No Name Description
Kaņieris is a seriously overgrown and shallow seaside lake. Its water level was adjusted several times during the 20th century so as to obtain agricultural lands. The lake has 14 islands, among which nine are natural and the rest are artificial and aimed at attracting nesting water birds. Lake Kaņieris has one of the richest diversities of birds in Latvia. An ornithological nature reserve was established here in 1964. In 1989, the lake was placed on the list of major birding locations in Europe, and in 1995 it was put on the list of the Ramsar Convention. At the south­eastern shore of the lake is a boating facility (only rented boats are permitted on the lake). A bird-watching tower was erected on the Riekstu peninsula in 2009

This is a comparatively large lake (3 km long and 1.3 km wide).  It is shallow (no more than 1.1 m deep) and is classified as a seashore lake.  The Vecslocene River flows through it.  At the southern end, there is a narrow stream which connects Lake Sloka with Aklo Lake – a shallow and small lake with a dolomite bed at some locations.  The best view of Lake Sloka can be seen from the bird watching tower on its north-western shore.  This is the only floating bird watching tower in Latvia.  Alongside it is the beginning of the 3 km Lake Sloka hiking trail, which passes through the flooded wetlands of the lower reaches of the Vēršupīte.  An information stand can be found on the shore of Lake Sloka by the car park.  Beyond it is a sulphurous spring.

Ar mežiem, purviem un ezeriem (Riču, Sila u.c.) bagāta teritorija Latvijas - Baltkrievijas pierobežā. Galvenās aizsargājamās dabas vērtības - dažāda veida purvu, mežu un ezeru biotopi un tajos mītošās augu un dzīvnieku sugas. Ezeru krastos, kurus iecienījuši vietējie atpūtnieki, atrodas vairākas naktsmītnes. Ilgas muiža (celta 19. gs. kā medību pils) ir Daugavpils Universitātes studentu prakses vieta. Silenes dabas parkā ietilpst arī Glušonkas purva un Ilgas dabas liegumi.
Aizaudzis un purvains ezers - Ļūbasts, ar grūti pieejamiem vai nepieejamiem krastiem. Dabas vērošanai šobrīd nepiemērota vieta. Galvenās aizsargājamās vērtības - dažādas putnu sugas, dzērves un melnie zīriņi.

Dabas liegumā ietilpst divi aizauguši ezeri ar grūti pieejamiem krastiem - Lielais un Mazais Asūnes ezers, kas atrodas dienvidos no Asūnes ciema. Abus ezerus var vērot, atrodoties ārpus lieguma teritorijas - no blakus esošo pauguru augstākajām daļām, kas atrodas austrumos no abiem ezeriem. Ja līdzi būs paņemts tālskatis, iespējams, izdosies iztālēm novērot šeit esošās aizsargājamās putnu sugas, piemēram, melno zīriņu.

Dvietes un netāli esošais Skuķu ezeri ir vieni no teritorijas grūti pieejamajiem palieņu ezeriem – lielākie šāda tipa ezeri Latvijā. Palu laikā pārplūst, savienojoties vienā lielā ūdenskrātuvē.
Lake Rāzna (57,8 m2) is often called the sea of Latgale. It is the biggest lake in Latvia. Rāzna is situated on the hill Rāznava. You should see beautiful landscapes, high peaks and Latgalian castle hills. Enjoy the recreation places beside the lake, the National park of Rāzna and its surroundings. The place is included in the European Union network of protected areas NATURA 2000. The lake has 10 islands and two gulfs. The level of the water reaches 163.8m.
Nature restricted area surrounds Tasu Lake and swampy shores of it in a narrow band. The territory was established to protect rare nesting and migratory birds. The territory is easily overseen from the narrow gravel roads all around the area not entering the actual protected area. Tasu Manor house is located to the South of nature restricted area.

Lake Liepāja is shallow and eutrophic (around 40%), and it is one of the most important lakes on the shores of the Baltic Sea for nesting and migrating birds (resting and feeding place). More than 100 different species of birds have been spotted there. The lake is no less important for plants which flourish in salty biotopes. On the north-eastern shore of Lake Liepāja (Vītiņu meadow) there are flood-land plains which are the home to domestic animals which have been adapted to life in the wild. There is also a viewing tower, available upon request with the guide. The system of dams along the south-western part of the lake can be hiked or biked (extreme!) to find lots of interesting viewing areas and landscapes. In the surrounding of the lake there are ruins of unique former fortification systems.


This nature park was established to protect the Burzava hillocks, Lake Adamova (a eutrophic lake), and the habitats and species that are found along the lake’s shores – bats included. The loveliest views of the area can be viewed from the hillocks that are on the northern shore of the lake. There are tourist accommodations on the shores of Lake Adamova where tourists can spend the night.

It is rare type of lake in Latvia and there are only of few this type of lakes in Kurzeme region. The lake is characterized by high water limpidness (very attractive for tourists) and very rare plant species for Latvia. Nature park includes the lake, costal area and forest on the East from the lake, few smaller lakes and Sarlote Pond. There are several tourist accommodations located around the lake.
These two lakes, along with Lake Mazezers, Lake Auziņš, Lake Skuja and Lake Bruņķītis, are found in a sub-glacial depression with shores and hillsides that are home to various kinds of forest, including stands of broadband trees such as ash. These are protected habitats. Alongside the Priedītes homestead there is a well-appointed nature trail for visitors who wish to study Lake Dziļezers and its surroundings. A boating facility is on the north-eastern shore of the Lake.
Līčiem, pussalām un salām bagāts ezers ar izrobotu krasta līniju, kas savienots ar Zvejnieku un tālāk - citiem Latgales augstienes ezeriem. Ozolu un platlapju meži, kas aug uz ezera salām un pussalās ir ne tikai aizsargājami, bet arī Latvijas mērogā nozīmīgi biotopi. Tiesa, to vērtību apzināsies tikai vides speciālisti. No Jašas ezera var uzsākt laivu braucienu pa vienu no Latgales ezeru "kēdēm". Ezera austrumu krastā atrodas Geļenovas parks.

Ķekavas novadā, Daugmales pagastā atrodas jauka atpūtas vieta - Lejas ezers. Ezeram var apiet apkārt, taka nav marķēta un iešana ir pa mazām meža taciņām. Slapjākā laikā taciņas vietām var būt mitras un dubļainas. Pastaiga aizņems aptuveni stundu. Pie ezera ir iekārtotas vairākas piknika vietas.


Ārkārtīgi ainaviska teritorija Augšzemes augstienes centrālajā daļā ar vairākiem ezeriem - Medumu, Lielo un Mazo Ilgas, Šķirsteņu un dažām mazākām ūdenstilpēm. Medumu ezera salām ir dabas lieguma statuss. Teritoriju šķērso vairāki grantēti ceļi, no kuriem dažviet paveras brīnišķīgas, bet nelabiekārtotas skatu vietas. Teritorijā atrodas Medumu katoļu baznīca. Piemērota teritorija dažādu aktīvā tūrisma veidu attīstībai. Dabas parks ietilpst Augšzemes aizsargājamo ainavu apvidū.


This nature park protects the landscapes of the Latgale highlands. Of importance here are Lake Ruskulis and Lake Cīrītis with its eight islands, along with the forests of the area. An ancient castle hill is on one of the islands in Lake Cīrītis – the Upursala island. There and on the Oši island, specialists have found more than 250 species of plants.


At the centre of this restricted area is the eutrophic Lake Tosmare, a former lagoon from the Littorina Sea. The lake and its surroundings offer protection to many plants and birds. At the southern end of the lake one can spot remnants of the former Liepāja fortification system, and to the West is one of the most important parts of that system – the Fortress canal.

A shallow, eutrophic (more than 60% coverage), lagoon-type lake, which is a restricted area to protect the overgrowing lake and the damp meadows which surround it. There are some 60 species of nesting birds in the area. The system of dams on the southern shore of the lake can be used by visitors to look at the area.

Also known as Lake Jēsis or Lake Iesis, this is the lake in Latvia which has the largest number of islands.  Many literary sources and encyclopaedias in the 20th century claimed that there were 69 islands in the lake, but that was an exaggeration, because apparently the authors took sandbars overgrown with reeds and other plants to be islands.  The true number is approximately two times lesser.  The largest number of islands can be found in the north-eastern part of the lake.  The largest one is Lielā Lāča (Big Bear) Island (45 ha).  A farm was on the island at one time.  The islands and the oak trees that are on the shores of the lake – the Piļoru and Pahatnīku stands of trees – are in a restricted environmental reserve.

Skuķu un netāli esošais Dvietes ezeri ir vieni no teritorijas grūti pieejamajiem palieņu ezeriem – lielākie šāda tipa ezeri Latvijā. Palu laikā pārplūst, savienojoties vienā lielā ūdenskrātuvē.