No Name Description

Atrodas nomaļā vietā, 0,7 km no Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa, Daugavas virzienā. Dievnams celts 1933. – 1938. gadā koka kapelas vietā pēc Prāvesta Vaclava Kozlovska projekta, kurš pats arī vadījis celtniecības darbus. Dievnams celts no lieliem cementa ķieģeļiem. Tā lielajā altārī novietota Svētā Antona glezna, bet sānu altārī – Jaunavas Marijas statuja. Gan glezna, gan statuja ir pārvesta no Izvaltas baznīcas. Ikdienā baznīca apskatāma no ārpuses.


Храм неоднократно горел и строился снова. Теперешняя церковь построена в 1874 году, а после пожара 1927 года была восстановлена в 1932 году. Можно осмотреть алтарную икону«Иисус со святым причастием», две картины И. Зебериньша «Иисус у креста» и «Иисус благословляет детей» (1957 г.). Проспект органа является первым, построенным в «латышском» вкусе органом (резчик по дереву П. Планкус, 1936 г.), а сам инструмент номинирован как самая красивая и самая объемная работа лиепайского мастера Екаба Яугиеша. Трубы органа сделаны из дерева, что является редким случаем. Церковь можно осмотреть изнутри.


Located at 1 Katedrāles Street. The oldest church in Ķemeri was built in 1893 in the style of the wooden churches of the Northern Russia. (Architect V. Lunskis). Near the church, there are buried 97 Russian soldiers killed in World War I for whom in 1925, a monument was unveiled-a black marble cross. Not far from the church you can find the Brethren's Cemetery and a monument to the Soviet soldiers who died from the wounds in World War II and after the war. This is the oldest church in Ķemeri. According to legends, it is built without a single nail. You can see the church during the worship but the visitors must be appropriately dressed! During the rest of the time, the building can be viewed from the outside.

This church was built between 1900 and 1903 in the Byzantine style, and was meant for the local military garrison. The church, which was built to honour St Nicholas, patron saint of all seamen, and it was consecrated in the presence of Tsar Nicholas II. The ornate building was sacked by the Germans during World War I. During Latvia’s period of independence, the cathedral was used by the local military garrison. The Soviet military, in turn, turned into a sports hall, a cinema for sailors, and a warehouse. There are stories to say that Soviet soldiers broke off bits of the golden mosaic of the icons in the church. The building has now been returned to an Orthodox congregation. The builders of the cathedral used a unique way of pouring cement, which is why there are no supporting columns in the church. Instead, its weight is bolstered by its walls, with four arched vaults supporting them. It is the tallest Orthodox cathedral in Latvia at this time.
Štikāni Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works of the church were held in 40s of the 20 th century on the site of the previous church built by brothers Rogozini. You should see Gospel (the protected art object).
Pļuskovas Old-Believer Preaching House was built in the beginning of the 20th century

Dievnams celts no šķeltajiem laukakmeņiem un sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem laikā no 1894. - 1909. g. Tajā saglabājušās vecās koka baznīcas iekārtas un 18. gs. sākumā veidots cilnis “Svētais vakarēdiens”.


This is the highest point in the southern part of Daugavpils.  A radius of approximately 300 m around 18. Novembra Street once housed the first Old Believer prayer house (1908-1928), the St Boris and Gleb Orthodox Cathedral (1905), the Daugavpils Mother of God Catholic Church (1905), and the Daugavpils Martin Luther Lutheran Church (1893).


When you travel along the northern shore of Lake Sauka where the road to Klauce crosses your road, you will see the Sauka Lutheran Church among the trees. This is the third church at this location. It was opened in 1827 and can mostly be viewed from the outside. The altar is decorated with sculptures of St Peter and St Paul, as well as the altar painting “Jesus on the Cross with Mary and John,” which is by J. Doering. The organ was built by craftsmen in Jelgava, and the pipes were manufactured in Sauka.


When you drive down the Nereta-Ilūkste road, the church, which was built in 1805 and restored in 1888, can be seen from a distance. The altar, pulpit and organ prospectus are all original. German soldiers who fell during World War I are buried outside of the church. Two plaques on the western wall of the building honour residents of the Laši Parish who died during the First World War, as well as those local residents who suffered Soviet repressions.


Atrodas pilsētas centrā, Atbrīvošanas alejā 98. Dievnamu sāka celt 1840. g. (iesvētīja 1846. g.) un tas uzskatāms par pilsētas vecāko sakrālo būvi. Nekvalitatīvu būvniecības materiālu izmantošana un cēlāju pieredzes trūkums bija iemesls, kādēļ 1854. g. to nācās pārbūvēt. Pie baznīcas atrodas 1867. g. būvēta Sv. A. Ņevska kapliča, kas veltīta cara Aleksandra II paglābšanās faktam vilciena katastrofā un stikla mauzolejs, kurā apbedīts baznīcas mecenāts ģenerālis Karaulovs (šobrīd tiek restaurēts). Dievnams ir atvērts arī apmeklētājiem.


Built around 1625. For several centuries it was the main worship place for the Suiti community, supporting the community's spirituality and identity. In 1882 the church was expanded into the form of a cross that is seen today. Inside the church you can see work done by the Dutch wood carver Johann Mertens around 1715. The organ was built by F. Weisenborn in Jēkabpils in 1893, and the altar painting dates back to 1910. The bricked graveyard of the Schwerin dynasty is under the church. Contact it in advance if you wish to see its interior.


1.2 km to the south of the centre of Ģipka and on the side of the Jūrmala-Kolka road (P131), this church makes it hard to believe that the rock church was built very recently – after 1992, because it was burned down during the Soviet occupation in 1979.  Ironically, the Dundaga forestry fire safety post was housed in the steeple of the church after World War II.  The ornate altar and organ were destroyed in the fire, but the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” was saved.  The church is now once again open for business.


Atrodas pilsētas centrā - Tirgus laukuma malā. Dievnams tapis 1495. g., pēc Livonijas ordeņa mestra Valtera fon Pletenberga (~ 1450. – 1535.) pavēles. Gadsimtiem ritot, ēka pārbūvēta un tagad redzamais tornis celts 1907. g. Baznīcā apskatāmi nozīmīgi kultūrvēstures pieminekļi: altārglezna “Golgāta” - H. Kīperta darināta kopija (pēc K. Arnoldi Kandavas luterāņu baznīcas oriģināla (1864. g.)), muižniekam Fīlipam Drahenfelsam veltīta epitāfija (B. Bodekers, 16. un 17. gs. mija), A. D. Tīzenhauzenas kapu plāksne (1648. g.), kristāmtrauka pamatne (18. gs.) un piemiņas plāksne 1. pasaules karā un Latvijas Brīvības cīņās kritušajiem draudzes locekļiem (1925. g.). Ap Tirgus laukumu (atjaunots, jauka strūklaka) izvietojies Dobeles vēsturiskais centrs.


Die Ruinen der um 1500 gebauten eindrucksvollen Kirche, die man besichtigen kann. Das Gebäude wurde nach dem Luftangriff 1942 beschädigt.


Atrodas pie Līvānu dzelzceļa stacijas, Dzelzceļa ielā 17. Tā kā Līvānos nebija luterāņu baznīcas, draudze dievkalpojumus noturēja ugunsdzēsēju depo. 1929. gadā ielika dievnama pamatakmeni un pēc trīs gadiem pabeidza pašas ēkas celtniecību. Saglabājušās ziņas, ka padomju laikā baznīcā bija plānots iekārtot sporta zāli un noliktavu, taču tas neticis īstenots. Jāpiemin, ka baznīca ir celta uz bijušās korķu fabrikas pamatiem. Dievnama zvana iegādei līdzekļus sarūpēja kara ministrs – ģenerālis Jānis Balodis u.c.


was built between 1930 and 1947.  On both sides of the altar are sculptures of angels that date back to the late 17th century and were sculpted in Subate.  They are the only elements of this kind in the Baroque decorative sculpture in churches in Kurzeme.  It may be that the figure of the Saviour on the cross with a sleeping lamb at his feet was produced by the same artists.  No one knows how the artworks arrived in Subate.  The organ with its wooden pipes was manufactured by Juris Bokums.  During the season, the interior of the church can be toured, and if you contact the church in advance, you can arrange for organ music performances. 


Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa malā redzamais dievnams uzcelts ar Plāteru dzimtas pārstāvju – Vaclava un Kazimira Plātera atbalstu 1811. gadā. Dievnamu ieskauj metālkaluma un no ķieģeļiem mūrēts žogs, kā arī divi zvanu torņi. Labās puses zvanu tornī karājas vecs zvans. No baznīcas iekārtas ir jāpiemin galvenais altāris, ko rotā Dievmātes skulptūra, trīs biktskrēsli, četras evaņģēlistu sienas freskas un Lurdas Dievmātes glezna. Ikdienā apskatāma no ārpuses.


Atrodas Bauskas vēsturiskajā centrā, Plūdoņa ielā 13 a un ir šīs pilsētas daļas vecākā ēka. Dievnams celts 1591. - 1594. g. vēlās gotikas stilā, bet tornis piebūvēts 1614. g. Baznīcas iekšpusē atrodas nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi: altāris (1699. g., pārbūvēts 1861. g., mākslinieks J. Dērings), kancele (1762. g.) un ērģeļu prospekts (1766. g.) – abi Nikolaja fon Korfa dāvinājums, draudzes soli (17. gs. vidus – 18. gs. sāk.), senākais no koka veidotais Bauskas ģerboņa attēlojums (1640. g.), deviņas 16. – 17. gs. kapu plāksnes, epitāfijas u.c. Baznīca, kurā ir vērts ieiet!

Kampišķi Old-Believers Prayer House was reconstructed in 1931 by architect V. Šervinskis. The building is very high and spacious; has two cells and a rectangular belltower with the cross on the top.