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The excessively damp forests at this place include the Vēršupīte River bog, and this is one of the most diverse biotopes in Latvia in terms of the number of species that can be found here.  The fact that the area is regularly flooded is shown by the fat roots of black alders – indeed, the place looks like a stand of mangroves.  The wooden pathway that is the Dumbrāju trail starts at the Forest House for those who wish to examine the bog.  The most impressive views are seen during spring floods or rainy seasons at other times of the year.  The little river breaks out of its bed and floods a large territory.  The Lake Sloka hiking trail is another place where you can study the Vēršupīte bog.  The circular trail is 3 km long, and its beginning is at the Lake Sloka bird watching tower.

The restricted area was established to protect this part of the Ogre River valley, which has ancient river beds and meadows with relevant biotopes and populations. Among these are the wych elm and the European white elm, which are not often found in Latvia.

The Ukri forest on the border of the Dobele district is what is known as a vast forest. It has oak trees (including many huge ones), linden trees, oak trees (large stands of oak are uncommon in Latvia), and other deciduous trees. A small area of the forest can be toured in the company of a guide to look at the animals of the area and their importance in the flow of nature. The restricted area protects forest habitats, plants and animals, including many that are typical of the southern areas of Latvia.

Most of this restricted area is made up of a shallow and eutrophic body of water in which many species of birds, including some that are rare and protected, nest. Specialists say that anywhere between 150 and 450 pairs of black-headed gulls nest in this area on a regular basis.

This park is in an area which has not been affected much by humankind – sandstone cliffs, an undisturbed diversity of caves, other habitats, species and landscapes is the attractive aspect of this area. The Salaca River is one of the most important rivers in the Baltic Sea region for the spawning of salmon, and it is the second most popular river for water tourists in the Latvian region of Vidzeme. There are geological monuments which are very attractive to visitors – the Red cliffs, Skaņais Hill, the Neļķu cliff, the Velna (Devil’s) cave, etc. There are also cultural monuments such as the Livonian castle hill, the Vecsalaca baronial estate, the Livonian Museum, the Vantenberģi estate, the unique Salaca lamprey weirs, etc. Also in the park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northern Vidzeme – the Skaņākalna park, which has a dense network of footpaths. The Salaca is also popular among fishermen. This is part of the Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve.

This restricted area protects the eutrophic Lake Istra and the biotopes that are alongside it – various kinds of forests and meadows. This is a particularly lovely part of the Latgale region. Interestingly, the so-called system of “rope farms” can still be seen in the nature park.

This is an uncommon landscape for the Kurzeme region with a protected biotope – open inland dunes with meadows of silver grass and forests of deciduous trees, including the common hornbeam. Tourists can visit the Muiža (Lejas) sacred stream on the right bank of the Sventāja valley, above which they will find Latvia’s most noble bird-cherry trees. A nice reed pergola has been installed above the stream. Wide are of Sventāja River valley can be overseen from the road before the stream.

One of few places in Latvia (around 1 km to the North from Lapmezciems) where used to be beautiful juniper meadows. Since no agriculture activity (grass cutting, cattle grazing) has been implemented in the area, juniper meadows are overgrowing and disappearing. To save the area sustainable management is needed. Slitere National Park with Blue Mountain cliff and Slitere lighthouse is located in short distance from Kadiku nora (Juniper meadow).
There are six islands in the Great Baltezers lake – the Auzu, Priežu, Mazā, Liepu, Ropažu and Meldru islands. These are distinguished by a great diversity of plants, including forests of broadleaf trees, black alders and pines. The territory can be surveyed quite well from the side of the Ādaži Lutheran Church. The Great Baltezers lake is a popular place for fishing, including ice fishing during the winter.

There is a small and relatively hard to reach area on the western shore of Lake Būšnieks which has been restricted to protect swamp habitats and several protected plants. Boat base is on the northern shore of the lake offers boat rental. From the plank-way good sites of eutrophic part of Lake Būšnieks can be seen. A well-appointed recreational facility (not included in the restricted area) is on the opposite shore of the lake.

The part of the swamp which has mosses, not peat, is important for plover-type birds during nesting season, and goose-type birds during migration.
Similar as Alsungas mezi (Alsunga forests) – is not intended and appropriate for visits. A narrow path of the restricted area can be seen from the gravel road – Saka-Apriki. Nature restricted area established mainly for protection of Erica tetralix (often called "cross-leaved heath") and it is one of the most important growing places.
A distinct area of the lower reaches of the Vitrupe River, with small sandstone cliffs and many rare species of plants and molluscs. Visitors can visit the Ķirbiži Forest Museum and its information and botany trail. It weaves along both banks of the river and allows people to look at the most typical examples of flora in the region. The noble Vāloži oak tree is a key element there.
This restricted area is on the eastern shore of Lake Ķīšezers, and of the greatest importance here are the habitats – flood-land and other meadows, dunes, the aquatorium of Lake Ķīšezers, the shoreline, forests of oak, black alder and other trees, and many huge oak trees in the restricted area and beyond its borders. The Bulduri castle hill, which is the most distinct ancient castle hill in Rīga, is on the southern end of the Lieupsala peninsula. On the border of the restricted area is an affiliate of the Latvian Open-Air Ethnographic Museum, which is known as “Vārnas”.

This is a mostly forested territory which is home to one of the largest areas of the white mistletoe, which is a semi-parasitic plant. It is best to observe this unique plant when it has no leaves. Latvia is the northern limit to the white mistletoe, which is why it is not all that common. It is interesting that even more of this rare specie can be seen outside of the nature restricted area.


This swampy territory used to be part of a Littorena Sea lagoon, and it is a place where many rare and protected birds such as woodpeckers live and nest. Territory is hard to reach although some of the territory can be surveyed from the Tukums-Kolka road. Wet meadows is called "lankas" in Kurzeme region.


This small restricted area protects the Swedish juniper and the lime meadows in which it grows. There is a marked circular trail which allows visitors to study one of the few but excellent stands of juniper in Latvia. The bushes are 50 to 70 years old, and all around them are interesting habitats, plants and animals. Natural stands of juniper in the Baltic States are the result of farm work such as reaping, chopping, etc., as well as of herding of sheep and other livestock. A small part of the area is still “managed” by sheep. Unfortunately many junipers have died because of overgrowing of territory.

The Lake Lubāns depressions which are alongside the lake’s western and south-western parts feature little-changed forests and swamps, where many rare and protected birds nest. Many uncommon and protected habitats are in the region.
Mud ponds for regeneration are used by the spa and the rehabilitation centre. The mud is purified from biological additives over the course of a longer period of time, after which it can once again be used for the famous treatments offered at Ķemeri.
This is a short stretch of the Daugava River valley between Lielvārde and Dzelme, with islands and shallows in the river, as well as with reeds and wet meadows alongside it. During migration season, many goose-type and plover-type birds rest and feed here. The location is also an important nesting area for several other kinds of birds.