No Name Description
St. Michael the Archangel Parish Church of Zosna. The church was built in 1800 by the donations of local people; it is devoted to Saint Michael. The church is built on the stone foundation and panelled with boards. It has a small square tower that was restored in 1994.

Atrodas Rucavas galvenās ielas malā, netālu no centra.Rucavas draudzi dibināja 1871. gadā, bet izmēros nelielo dievnamu uzcēla 1888. gadā.


The Velēna Lutheran Church is at the crossing of the Smiltene-Gulbene-Lizums roads. It is said that the roof of the first wooden church at this location had a peat moss roof. The organ from the Sauer company still works, and it is one of the best organs in Latvia. The organist offers guided tours of the church.


Atrodas Raiņa ielā 18. Baznīca celta 1911. - 1912. g. pēc Stukmaņu muižas nomnieka barona R. Noldes iniciatīvas. 1. pasaules karā cietušo baznīcu atjaunoja un no jauna iesvētīja 1921. g. Baznīcā apskatāma altārglezna “Kristus augšāmcelšanās”. Dievnams tāpat kā daudzas citas pilsētas ēkas ir būvētas no apkaimē sastopamā izejmateriāla – dolomīta. Interesanti, ka tornis būvēts ēkas vienā malā – asimetriski.


The church was built from 1801 until 1804 by Fridrihs Veits from Cēsis.  At the centre of the altar is a painting, “Christ on the Cross,” which dates to the latter half of the 19th century.  The bell was cast in 1895, and the organ was built in 1914.  In front of the church is a 1930 monument to those who fell during World War I and Latvia’s liberation battles (sculptor Kārlis Zāle, architect Aleksandrs Birzenieks).  Restoration of the façade and interior of the church was finished quite recently.


Eine der schönsten Landkirchen Estlands, wurde ursprünglich als Zufluchtsort verwendet. Wurde im Stil der Frühgotik gebaut. Die Wandmalerei aus dem Jahr 1330.


Baznīca šajā vietā – blakus Livonijas ordeņa pilij (nav saglabājusies) atradās jau ~ 1380. gadu. Tagad redzamais dievnams (patiesībā – atliekas) tika nopostīts pēc 2. pasaules kara un uzspridzināta 20. gs. 70. gados. Tā drupas ir iekonservētas un virs altārdaļas uzstādīts balts koka krusts. Atrodas Salaspils dienviddaļā starp Rīgas HES dambi un ūdenskrātuvi.

St. Anna Roman Catholic Church of Bērzgale. The Church was built in 1770 and sanctified in 1776. The building is an example of Baroque style with a woodcarved altar and two pictures of Virgin Mary. The church resembles Aglona Basilica.

The Viesīte Lutheran Church is in Kaļķu Street in the western part of Viesīte, on the so-called Vales hillock which was left behind after the Ice Age. An interesting fact is that the defenders of Viesīte defeated the Bermont army here in 1919. The cornerstone for the church was laid on August 15, 1937 (a commemoration day for military heroes). The building was consecrated in 1939 and restored in 1994. Financing was provided for the construction of the church by Professor Pauls Stradiņš. The altar painting is by Ligita Caune. To the East of the church, at the foot of the Vales hillock is a monument to Stradiņš.


The Apriķi Lutheran Church is, for good reason, known as one of the most beautiful churches in Kurzeme. It was owned by the Osten-Zacken dynasty in the past, built in the 17th century, and rebuilt in 1710. The wooden interior is in the Rococo style with elements of the Baroque, and it dates to the mid-18th century. It is amazingly ornate. The beautiful ceiling paintings, which were produced by a Prussian painter called Rode, were painted between 1744 and 1746.


The church was built in the Neoromantic style between 1936 and 1939 on the basis of a design by the architect Pavlov.  It was consecrated before the completion of construction, this happening in 1937.  The church honours the Anguished Mother of God, and the central altar is dedicated to her.  Icons in the building date back to the early 20th century, and a statue of the Fatima Mother of God is in the yard near the entrance.

St. Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Dukstigals. The wooden church was burned down in the World War II and restored in 1947. The church has the icon of Our Lady in the central altar and the statue of Our Lady.
Tiskādi Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1886 and reconstructed in 1905. The large church was sanctified 100 years ago. It is situated in the district which is mostly populated by Old Believers. The church stands on the hill.

The Sarkaņi Catholic Church is on the western shore of Lake Cirms, and it was built of field stones in 1830. The church is famous for a painting of the Virgin Mary which is said to be miraculous. This is a popular destination for pilgrims as a result of this fact.


Celta 1933. g. vietējai brāļu draudzei. Baznīcā atrodas glezna “Kristus” (1850. g.) un Liepājas meistara Jēkaba Jauģieša 1920. g. darinātās ērģeles. Mūsdienās dievnamu izmanto Bārtas draudze. Pie baznīcas novietots akmens apkaimes represētajiem iedzīvotājiem.


Находится в 2,5 км к северу от Круте. Небольшое здание из деревянных бревен с дощатой обшивкой первоначально было построено в 1642 году, а кирпичная башня восстановлена после Второй мировой войны. Интерьер церкви – алтарь (вторая половина XVII века), алтарная икона неизвестного автора «Иисус у креста» (XVII в.) и богато орнаментированная кафедра (1642 г.) являются важными памятниками времен маньеризма.


Одна из самых красивых деревянных церквей Южной Латгалии. Построенный из бревен и обшитый досками храм строился в период с 1750 по 1751 гг. Сохранился алтарь работы XVIII века (резьба по дереву, барокко) и проспект органа, а также более 30 предметов, имеющих художественную ценность. Во дворе церкви в XIX веке построена колокольня. В направлении озера Рушонс построен деревянный пасторат.


Gebaut als ein Gebäude des Festungstyps. Wurde in der Zeit des Livländischen Kriegs und des Nordkriegs zerstört. 1865 wurde der heutige Turm gebaut. Die von J. V. Rabe gebaute Kanzel mit Spindeltreppe.

Paramonovas Old-Believer Preaching House was built in 1882.

The first wooden Catholic church in Dagda was built in 1705, while the church that is seen today was built in the Baroque style during the latter half of the 18th century, the work financed by a local nobleman.  Important interior elements include the altar, the pulpit, the organ, a monument to the Hilsen dynasty, etc.  To the North of the church is historical Dagda itself, with typical red brick buildings from the early 20th century that are known as the former homes of Jewish merchants.