Нo 30005
Военное наследие
Военное наследие Латвия, Kurzeme

Мазирбе: Пост погранохраны

“Lessons” from the Border Guard

The aim was to make sure that anyone who saw a stranger in the frontier zone would immediately go running to the Border Guard to report that fact.
We were living near Jaunmuiža in the mid-1980s when some Russian army officers suddenly popped up to tell us that a very dangerous murderer had escaped nearby. They said that soldiers were going to be combing through the territory. My husband later told me that it was just a military exercise, while the officers were provocateurs. The aim was to make sure that anyone who saw a stranger in the frontier zone would immediately go running to the Border Guard to report that fact.
Tourism objects involved in this story
Пост береговой погранохраны размещался в здании бывшей Морской школы. В постсоветские времена в отдельных частях зданий предлагались услуги ночлега. Башня погранохраны – один из сохранившихся наилучшим образом объектов на берегу моря.