Nr Name Beschreibung
This is the thickest common juniper (Juniperus communis) in Latvia and the Baltic States. It stands in the middle of a field and looks wonderful. The tree is sometimes known as the Rieteklis juniper, because the Latvian poet Rieteklis (Jūlijs Eduars Balodis, 1856-1940) like to sit under it.
A very beautiful and expressive tree, it is found on the land of what was once the Vīceži Semi-estate.
This is the thickest Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) in Latvia
This is a large, outstanding and expressive tree, Latvia’s thickest Norway Maple (Accer platanoides).
The tree is on the side of a hillock, and its visible roots are unusually huge.

Turbu dižozols aug Mazās Juglas stāvkrastā, atpūtas kompleksa Turbas teritorijā. Dižozols ir aptuveni 800 gadu vecs, tā apkārtmērs ir 7,1 m, augstums - 27 m, vainags 18x16 m. Dižozols ir ļoti labā stāvoklī. Zaļo viss vainags. Ozolā ligzdo pūce, kā arī iecienījuši daudzi citi putni. Zinātāji runā, ka Ozols ir ar spēcīgu  dziedniecisku enerģiju.

This is the thickest and mightiest Norwegian spruce (Picea abies) in Latvia. Its monolithic trunk, with its small holes, is unusual. The tree is in the overgrown park of the former Īve Estate, behind the ruins of the mansion.
Die prächtige Kiefer in Bigauņciems bei dem Café Dižpriede.
This tree is in the park of the Sēja Estate and is one of the four trees in Latvia that have a circumference of more than four metres.
This is the thickest European Ash (Fraxius excelsior) in Latvia and the Baltic States. The homestead where the tree is found is the memorial museum of the painter Ģederts Eliass, and for that reason, the tree is sometimes also known as the Eliass ash tree.
This is Latvia’s largest small-leaved lime tree (Tilia cordata). Some of its mighty branches are held up by supports. There are large holes in the trunk that have been covered up to prevent water entering the holes and causing even more rot. Just like many other trees of this size, this was a sacred tree in the past

Der deutsche Pastor Glück vollendete während seiner Amtszeit in Alūksnē eines der bedeutendsten Werke seine Lebens – er fertigte die erste lettische Bibelübersetzung an. 1685 hatte er das Neue Testament, 1689 das Alte Testament übersetzt und jeweils zum Gedenken an die vollendete Arbeit eine Eiche gepflanzt, beide wachsen dort heute noch.  

Most of the great tree’s mighty branches are gone, and among those that are still there, the thickest ones are held up by supports, and the tree’s hollow centre is protected against snow and rain with a little roof. This is the thickest Common Oak (Quercus robur) in Latvia and the Baltic States. Indeed, it is one of the thickest oak trees in all of Northern Europe. The tree is a gorgeous part of the surrounding landscape. There is a car park and an information stand nearby.
This is the thickest and tallest common ivy in Latvia. It is in the park of the Zentene Estate, opposite the mansion (which is now a school).

An impressive two-trunk tree at the Nigliņi homestead, this is one of the most impressive trees on the Liv Shore.  The Liv language teacher Zoja Sīle was born here.  The Medieval Old Cemetery Hill – once used as burial grounds – is nearby.

This is the thickest wild pear tree in Latvia. The tree is particularly beautiful when it is blossoming.
This is an unusually shaped pine which, according to legend, was planted by the king of Sweden during the Great Northern War.
Ist ein geschützter Baum von örtlicher Bedeutung am Rand der Tukuma Straße gegenüber der Kindertagesstätte „Pienenīte”.
This tree is the one in Latvia and perhaps the Baltic States that has the densest foliage. Its crown measures 33 x 31 metres.
Before a great storm in 2005, this was one of the tallest and most noble lime trees in Latvia. Now only one branch is still alive.