No Name Description
This is the 11th largest Estonian island, and its central section is covered by a broadleaf forest (linden, oak, elm and other trees) that is more than 100 years old. Along the shores, the Abruka Island has meadows and small areas of wetlands. Only the northern part of the island is populated. Few tourists come to call, which means that the island is relatively untouched by humankind.
This is a quick boat ride from Tartu down the Emajõgi River to Piirissaare Island in Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv). Along the lower reaches of the river are major wetlands which are of enormous importance for birds.
This is a forested island in the Bay of Finland which is the 6th largest Estonian island and is found 14 km to the N of Tallinn. Two decades ago it was a closed zone, because the Soviet Union had a highly secretive manufacturing plant for maritime mines here.
This is a “peripheral” island in the Bay of Finland, 9 km from the Dirhami port. The special fact about this island is that it offers fields of juniper, a rocky and grassy seashore that is around 2 km long, and limestone cliffs that are a few metres high along the northern and the eastern shores of the island. These are designated with the words Osmussaare pank.

Karulas augstienes augstākais reljefa punkts (137 m.vjl.), kas virs tuvākās apkārtnes paceļas par ~ 60 m. Torņa kalnā ir uzbūvēts skatu tornis ar ļoti plašu apkārtskatu. Uz tā platformas ir novietoti panorāmas fotoattēli, kuros atzīmēti zīmīgākie plašākā apkaimē redzamie objekti – apdzīvotas vietas, pilskalni, baznīcu torņi u.c. Turpat izveidota atpūtas vieta un meklējams Rebases ainavu takas sākums.


No Vilsandi bākas un tai tuvākās apkaimes ir labi saskatāmas leģendārās Vaikas salas. Tām ir piešķirts rezervāta statuss, tādēļ salas var apskatīt tikai no attāluma. Mazākā no saliņām - Kullipank ir tikai pārdesmit metrus diametrā. Tā ir jūras ūdeņu izrobots zemas un asas dolomīta klints fragments, kas klāts ar oļiem, nelieliem laukakmeņiem un kādu atsevišķi stāvošu lakstaugu. Domājams, ka vētru laikā tā pazūd zem jūras ūdens. Savukārt, Alumine Vaigas – Apakšējā Vaikas sala ir lielākā no sešām salām. Šīs salas diametrs ir ~ 150 m un tā paceļas vismaz kādus divus metrus virs jūras līmeņa. Uz salas ir bagātīga veģetācija un pat kāds zems krūms salas centrā. Redzami arī metru augsti atsegumi. Uz salas vēl joprojām atrodas 20. gs. sākumā celto „putnu māju” paliekas, kas bija domātas ligzdojošo putnu piesaistīšanai.


One of the three highlands of Southern Estonia with scenic hills and beautiful sights. In its center lies the bay-rich Lake Pühajärv (translating from Estonian - Holy Lake).


Der weiteste Nordpunkt der Insel Hiiumaa. Der höchste Leuchtturm Estlands aus Roheisen (1873 – 1875) und das Denkmal zur Errinerung an die bei dem Unglück des Schiffes ‘Estonia” Umgekommenen.


The company runs wildlife tours: rafting in early spring, kayaking in summer (with beaver watching upon request), bog and snowshoeing round the year, kick-sledging in winter. Our experienced guides tell exciting stories of wildlife and history.

This is an entirely forested island in the Bay of Finland, ~14 km from Tallinn. A network of small pathways covers the entire island. Recommended hike along the seashore of the island, which will offer dunes, as well as a coastline that is sandy in some parts, rocky in others, and covered with reeds in still others (~9 km). A ferry boat will take you to the island from the Pirita port.
This cliff is made of sandstone (its lower part) and limestone (the upper part). It is up to 30 m high, and it is part of the Northern Estonian set of cliffs along the shore of the Bay of Finland. This is a popular tourism destination and viewing location. Recommended Hike along the bottom of the cliff (a rocky beach) in one direction, and then along the top of the cliff to get back (~2 km). From the top of the cliff, you can see a broad segment of the shoreline territory, all the way to Tallinn.

This is actually a group of nine craters, and some of them are as much as 100 m in diameter and 16 m in depth. This is the most visually expressive meteorite crater in the Baltic States and, indeed, in all of Europe. Remnants of the meteorite – some 2.5 kg in all – yielded iron and nickel. It is thought that this pan-Baltic natural catastrophe occurred 2,600 to 4,000 years ago.

Kaali Visitor Centre comprises the meteoritics and limestone museum, a conference hall and a hotel.The museum exhibits genuine meteorite pieces amongst other items. The hotel has all modern conveniences, tasty food is provided at Kaali Tavern nearby.

One of the largest karst areas in Estonia is found here. The unique Witch’s well is one of the most interesting parts of this area. During spring floods (not every year, and for only a short period of time), the well erupts with underground river waters to create an unusually powerful karst stream that can pump out as much as 100 litres per hour.
This is one of the most popular bird-watching locations in Estonia, and during spring and autumn migration there are a great many different kinds of birds resting and feeding in the meadows and shallow coastal waters of the Bay of Matsalu and the Kasari River.

~ 3 – 5 km gara taka, kas ved pa veco ceļu gar Tēramā upes (Tõramaa jõgi) kreiso krastu. Takas malās izvietoti interaktīvi elementi bērniem, kas palīdz labāk uztvert dabā notiekošo. Taku ieskauj mitrie meži un palieņu pļavas, kas palu laikā atrodas zem ūdens. Tēramā (Tõramaa) ciemā apkārtnē atrastas cilvēka darbības pēdas jau no akmens laikmeta.


Sāmsalas ziemeļrietumu daļā jūrā iestiepjas iespaidīgā Tagameizas pussala (Tagamõisa poolsaar). Tās ziemeļrietumu daļā meklējama mazāka – ap 5 km garā Harilaidas pussala (Harilaid). Pussalas vidusdaļā viļņojas Lajalepas ezers (Laialepa järv) - bijušais jūras līcis, kas zemes garozai ceļoties, kļuvis par iekšēju ūdenstilpi. Arī pati Harilaida (igauniski „laid” nozīmē „saliņa”) vairāk nekā trīs gadsimtus atpakaļ bijusi sala. Harilaidu iecienījuši ne tikai migrējošie putni, bet arī roņi, kurus piesaista vientuļi līči un akmeņainās sēres. Harilaidu var apmeklēt tikai ar kājām vai ar divriteni, bet spēkrati ir jāatstāj autostāvlaukumā. No tā ~ 1 km attālumā atrodas vieta, kur pēc 17. gs. radies Harilaidas savienojums ar Sāmsalu. Šeit paveras nepierasti klaja un akmeņaina ainava. Pārējā Harilaidas daļa ir apmežota pirms ~ 40 gadiem. Kopumā būs jāveic ~ 10 km garš pārgājiens.


Das größte im Baltikum. Marathonloipe von Tartu, Wand der künstlichen Felsen und Trasse der Radmarathon. Skimuseum. Auf der Tehvandi-Sprungschanze ist ein Aussischtsplatform eingerichtet.

The Kassari Island is the fifth largest Estonian island, and it is found to the South of the Hiiumaa Island. There are two dams between the two islands, and a road for motor vehicles has been installed atop them.

Der dritgrößte Feldstein im Baltikum (584 m3, 7 m hoch, Durchmesser bei dem Grund – 32 m ). Auf estnisch bedeutet „Hausstein”. Befindet sich am Rande des Pikanõmme – Majakivi Pfades (4,5 km lang).

This is one of the few places in the Baltic States where one can find Devonian period sandstone cliffs featuring abrasion caves, arches, etc. The cliffs are on the shores of Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv), near Kallaste, and they are between two and four (in some cases – nine) metres high, stretching for a distance of around one km.