No Name Description

One of the most unusual houses of worship in the national park, this one has a red brick tower, and together with local residential buildings it makes up an interesting cultural landscape.  The prayer house is not open to the public.


Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā - A. Pumpura ielā 11 a. Varenais neobaroka stilā celtais dievnamu tapis 1905. g. Pastāv viedoklis, ka par šīs baznīcas prototipu izmantotas Aglonas vai Krāslavas bazilikas, kā arī Rietumeiropas baznīcu paraugi. Tās interjeru rotā divstāvīgs altāris, kurā novietota spāņu gleznotāja B. E. Muriljo pazīstamās gleznas “Svētā Dievmāte” kopija. 1909. g. baznīcā uzstādīja poļu meistara Ādolfa Hofmana būvētās ērģeles.No būvniecības laika saglabājusies arī pārējā baznīcas iekārta.


Atrodas Lielajā ielā 34 a. Vēlīnā klasicisma stilā celtā baznīca pēc muižnieka Nikolausa fon Korfa ierosmes būvēta laikā no 1828. - 1830. gadam. Dievnams ir interesants ar to, ka tajā apskatāms Vidzemes sakrālmākslā rets altāra tips – kancelaltāris (kancele un altāris ir apvienoti arhitektoniski vienotā mākslinieciskā kompozīcijā).


The Dviete Catholic Church is in the centre of the small village of Dviete. The white church can be seen from a distance. The first wooden church was built here in 1775 by the owner of the local estate, Count J.K. Wischling. Later the church was dismantled and brought the Zarinki cemetery. The Neo-Baroque Catholic church that is seen today has two towers, and its construction was financed by Count Kazimir Plater-Sieberg. The church was destroyed during World War I, and until it was rebuilt and consecrated, the granary of the Dviete Estate magazine, with its ridged roof, was used as a prayer house. It is on the side of the Dviete-Bebrene road and has recently been restored. In 1940, a stone fence was installed around the church with a tiled roof, and a building for the congregation was built in the 1970s. The church features a particularly ornate sacral Baroque interior, which is seen as the most ornate interior of its type in the former Daugavpils District.


Mūsdienās redzamo (pēc skaita – trešo) baznīcu cēla laikā no 1835. - 1837. g. (ampīra stilā) Mārča Sāruma vadībā. Arī šīs ēkas projektēšanā par paraugu bija ņemts Pievolgas vācu baznīcu veidols, tādēļ tā līdzīga Dzērbenes luterāņu baznīcai. Dievnama altāri rotā Otto Donnera fon Rihtera glezna “Kristus debesbraukšana” (1898. g.). E. Martina firmā būvētās 10 reģistru ērģeles (1901. g.) darbojās arī šodien. Pie Drustu baznīcas atrodas 1932. g. atklātais un formās iespaidīgais (E. Kuraua firmas veidots) granīta piemineklis 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušo piemiņai. Nelielā baznīcas sienas nišā novietota piemiņas plāksne komunisma terora upuriem.


Baznīca atrodas Sodu ielā (Sodų gatve) 8. Tās pirmsākumi meklējami 1409. g. (viena no vecākajām Lietuvas baznīcām), kad Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Vītauts Dižais izveidoja Traķu apgabala baznīcu. Dievnams joprojām ir pazīstams ar 1123. g. Konstantinopolē gleznotās Traķu Dievmātes gleznu, kuru it kā Vītautam 1390. g. uzdāvinājis Bizantijas ķeizars Emanuels Paleologs II. Šis fakts gan ir jāuzskata par leģendu, ko aprakstījis vēsturnieks Albertas Vijūkas – Kojalavičius, jo 1645 g. gleznas restaurācijas laikā noskaidrojās, ka tā ir tapusi 15 gs. beigās vai 16. gs. sākumā. Traķu Dievmātes glezna ir pirmā Lietuvas pāvesta vainagotā glezna (vainagošanas ceremonija notika 1718 g.), pēc kuras brīnumus piedzīvojuši daudzi ticīgie - gan katoļi, gan pareizticīgie, gan pagāni, gan tatāri. Latvijā - Aglonas bazilikā atrodas šīs gleznas kopija, ko uzskata par svētu! Vislabākais skats uz baznīcu, Traķu ezerpili un Traķiem paveras no klaja paugura Galves (Galvė) ezera ziemeļu krastā.


Oldest (building started in 1227) stone church in Estonia. Unique christening stone in the Baltic States. Old painting on the walls.

Kulnevskaya (Ilzeskalns) Orthodox Church was built in 1832 by Kulnevs, the landlord of Ilzenberg (Ilzeskalns) manor house. He was also the brother of Jacob Kulnevs. The Church has an iconostasis with icons of the 19th century. The rectangular building has semicircular niches at its sides. The members of Kulnevs family are buried here. The place of tomb is a rare phenomenon in Orthodox churches of Latvia.

Mūsdienās redzamais iespaidīgais dievnams tapis ilgākā laika posmā. Jau 1870. g. latviešu draudze sāka vākt ziedojumus neogotiskās baznīcas celtniecībai, ko pabeidza 1904. gadā (V. Neimaņa projekts). Ēkas iekšpusi rotā dekoratīvi zvaigžņu velvju griesti, bet tās altārdaļā izvietotasmākslinieka J. Šķērstena veidotās vitrāžas (1940. g.) un 17. gs. kristāmtrauks. Baznīcu ieskauj plašs dārzs.

The Crucifix of Ružina is made of wood according to old Latgalian traditions.

Dievnams celts (1851. g.) un vēlāk (1876. g.) paplašināts. Tas tika sagrauts 2. Pasaules kara laikā un pēcāk atjaunots. Līdz Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanai to izmantoja par skolas sporta zāli. Pēc draudzes darbības atsākšanas (1989. g.) sākās arī baznīcas un ar to saistīto tradīciju atdzimšana. Apskatāma no iekšpuses.


The St George Lutheran Church of Subate is on the north-eastern shore of Lesser Lake Subate. The church was built in the Byzantium style in 1685 and 1868 and was commissioned by the owner of the Prode Estate, H.F. Osten-Sacken. This is the only church in Latvia which is reminiscent of the typical appearance of Protestant churches in the late 17th century. The small towers at the corners of the building are of interest. Inside you will find a richly ornamented ensemble of sculptures and wood carvings, including a 17th-century altar, pulpit and pews, as well as artworks from the 17th and 18th century and a bell that was cast in 1682. Some of the interior design was the work of students at the Stelmuže wood carving school.


When you drive down the Nereta-Ilūkste road, the church, which was built in 1805 and restored in 1888, can be seen from a distance. The altar, pulpit and organ prospectus are all original. German soldiers who fell during World War I are buried outside of the church. Two plaques on the western wall of the building honour residents of the Laši Parish who died during the First World War, as well as those local residents who suffered Soviet repressions.

St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church of Ciskādi was built approximately in 1990. The brick building is an example of Romanesque style. The church has a specific icon called „Madonna and the child”, crucifix and the organ.

The church has a non-traditional design and layout: the altar is in the middle but the pulpit- above the altar. The church has also an original bell tower with a bell casted in 1634. The present wooden interior was created by the students of Riga Crafts High School. Next to the church there are ruins of the old church and the rectory where at the end of the 18th century as a tutor worked Garlieb Merkel who in Liepupe observed events used in his famous book "Latvians".


Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa malā redzamais dievnams uzcelts ar Plāteru dzimtas pārstāvju – Vaclava un Kazimira Plātera atbalstu 1811. gadā. Dievnamu ieskauj metālkaluma un no ķieģeļiem mūrēts žogs, kā arī divi zvanu torņi. Labās puses zvanu tornī karājas vecs zvans. No baznīcas iekārtas ir jāpiemin galvenais altāris, ko rotā Dievmātes skulptūra, trīs biktskrēsli, četras evaņģēlistu sienas freskas un Lurdas Dievmātes glezna. Ikdienā apskatāma no ārpuses.


The Rēzekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas is in the southern part of the city, at Siņicina Street 4. The house of worship was built in 1895 and rebuilt in 1906. Its tower has three silver and brass bells (restored), and one of them is thought to be the largest bell in Latvia (4,832 kg with a tongue that weighs 200 kg in and of itself). Alongside is a museum which features the cultural and religious environment of the Old Believers.


according to legend, was washed into the sea because of collapsing shores along with other buildings and the old road.  The church was built in 1862 and has an altar painting from the late 19th century, "Mother of God," along with an organ.  The metal elements of the building's doors are interesting.  Hanging from the ceiling of the church is a sailing ship that has to do with the rescue of the crew of the sunken ship.  


Built around 1625. For several centuries it was the main worship place for the Suiti community, supporting the community's spirituality and identity. In 1882 the church was expanded into the form of a cross that is seen today. Inside the church you can see work done by the Dutch wood carver Johann Mertens around 1715. The organ was built by F. Weisenborn in Jēkabpils in 1893, and the altar painting dates back to 1910. The bricked graveyard of the Schwerin dynasty is under the church. Contact it in advance if you wish to see its interior.


 The Orthodox Church and Cloister of the Holy Spirit and the Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Miracle Maker are found at Brīvības Street 200 in Jēkabpils. The Byzantine Church of the Holy Spirit was built between 1853 and 1886 to replace a wooden church which had been built in the latter half of the 17th century and burned down in 1773. Duke Jacob of the Duchy of Courland supplied the timber for the old church. The cloister was alongside the church. On Second Easter in 1903, the church caught on fire, and the only icon rescued was a painting of the Virgin Mary. The church suffered damage during World War I and was restored in 1933. Alongside the Church of the Holy Spirit is the oldest church in Jēkabpils – the oldest stone church in the city, which is named after St Nicholas the Miracle Maker and was erected in 1774. This is a very small church, just 17 x 19.5 m. The cloister of the Church of the Holy Spirit operates the church today, and it can be viewed from the inside. The stone fence that surrounds the complex is massive, but atypical of urban environments in Latvia.