
Saloons, cafes and other places in small towns and the countryside which offer tasty dishes made of local products and on the basis of traditional Latvian recipes – ones which differ from region to region.

  • Special programmes are offered to visitors, with meals, stories about holiday and everyday traditions, and songs. Sometimes visitors are involved in preparing the food.
  • Menus use local names for dishes along with explanations and a discussion of the local dialect.
  • Providers of Latvian foods also use ethnographic styles for interior design, as well as dishes, furniture, textiles, etc., from local craftspeople.
Overview Details


Café Ugandi is a cosy place in the very heart of Otepää, filled with a warm atmosphere, pleasant feelings, pure and delicious flavours. As soon as you arrive, you will feel the aroma of premium quality coffee and sweet pastries. The large showcase is filled with delicious cakes - you can enjoy them here or take them with you to enjoy later at home.


The “Dzirnas” café

The café is in the former administrative building of a collective farm in the centre of Gaigalava.  It cooks dishes with ingredients from its own farm and others.
Latvian cuisine: Bean soup with pearl barley, sauerkraut soup, pea soup, beet leaf soup, sorrel soup, fish soup made with tench or carp, ribs, roasts, false rabbit, oven-baked carp, dried fish, cottage cheese crème with berry sauce, baked apples with vanilla sauce, woven roulettes, dried fruit, quince candies.
Special foods: Bean pancakes.

Distance from countries capital city247 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers

The Glendeloka saloon

The café is at the edge of the Cēsis-Valmiera road. It is in a log building with a Latvian interior design. Vegetables and fruits are bought from local farmers.

Latvian cuisine: Crepes, potato pancakes, cold soup, wild mushroom soup, sorrel soup according to a recipe from granny, porridge, grey peas, baked herring, filet of cod, beef sautéed in Brenguļi beer, sautéed rabbit, stacked rye bread.

Special foods: "Glendeloka".

Distance from countries capital city91 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups Accepts individual travellers This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance
Facilities  appropriate for children


Kafejnīca "Kalnakrogs" atrodas Skrundas novada Rudbāržu pagastā pie Rīgas - Liepājas šosejas. Kafejnīcas ēdienkartē iekļauti latviskie ēdieni, iespējams pasūtīt banketu un izīrēt telpas semināriem. Piedāvā nakšņošanu.

Distance from countries capital city157 Active season months1-12 Accommodation available

The “Berzkrogs” bistro

The bistro is 130 m from the Bērzkrogs crossing (opposite the Statoil petrol station). It works with local producers of ingredients that can be tasted or bought at the bistro. Souvenirs are also available.

Latvian cuisine: Grey peas with bacon, grit porridge.

Distance from countries capital city95 Active season months1-12 Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers
Facilities  appropriate for children

Araisi windmill

The windmill is on a hill and offers a lovely view. This is one of the few Dutch-type windmills (built in 1852) to still be in operational order, and guests can help to grind grain. On the last Sunday of every July, the windmill organises a celebration in honour of St Jacob and of bread baked from freshly harvested rye.

Latvian cuisine: Miller’s lunch – wheat flour porridge with meat sauce, crepes, kefir, herbal teas.

Distance from countries capital city83 Active season months1-12 This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts individual travellers Pre-order required Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children

TOOMEMÄE rural restaurant MAAGÕKÕNÕ

A light meal with pure taste, which was so common during the times of our grandmothers, is now considered a gourmet privilege. Meals characteristic to this region are served here. It goes without saying that ingredients are pure and from the vicinity.


The “Tervete” beer bar

The bar is in Tirgus Square in the historical centre of Dobele, offering Latvian cuisine and Tērvete beer, which is brewed from Latvian ingredients. A summer terrace is open during the season.

Latvian cuisine: Cold soup, grey peas with bacon, Tērvete steak haché, Tērvete leg of pork.

Special foods: Tērvete cheesecake.

Distance from countries capital city73 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance
Facilities  appropriate for children

The “Ezerkrasti” leisure complex

The complex is on the northern shore of Latvia’s second-largest lake, Lake Rāzna.  The windows of the “Kastānis” café offer a view of one of the loveliest lakes in the country.
Latvian cuisine: Fish, sorrel and cold soup barley porridge, grey please with bacon, sautéed pork ribs with cabbage, fish dishes, homemade cheeses and stuffed apples with honey.
Special foods: Grated potatoes with meat and onions.

Distance from countries capital city259 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accommodation available This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance Accepts tourist groups
Facilities  appropriate for children

Kafejnica - kulinarija "Maza Raganina"

Atrodas skaistā vietā – pašā Daugavas krastā. Ēdina, klāj galdus, piedāvā braucienus ar kuģīti pa Daugavu.
Latviešu virtuve: Aukstā zupa, cūkgaļas ribiņas ķimeņu mērcē, kartupeļu pankūkas, mājas kotletes, pelēkie zirņi, plānās pankūkas ar ievārījumu.
Īpašais ēdien: „Mazā raganiņa” – cūkgaļas karbonāde ar sēnēm.

Distance from countries capital city117 Active season months1-12 Accepts individual travellers Accepts tourist groups This destination has specific opening hours which you must determine in advance