Project SAFETUR (2012-1-LV1-LEO05-03389) results

Project result No. 1 Handbook “Your rural tourism business - run it smart”

Translated versions:
Bulgarian (pdf)
Latvian (pdf)
Spanish (pdf)
Norwegian (pdf)
German (pdf)
Lithuanian (pdf)

Project results No. 2-4 The project results are accessible online :

result No. 2 Web tool - online self evaluation
result No. 3 Web tool - Inspection manual
result No. 4 Web tool - Virtual training in Safety&Security

Project result No. 5 European Rural Tourism Workshop on Safety.

The workshop took place in October 6 -7, 2014 in Alpbach, Tyrol, Austria  - laong with the 5th European Rural Tourism Congress.
* Seminar on 06.10.2014. gathered 44 participants from 15 countries. The main purpose of the event was to present and discuss  the project results.
* Workshop on 07.10.2014. within program of 5th European Congress on Rural Tourism - 18 participants, discussing the Safety&Security topic in a wider context as part of the challenges for the sector. After the workshop the findings were presented to all congress audience - 220 participants from 24 European countries.
More information:

Other project documents:

Summary of customer survey on rural tourism safety&security (presentation in EN)

Summary of Safety and Security requirments in rural tourism in Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, Norway and United Kingdom.

Summary of tourist feedbacks (presentation in EN)

leonardo This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which made be made of the information contained therein.