John Frederiksen

Ministry of Environment in Denmark

John Frederiksen (1948) is chief consultant in the Danish Ministry of the Environment, where he organises and coordinates the Danish policy within the cooperation on the protection of the Wadden Sea between the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark (the trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation). He has experienced background within the field of Wadden Sea protection and sustainable management for almost 35 years; on international, national and regional level. Among the many tasks and projects, he was responsible for the EU pilot project on Integrated Coastal Zone Management: “Sustainable Tourism Development in the Wadden Sea Region”. John Frederiksen was also one of the founding fathers of the Wadden Sea Forum, a cross border stakeholder forum, and has played a central position in the creation of the Danish Wadden Sea National Park (2010). 

John Frederiksen
Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation
Ministry of the Environment, Nature Agency
Sorsigvej 35,
DK 6760 Ribe
Dir. tel: (+45) 72 54 36 59
Mobile:  (+45) 22 83 05 02