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Celta 1933. g. vietējai brāļu draudzei. Baznīcā atrodas glezna “Kristus” (1850. g.) un Liepājas meistara Jēkaba Jauģieša 1920. g. darinātās ērģeles. Mūsdienās dievnamu izmanto Bārtas draudze. Pie baznīcas novietots akmens apkaimes represētajiem iedzīvotājiem.

Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Nautrēni (Rogovka). The construction works of the brick church lasted from 1901 till 1914. It is an example of Romantesque style. The organ was bought in 1939; it is a national cultural monument.

The first building of the church was built in 1641. The fourth building of the church was only built in 1856 – during the times of Pastor Johann Wilhelm Knierim. Its altar painting – The Crucified Christ (Golgotha) was painted in 1856 by Jozeps Millers, who was influenced by the altar piece in Munich Louis Church created by his teacher Peter Cornelius. An epitaph of Baroness Auguste Amalija von Pistohlkros, the sister of the owner of Bīriņi Manor and the patroness of the church, was immured in the memorial wall. Construction of the tower was completed on 11 June 1856, as evidenced by a memorial plaque on the wall of the church with an inscription “Erbaut von August Pistolkors 1856”. The church was consecrated in 1864. And a year later an organ by Martin Company with 8 registers, which was extended to 14 registers in 1903, was installed in the church. Unfortunately, the organ was destroyed in WW2. Saulkrasti (Pēterupe) Evangelical Lutheran Church survived both World War 2 and the Soviet period. The Soviet era was one of the most difficult times for the church, because many churches in the area were destroyed, pastors were discharged and the congregation fell apart. The Pēterupe congregation remained. As an architectural monument the church was lucky enough to undergo roof repairs of the tower even during Soviet times. Funds were granted by the Chairlady of the Executive Committee Ņina Manzūrova. 


The Apriķi Lutheran Church is, for good reason, known as one of the most beautiful churches in Kurzeme. It was owned by the Osten-Zacken dynasty in the past, built in the 17th century, and rebuilt in 1710. The wooden interior is in the Rococo style with elements of the Baroque, and it dates to the mid-18th century. It is amazingly ornate. The beautiful ceiling paintings, which were produced by a Prussian painter called Rode, were painted between 1744 and 1746.

All Saints Orthodox Church of Malta (Rozentova) was built in 1928. It is the wooden log building with double window frames and a dome. Facades are decorated with the motive of the sun.

The church was built between 1640 and 1642 as a mark of respect for the king of Poland.  It was commissioned by Duke Jacob Kettler and has a confessional bench with allegoric paintings (1691), as well as three altars decorated with Rococo carvings.  There is a 16th century sculpture of the Madonna and her child.  Contact the church for a tour.


Eine der schönsten Landkirchen Estlands, wurde ursprünglich als Zufluchtsort verwendet. Wurde im Stil der Frühgotik gebaut. Die Wandmalerei aus dem Jahr 1330.


Atrodas Grobiņas centrā, Dzērves laukuma malā. Pirmā baznīca Grobiņa bija celta jau ap 1560. g., bet nākamā – 1596. g. celtā iznīcināta 1659. g. zviedru iebrukuma laikā. Pēc Kurzemes un Zemgales hercoga Jēkaba Ketlera iniciatīvas 1664. g. tiek uzcelts jauns dievnams, ko atjauno 1892. gadā. Tas dedzis 2. pasaules kara laikā, bet vēlāk atkal atjaunots. Šobrīd notiek altāra restaurācijas darbi.


Atrodas Ēdoles centrā. Dievnams tapis 17. gs. vidū, pateicoties Ēdoles pils īpašnieka - Johana Dītriha Bēra iniciatīvai, kas to veltījis sava noslepkavotā tēva piemiņai, domādams, ka tādējādi varēs izpirkt brāļa Filipa - tēva slepkavas grēkus. Lai izpirktu savējos, J. D. Bērs licis sevi paglabāt zem baznīcas durvju sliekšņa. Dievnama iekštelpas rotā sākotnējais baroka interjers, kā arī krāšņs ērģeļu prospekts un luktu apdares elementi.


Atrodas pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukuma malā. Dievnams tapis 1495. g., pēc Livonijas ordeņa mestra Valtera fon Pletenberga (~ 1450. – 1535.) pavēles. Gadsimtiem ritot, ēka pārbūvēta un tagad redzamais tornis celts 1907. g. Baznīcā apskatāmi nozīmīgi kultūrvēstures pieminekļi: altārglezna “Golgāta” - H. Kīperta darināta kopija (pēc K. Arnoldi Kandavas luterāņu baznīcas oriģināla (1864. g.)), muižniekam Fīlipam Drahenfelsam veltīta epitāfija (B. Bodekers, 16. un 17. gs. mija), A. D. Tīzenhauzenas kapu plāksne (1648. g.), kristāmtrauka pamatne (18. gs.) un piemiņas plāksne 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušajiem draudzes locekļiem (1925. g.). Ap Tirgus laukumu (atjaunots, jauka strūklaka) izvietojies Dobeles vēsturiskais centrs.


The church was built from 1801 until 1804 by Fridrihs Veits from Cēsis.  At the centre of the altar is a painting, “Christ on the Cross,” which dates to the latter half of the 19th century.  The bell was cast in 1895, and the organ was built in 1914.  In front of the church is a 1930 monument to those who fell during World War I and Latvia’s liberation battles (sculptor Kārlis Zāle, architect Aleksandrs Birzenieks).  Restoration of the façade and interior of the church was finished quite recently.


During restorations of the tower of the Kolka Lutheran church in the 1990s, a document was found which spoke to the conversion of many Livs to the Orthodox faith.  The document was placed in the tower in 1885, when the church was being constructed, and it says that the decision by Livs to join the Orthodox church was based not on faith, "but instead as a resource for accessing advantages in relation to land."  The Orthodox congregation purchased land from a local aristocrat in 1885, and in 1990, a church, manse and school were built on the land.  All three buildings have survived to the present day.  The church has its own congregation, and worship services are held once a month.  There are news to show that Kolka is the only Liv shoreline village in which an Orthodox church was built during the 1890s.  The church's bell dates back to 1936.  During the Soviet era, the church was used as a mortuary, but today its original functions have been restored to it.

Lipuški Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1893 at lake Rāzna in village Lipuški. In former days, it was one of the largest Old- Believers parishes in the Baltic countries; you will notice Old-Believers cemeteries that are placed in the neighbourhood.

The first Catholic church in Ludza was built in 1687 and burned down.  A new wooden Baroque church was built in 1738, and because of its colourful interior it became known as the loveliest wooden house of worship in Latvia.  The church burned down during a great conflagration in 1938.  Work on the church that is there began in 1939, but it was only completed in the early 1990s.


A wooden church was built by local craftsmen here between 1655 and 1658.  Financed by the Plater aristocratic family, it was a miniature basilica, and this is seen as one of the oldest wooden churches in Latgale.  That makes it a unique cultural and historical monument.  The central altar has baroque wood carvings that were produced by masters from a local sculptural school.  The side altar includes a painting of Mary Magdalene from the mid-18th century.  The church was moved to its present location on the right bank of the Daugava in 1698.  It has been restored several times – in 1890 and 1918.  The stone wall that stretches around the church dates back to the late 17th century, and the freestanding bell tower was built in the mid-19th century.  It was restored in 2002.  According to various sources of information, the Indrica congregation is the oldest one in Latgale.

Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church of Ozolmuiža was built in 1820 by the foundation of counts Plāteri-Zībergi. It is a stone building with a small bell tower. The church has a huge stone altar with four columns and a massive cross. It is a monument of state importance.

The building was built in 1800 and rebuilt in 1825. Zosna Catholic Church is one of the smallest wooden churches in Latgale and the oldest church of the Rāzna National Park. The building is famous for the altarpiece "Madonna with a child". Noteworthy is also the gate, fence (built from red bricks and boulders) and the bell tower. Not far from the church there lives a manager with whom you can agree on seeing the church from the inside.


This chapel is interesting in form and made of field stones.  It was built in the 19th century and is not open to the public.

Blessed Our Lady’s Birth Roman Catholic Church of Kaunata was rebuilt in 1850 by Zuzanna Druva after the wooden building was burned down. The church has a fabric icon „St. Elizabeth is visited by Mary”.

The first wooden church was built here in 1252, and the brick church was built in 1665.  It burned down and was restored in 1672, but it was rebuilt in later years.  There are important artistic monuments in the interior of the church – the altar, the pulpit and the painted organ.  Legendary Duke Jacob Kettler of Courland (1610-1682) was baptised in the church and married Princess Charlotte Louise from Brandenburg in it.  During the Soviet era, the church housed a museum and a concert hall.  According to legend, the name of the church is based on a woman called Catherine, who donated funds to build the church, was subjected to lies, tortured and then proclaimed as a saint.  Above the side entrance is a medallion of a woman with a crown of thorns, torture equipment and a sword in her hand.  Elements of this story can also be seen in the herald of Kuldīga.  The steeple of the church offers a good look at the roofs of the ancient part of the city.