ielā 5. Vietvārds Šēnberga tulkojums no vācu valodas nozīmē „Skaistais kalns”. No sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem celtā divstāvu muižas pils (historisma stils) tapusi ap 1894. g. (arhitekts Pauls Makss Berči). Ēkā ir saglabājušies dekoratīvās apdares elementi un iespaidīgs kamīns (vienīgais tāds Latvijā), uz kura atainota dzimtbūšanas atcelšanu Latvijā. Kamīnzālē atrodas pirms četriem gadiem atjaunotais griestu plafons. Muižas pilī atrodas Skaistkalnes vidusskola. Muižu ietver parks, kurā atrodas citas ar muižu saistītās ēkas.


Muiža vēsturiskajos dokumentos pirmoreiz ir pieminēta 16. gs. Tagad redzamā vienstāva kungu māja ir vairākreiz pārbūvēta laikā no 17. – 19. gs. 1997. g. ēku vēlreiz atjaunoja un tagad tajā atrodas viesu nams un Vilsandi nacionālā parka apmeklētāju centrs, kur var iegūt ne tikai vērtīgu informāciju, bet arī apskatīt Vilsandi apkārtnē atrastās fosilijas. No Lonas muižas var uzsākt pārgājienu uz Vilsandi salu. Vienā no muižas ēkām ir izveidota Vilsandi nacionālajam parkam veltīta ekspozīcija.


Matsalu muiža pirmoreiz vēsturiskajos avotos ir minēta 1560. g., kad tā ietilpa Lihulas bīskapijas sastāvā. Tagad redzamās ēkas ir celtas laikā no 18. gs. otrās puses līdz 20. gs. sākumam. Pagājušā gadsimta sešdesmitajos gados te plānoja izveidot Matsalu rezervāta centru, taču „veiksmīgā loze” tika netālu esošajai Penijē muižai (sk. iepriekš). Mūsdienās muižas pils, citas ēkas un parks (tajā dīķis ar salu) atrodas kritiskā stāvoklī. Taču kā nozīmīgu vēstures liecinieku arī šo muižu var iekļaut apskatāmo objektu sarakstā. Muižas komplekss atrodas pa ceļam uz Kēmu (Keemu) putnu vērošanas torni.


The Naukšēni People’s Museum, where we tell intelligent people about those who were born at the NAUKŠĒNI DISCO, arrived here and stayed here.  We’ll look at how they talk, sing, think and love.


The Jakiškiu Estate was first mentioned in documents in the late 16th century.  The estate had elements of Classicism in terms of its architecture.  Among the buildings, the only ones that have survived are the mansion, an ice cellar and a steam-driven windmill.  The estate has not been restored, so it is still authentic.  Its artistic soul is preserved by various objects that remain from the time when people lived at the estate and from the Soviet era.  Alongside the estate are a few fragments of a park, which covers approximately 2 ha.  There is an ancient alley of linden trees that are on both sides of the entrance road, as well as several other valuable types of trees and a small pond.


On the left bank of the ancient Gauja River valley, between the Paparžu ravine and the ravine along which the Sigulda-Turaida road passes through the valley there are the ruins of a castle built by the Order of the Brethren of the Sword.  Construction on the castle began in 1207, and three decades later, in 1236, the castle was rebuilt for the needs of the Livonian Order.  The Sigulda Castle suffered much damage during wars in the late 16th and early 17th century.  During the Great Northern War, it was burned down and never restored.  What is there today is the south-western segment of the castle's convent building, as well as the tower of the main gate.  Beyond that is the internal forecastle, where there is an open-air stage for the annual Sigulda Opera Music Festival and other public events.  There are also impressive views of the ancient Gauja River valley, Krimulda and Turaida.  Reconstruction of the ruins is currently ongoing, and after the work is completed a second tower on the left side of the stage will be available to visitors.  The plan is to install crossings around the walls of the convent building.  Presently the ruins are available on a 24/7 basis and free of charge, but after the restorations are completed in 2012, admission will be charged.


The Varakļāni Estate has a mansion which is known as one of the most outstanding monuments to Classicism in Latgale. It was built between 1783 and 1789 and designed by the Italian architect Vincento Macotti, and it was owned by Earl Michael Johan Borch. Late in the 18th century, the same architect designed the estate’s lovely and romantic landscape park, which was one of the first parks of its kind in Latvia. The Varakļāni Administrative District Museum is housed in the mansion today.


The estate is in the centre of Ineši, 5 km to the south of Vecpiebalga.  The estate dates back to the latter half of the 17th century, when an ornate castle for the noble Sheremetyev family was built here in the style of Classicism and on the banks of the little Orisāre River.  The castle was built down during the 1905  Revolution, but restored four years later.  Around the castle is a lovely landscape park.  The castle served as the prototype for the Slātava Estate in the famous novel “Age of the Surveyors” by the Kaudzīte brothers.  In 1992, the Piebalga Administrative District Museum was opened in the wine cellar of the castle, which is home to the Ineši Parish Council and a porcelain painting studio.  Organised tours of the estate and its surrounding area are available.


The manor was established in the 19th C. Today its mansion houses a restaurant where chefs cook affordable and simple dishes from local produce following principles of Estonian cuisine. Menus are always displayed and daily updated on the website, motorists in transit and group bookings are equally welcome. 


The complex dates back to the 17th and 18th century, when a fortress was replaced by a mansion and other buildings.  The rectangular yard that is in the centre of the state is surrounded by the mansion, two granaries with columns that were built opposite one another, a stable and a wheelhouse.  The stable and wheelhouse, the bell tower and the gate create the most impressive part of the buildings.  Bells were rung because of religious rituals, but also to inform people at the estate about everyday issues.  The silhouette of the building is reminiscent of cloisters, city halls and churches that were common in Europe in the 18th century.  In 1780, the estate was taken over by the family of Karl Otto von Löwenstern, and the mansion can only be viewed from the outside.  There is a hiking trail near the estate.


Виргская господская усадьба как лен была передана вассалу Ливонского ордена Конраду Нолду. До наших дней сохранился дворец господской усадьбы «Виргас», в котором с 1935 года до наших дней разместилась школа. Во дворце находятся три двери, украшенные красивой резьбой по дереву, с гербами рода Нолдов и портреты баронов. В бывшей клети господской усадьбы в 1983 г. обустроен Дом традиций - теперь Дом культуры. Господскую усадьбу окружает парк, в котором находится место могилы барона Нолда и баронессы с памятником. В центре Вирги установлен сапог Карла XII с двумя направленными друг от друга пушками и ядрами, которые вещают о временах Северной войны, когда в Вирге в 1701 г. был лагерь шведского войска.


Muiža vēsturiskajos avotos ir minēta jau 1560. gadā. Tagad redzamā kungu māja ir celta no akmens 1805. g. Padomju laikos tajā atradās Matsalu rezervāta administrācija, bet mūsdienās ēkā ir izveidota viesnīca. Līdz muižai nokļūstam pa skaistu aleju, kuras apkaimē ir redzamas citas muižas kompleksa ēkas.


Pirmie dokumenti par Kokmuižu atrodami 1601. gada zemes revīzijas pierakstos. Tur sniegtā informācija vēsta, ka Kokmuiža pastāvējusi jau 1560. gadā. Taču 1880. gadā vācu muižnieks sākas celt kungu māju neobaroka stilā. 20. gs. sākumā tā tika izpostīta, bet 1937. gadā to pārveidoja par skolu.

Kokmuižā kādreiz atradusies alus darītava. Tas bija laika periodā no 17.- 20. gs. Tā bija viena no slavenākajām alusdarītavām visā Vidzemes guberņā.

Mūsdienās var izstaigāt muižu pats vai gida pavadībā. Var aplūkot kungu māju, staļļu ēkas, muižas pārvaldnieka namu, bibliotēku, ekspozīciju, abas klētis un alus darītavas pagrabu, kā arī sfērisko saules pulksteni.