No Name Description
This is a forested island in the Bay of Finland which is the 6th largest Estonian island and is found 14 km to the N of Tallinn. Two decades ago it was a closed zone, because the Soviet Union had a highly secretive manufacturing plant for maritime mines here.

Vom 19. Jh. ist der Domberg ein offentlicher Park mit Pfaden, Gehwegen, Brücken (Engelsbrücke, Teufelsbrücke) und den Denkmälern für die Wissenschaftler der Tartu Universität. Hier befinden sich die Domkirche, das Anatomicum, das Observatorium u.a. interessante Objekte.

Three little lakes can be found on the left bank of the Pirita River with many erupting “eyes” of streams, each with its own colour (bluish-green, white, dark). This puts together various colour combinations. These are often known as the most beautiful streams in Estonia. Some pump out as much as 20-30 litres of water per hour. It is said that the waters are good medical resources, particularly for the eyes. There are improvements in the area of tourists.

Die zweitgrößte Insel Estlands mit breiter Waldung, Sand- und Steinstränden und einem der ältesten Leuchttürme Europas.


Tuhala region has settlements of about 3000 years of age. There are 11 ancient settlement sites, 30 cult stones, 3 burial sites, 4 sacred groves, etc. Tuhala Landscape Reserve has a unique natural feature - the Nõiakaev (Witch´s Well) which “boils” up water during floods at 100 l/s, and 5 mightiest energy columns of the country.
Tuhala karst area features a 2.5 km hiking trail, suitable for family trips, walking, cycling or driving.


A unique theme park on the River Pirita evokes interest in ancient Vikings. Facilities include: stronghold, chamber of spells, smithy, Viking boat and dugout canoe trips, shows and battles with ancient weapons, a catapult, archery, axe throwing, cave and smoke saunas, trout fishing, accommodation, catering etc.


This is the first national park in Estonia and the Baltic States. Perfect for a day trip out from Tallinn for a hiking trip and nature watching. It was established in 1971 to protect the area that is along the Bay of Finland – the shoreline, forests, swamps, meadow biotopes, species, natural monuments, rocks, waterfalls, cliffs and cultural monuments such as ancient cemeteries, castle hills, baronial estates, fishing villages, etc.

The area of the ancient Piusa River valley that is between the villages of Vana-Vastseliina and Ignasõ is around 15 km long, features some substantial rapids, and offers a view of beautiful Devonian period cliffs. The largest, Härma müür, is 43 metres high and is the highest sandstone cliff in Estonia. There are caves from old mines in the village of Piusa. A small part of the mines, which have tunnels that are more than 10 km long in all, has been tured into a local museum.
The word “Luitemaa” means “land of the dunes” in Estoninan. This coastline territory stretches for 13 km between Vöiste and Häädemeste with shallow waters, large coastal plains, Estonia’s highest dunes, and the Tokuse swamp (Tokuse raba). There are lots of birds here.

The island of 7.5 km2 in Lake Peipsi is largely inhabited by Russian-speaking Old Believers who have broadly retained their old traditions through time. Traditional trades are fishing and growing vegetables, mainly onion.
The entire island is a landscape protection area with a high number of protected bird and amphibian species and several rare plants.


The company runs wildlife tours: kayak trips at sea in summer, bogshoeing in bogs in autumn, snowshoeing trips in winter and canoeing on rivers in spring.
Nature lovers enjoy our wildlife viewing tours: brown bear safaris and birdwatching in spring, elk, seal and wolf-themed tours in autumn.


~ 3 – 5 km gara taka, kas ved pa veco ceļu gar Tēramā upes (Tõramaa jõgi) kreiso krastu. Takas malās izvietoti interaktīvi elementi bērniem, kas palīdz labāk uztvert dabā notiekošo. Taku ieskauj mitrie meži un palieņu pļavas, kas palu laikā atrodas zem ūdens. Tēramā (Tõramaa) ciemā apkārtnē atrastas cilvēka darbības pēdas jau no akmens laikmeta.

This is a quick boat ride from Tartu down the Emajõgi River to Piirissaare Island in Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv). Along the lower reaches of the river are major wetlands which are of enormous importance for birds.
There are two islands here – Suur Pakri (Great Pakri) and Väike Pakri (Small Pakri). They are 3 km to the West of Paldiski. During Soviet times, the islands were used for target practice by the Soviet air force, which is seen in the many craters and spent munitions that can be found on the island even today. The island is mostly covered with scrappy areas of juniper, but the limestone cliffs at the northern and north-eastern end of the island are quite impressive – as much as 6 m in height.
This is the second largest rock in the Baltic States in terms of size (728 m3). It is the only rock in the Baltic States with this form and size. It is 7 m high, 19 m long, 11 m wide, and 58 m in perimeter. Kabelikivi looks like a cliff that is halfway sunk into the earth. During the Ice Age, the rock “travelled” to this location from southern Finland. It is made of granite, and there are two other very impressive rocks alongside it.

Viens no diviem nacionālā parka skatu torņiem, kas atrodas ~ 1,5 km ziemeļos no Ehijerva ezera (Ähijärv). Tornis ir veiksmīgi „nomaskēts” nelielā priežu pudurī, tādēļ tas „nebojā” izcilo dabas un kultūrainavu, kas paveras no tā skatu platformas. Pie autostāvlaukuma ir izveidota labiekārtota atpūtas vieta.


Krāčains Lobu upes (Loobu jõgi) posms pie Joaveski ciema, kur ~ 160 m garumā upes gultnē, tai šķērsojot Ziemeļigaunijas glintu, izveidojušās izmēros nelielas, tomēr ļoti ainaviskas un skaistas 0,5 – 1 m augstas ūdenskritumu kaskādes. 1898. g. šeit uzcēla hidroelektrostaciju, kuras atliekas ir redzamas upes labajā krastā. Iecienīta pavasara laivotāju treniņu vieta.


Die Südspitze der Insel Saaremaa – eine aus Geröll in der Irbenstraße langgestreckte Landzunge. Militärbefestigungen, Leuchtturm (1960), Vogelbeobachtungsort.


Bijušā piecstāvīgā metāla skatu torņa apkaimē plešas Lemmjegi upes palieņu pļavas. Netālu atrodas kādreizējā Oksas kroga (Oksa kõrts) vieta, kur saglabājies iespaidīgs manteļskurstenis. Apkaimes apskatei izveidota 0,8 km gara koka laipu taka.

This is the largest rock in the Baltic States and, according to some sources, in all of the segment of Northern Europe which was affected by the last Ice Age. Its size is 930 m3! The rock is 7.5 m high, 16.5 m long and 14 m high, with a circumference of 48.5 m. The rock resembles a huge pebble from a distance, and it is on the sandy and rocky beach. Depending on the season, it can be out in the water. The Ice Age carried the rock to its current location from the southern shore of Finland. It is made of pegmatite.