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Nelielā izmēra ēka (balts ķieģeļu mūris, ar dēļiem apšūts zems tornis) atrodas Liepājas – Klaipēdas šosejas (A 11) malā. 20. gadsimta sākumā tā kalpojusi kā lūgšanu nams, taču tā paša gadsimta vidū pārbūvēta, uzceļot torni.


Храм построен в 1766 г., а колокольня возводилась в 1897 году. Орган, построенный в 1859 году органным мастером Ансисом Динсбергсом, считается старейшим органом Латвии работы латышского мастера. Запрестольный образ «Пасхальное утро» создан Янисом Розенталсом в 1912 году. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.


When you drive down the Nereta-Ilūkste road, the church, which was built in 1805 and restored in 1888, can be seen from a distance. The altar, pulpit and organ prospectus are all original. German soldiers who fell during World War I are buried outside of the church. Two plaques on the western wall of the building honour residents of the Laši Parish who died during the First World War, as well as those local residents who suffered Soviet repressions.


The Bebrene Catholic Church is opposite the Bebrene Estate on the side of the Ilūkste-Birži road. Work on the church began in 1797, but it was only completed in 1883. The outside of the church is in the style of Classicism, while the interior was designed in Baroque forms. The interior of the church can be viewed during worship services.


Mūsdienās redzamais iespaidīgais dievnams tapis ilgākā laika posmā. Jau 1870. g. latviešu draudze sāka vākt ziedojumus neogotiskās baznīcas celtniecībai, ko pabeidza 1904. gadā (V. Neimaņa projekts). Ēkas iekšpusi rotā dekoratīvi zvaigžņu velvju griesti, bet tās altārdaļā izvietotasmākslinieka J. Šķērstena veidotās vitrāžas (1940. g.) un 17. gs. kristāmtrauks. Baznīcu ieskauj plašs dārzs.

Krupenišku Old-Believer Prayer House was built in 1908. The autor of the design is engineer I. Ivanov. At present the church is in bad tehnical condition.

This is one of the most outstanding Catholic churches in Latvia.  The current building was built in 1761 in the Polish Baroque style.  The interior from the 18th century is original and very ornate.  Each year there are spiritual music events and Polish cultural festivals here.  The guide will give you a tour of the church and of other tourism destinations along the frontier line of the EU (please be sure to bring along your passport!).

Ismeri Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1912 by the donations of local people. The parish of Ismeri exists since 1861.

Atrodas pie Līvānu dzelzceļa stacijas, Dzelzceļa ielā 17. Tā kā Līvānos nebija luterāņu baznīcas, draudze dievkalpojumus noturēja ugunsdzēsēju depo. 1929. gadā ielika dievnama pamatakmeni un pēc trīs gadiem pabeidza pašas ēkas celtniecību. Saglabājušās ziņas, ka padomju laikā baznīcā bija plānots iekārtot sporta zāli un noliktavu, taču tas neticis īstenots. Jāpiemin, ka baznīca ir celta uz bijušās korķu fabrikas pamatiem. Dievnama zvana iegādei līdzekļus sarūpēja kara ministrs – ģenerālis Jānis Balodis u.c.


In the centre of the Old City, on the corner of Latgales and Baznīcas streets, the church was built in the style of Russian Classicism between 1843 and 1845.  The ceiling and wall paintings were recently restored, and the bell in the steeple weighs 1,667 kg.

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Ciskādi was built approximately in 1990. The brick building is an example of Romanesque style. The church has a specific icon called „Madonna and the child”, crucifix and the organ.

The Kaltene Lutheran Church dates back to 1567, when Duke Gotthard Kettler of Courland ordered the construction of new churches in Kurzeme.  One of them was in Kaltene, and was known as the Church of St Catherine.  In 1848, a clay church was built in place of the old wooden church.  A sacristy was added in 1880, and the church was rebuilt and expanded in 1896.  It suffered much damage during World War I because a Russian mine ship attacked it.  The church was restored during the first half of the 1920s.  The altar painting, “Christ and St Peter on the Sea” was painted in 1898 by M Pohl after a panting by R. Richter.  The pulpit and organ date back to the 18th century and are cultural monuments of national importance.  The organ was built by August Martin in 1843, and it was initially in a church in Gulbene.  The instrument was brought to Kaltene in 1943 and is the oldest surviving instrument by Martin.  The bell was manufactured in 2006 by the Liepājas Metalurgs company, and a new building for the congregation was built in 2012 and 2013.  The first scenes of the feature film “Long Road to the Dunes” and the film “Forest of Bulrush” were filmed outside the gates of the church.  Nearby is the Putniņi homestead.  In 1921, Culture Minister Rainis visited the homestead.  At that time there was a store there.  The Germans burned down the homestead during World War II. (Source: Roja TIC)

Holy Jesus Heart Roman Catholic Church of Bikova (Gaigalava). Enjoy the Gothic forms and architectural design of the church. The church and the altar are decorated with the icons of Zebedee sons – James and John (the apostles of Jesus) and other saints.
St. Cross Honouring Roman Catholic Church of Malta (Rozentova) is national architectural monument. The church has a promiment „St. Mary Magdalene beside the Cross of Jesus” and three big altars. The wooden log building was constructed in 1780. It was sanctified in 1782.
Holy Trinity Parish Catholic Church of Strūžāni was renovated and sanctified in 1958. The church has no towers because they were not allowed in the time of the Soviet Union.

A wooden church was built by local craftsmen here between 1655 and 1658.  Financed by the Plater aristocratic family, it was a miniature basilica, and this is seen as one of the oldest wooden churches in Latgale.  That makes it a unique cultural and historical monument.  The central altar has baroque wood carvings that were produced by masters from a local sculptural school.  The side altar includes a painting of Mary Magdalene from the mid-18th century.  The church was moved to its present location on the right bank of the Daugava in 1698.  It has been restored several times – in 1890 and 1918.  The stone wall that stretches around the church dates back to the late 17th century, and the freestanding bell tower was built in the mid-19th century.  It was restored in 2002.  According to various sources of information, the Indrica congregation is the oldest one in Latgale.


This is a simple one-story building with a cross on its roof.  The Pitrags congregation was established in 1890, but the church was built in 1902.  It was restored after a World War I fire in 1925 and 1926, and restored again during the period of Latvia's restored period of independence.


Atrodas Ganību ielā 120. Celta (iesvētīta 2001. g.) mūsdienu modernās arhitektūras formās un interesanta ar faktu, ka sākotnēji bijusi Vatikāna paviljons Pasaules izstādē “Expo 2000” Hannoverē. To pārbūvēja un uz Liepāju pārcēla par Vācijas katoļu saziedotajiem līdzekļiem. Ēkā darbojas katoļu draudzes centrs.


Baznīca atrodas Sodu ielā (Sodų gatve) 8. Tās pirmsākumi meklējami 1409. g. (viena no vecākajām Lietuvas baznīcām), kad Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Vītauts Dižais izveidoja Traķu apgabala baznīcu. Dievnams joprojām ir pazīstams ar 1123. g. Konstantinopolē gleznotās Traķu Dievmātes gleznu, kuru it kā Vītautam 1390. g. uzdāvinājis Bizantijas ķeizars Emanuels Paleologs II. Šis fakts gan ir jāuzskata par leģendu, ko aprakstījis vēsturnieks Albertas Vijūkas – Kojalavičius, jo 1645 g. gleznas restaurācijas laikā noskaidrojās, ka tā ir tapusi 15 gs. beigās vai 16. gs. sākumā. Traķu Dievmātes glezna ir pirmā Lietuvas pāvesta vainagotā glezna (vainagošanas ceremonija notika 1718 g.), pēc kuras brīnumus piedzīvojuši daudzi ticīgie - gan katoļi, gan pareizticīgie, gan pagāni, gan tatāri. Latvijā - Aglonas bazilikā atrodas šīs gleznas kopija, ko uzskata par svētu! Vislabākais skats uz baznīcu, Traķu ezerpili un Traķiem paveras no klaja paugura Galves (Galvė) ezera ziemeļu krastā.


In 1685, a military leader from Krakow, Belinsky, paid for the construction of a wooden church in the current location.  It was restored in 1749 and lasted until 1887, when it burned down during a storm.  A church with two steeples was designed in the Gothic style, and construction of it began one year later.  The church was consecrated in 1904 and is one of the most impressive churches in Latvia.  Attention should be paid to stained glass windows that feature images of St Meinhard and Albert.  Alongside the church is the centre of the Rēzekne-Aglona diocese, which is the seat of the local bishop.