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Atrodas Bauskas vēsturiskajā centrā, Plūdoņa ielā 13 a un ir šīs pilsētas daļas vecākā ēka. Dievnams celts 1591. - 1594. g. vēlās gotikas stilā, bet tornis piebūvēts 1614. g. Baznīcas iekšpusē atrodas nozīmīgi mākslas pieminekļi: altāris (1699. g., pārbūvēts 1861. g., mākslinieks J. Dērings), kancele (1762. g.) un ērģeļu prospekts (1766. g.) – abi Nikolaja fon Korfa dāvinājums, draudzes soli (17. gs. vidus – 18. gs. sāk.), senākais no koka veidotais Bauskas ģerboņa attēlojums (1640. g.), deviņas 16. – 17. gs. kapu plāksnes, epitāfijas u.c. Baznīca, kurā ir vērts ieiet!


The Krimulda Lutheran church is seen as one of the oldest in Latvia. It was built in the early 13th century, soon after the territory of Kubasele was conquered. Over the subsequent centuries, it has been rebuilt many times. Alongside the church is a meditation maze called "Lily Blossom." When the Liv warrior Kaupo fell in battle near Vīlande in 1217, his remains were supposedly interred at the church. Local residents, true, describe a small hillock that is near the church as the grave of Kaupo. The site is located alongside the little Runtiņupīte (Runtiņš) river, on the right bank of which is a manmade cave that is approximately seven metres deep. It is the Kubesele Cave or the Runtiņala Cave. The Kubesele castle hill is on the left bank of the Runtiņupīte. The Kubesele Nature Trail starts at the church. If you hike down the trail, you'll see all of the aforementioned objects and others. The trail leads to the Gauja River where, on the right bank, is the Great (Runtiņš) Rock. Nearby you'll find anchor blocks installed by rafters on the river.


Atrodas Ganību ielā 120. Celta (iesvētīta 2001. g.) mūsdienu modernās arhitektūras formās un interesanta ar faktu, ka sākotnēji bijusi Vatikāna paviljons Pasaules izstādē “Expo 2000” Hannoverē. To pārbūvēja un uz Liepāju pārcēla par Vācijas katoļu saziedotajiem līdzekļiem. Ēkā darbojas katoļu draudzes centrs.


Atrodas Lielajā ielā 34 a. Vēlīnā klasicisma stilā celtā baznīca pēc muižnieka Nikolausa fon Korfa ierosmes būvēta laikā no 1828. - 1830. gadam. Dievnams ir interesants ar to, ka tajā apskatāms Vidzemes sakrālmākslā rets altāra tips – kancelaltāris (kancele un altāris ir apvienoti arhitektoniski vienotā mākslinieciskā kompozīcijā).


The church was built between 1742 and 1578 after a design by J.K. Dorn and for the needs of the local German congregation.  The 55 metre steeple was completed only in 1866.  The façade and interior of the church are in the style of late Baroque and Classicism (with elegant Rococo elements inside the church).  The church is known for the organ that was built by H.A. Koncius between 1773 and 1780.  Since a reconstruction in 1885, the instrument has more than 7,000 pipes, 131 registers and four manuals.  It is suggested that it is the largest mechanical organ in the world, and its sound is just wonderful.  Visitors can visit the church, examine the organ and climb the steeple.


The first wooden church was built here in 1252, and the brick church was built in 1665.  It burned down and was restored in 1672, but it was rebuilt in later years.  There are important artistic monuments in the interior of the church – the altar, the pulpit and the painted organ.  Legendary Duke Jacob Kettler of Courland (1610-1682) was baptised in the church and married Princess Charlotte Louise from Brandenburg in it.  During the Soviet era, the church housed a museum and a concert hall.  According to legend, the name of the church is based on a woman called Catherine, who donated funds to build the church, was subjected to lies, tortured and then proclaimed as a saint.  Above the side entrance is a medallion of a woman with a crown of thorns, torture equipment and a sword in her hand.  Elements of this story can also be seen in the herald of Kuldīga.  The steeple of the church offers a good look at the roofs of the ancient part of the city.


Pareizticība Traķu apkārtnē „ienāca” jau Lietuvas dižkunigaiša Ģedimina (Gediminas) valdīšanas laikā (1316. – 1341.). Līdz 18. gs. beigām no astoņām pareizticīgo baznīcām Traķos nebija saglabājusies neviena, tādēļ pareizticīgo draudze 1863. g. uzcēla jaunu baznīcu, kas saglabājusies līdz mūsdienām un apskatāma Vitauta ielā (Vytauto gatve) 32.


 The Orthodox Church and Cloister of the Holy Spirit and the Orthodox Church of St Nicholas the Miracle Maker are found at Brīvības Street 200 in Jēkabpils. The Byzantine Church of the Holy Spirit was built between 1853 and 1886 to replace a wooden church which had been built in the latter half of the 17th century and burned down in 1773. Duke Jacob of the Duchy of Courland supplied the timber for the old church. The cloister was alongside the church. On Second Easter in 1903, the church caught on fire, and the only icon rescued was a painting of the Virgin Mary. The church suffered damage during World War I and was restored in 1933. Alongside the Church of the Holy Spirit is the oldest church in Jēkabpils – the oldest stone church in the city, which is named after St Nicholas the Miracle Maker and was erected in 1774. This is a very small church, just 17 x 19.5 m. The cloister of the Church of the Holy Spirit operates the church today, and it can be viewed from the inside. The stone fence that surrounds the complex is massive, but atypical of urban environments in Latvia.



Atrodas ciema ziemeļdaļā. Neliela vienstāvu ēka ar svaigi nomainītu jumtu. Pēc vieniem avotiem celta 1883. gadā, citiem – pamatakmens ielikts 1933. g. 1. maijā. Tā tapusi pēc vietējo iedzīvotāju ziedojumiem uz Pirču māju zemes (saimnieks zemi atdevis dievnama celtniecībai). Baznīcas iekārta 2. pasaules kara laikā gāja bojā, tādēļ mūsdienās redzamā ir tapusi 20. gs. otrajā pusē.


The Nereta Lutheran Church is in the centre of Nereta at Rīgas Street 2. The Baroque church features elements of the late Gothic period, and it is seen as one of the oldest churches in Zemgale. It was built between 1584 and 1893 at the initiative of Count Wilhelm von Effern and rebuilt in 1679. There are gravestone reliefs in the church dedicated to Wilhelm and Georg von Effern which date back to the late 16th century. The gravestone for Georg Effern is the most distinguished artwork in the style of early Nordic Mannerism in Latvia. The altar painting was painted in 1863 by P. Handler. The organ was built by R. Knauff in 1893, and the stained glass windows were produced by E. Baiermann in 1900. The chandeliers on the ceiling date back to the 17th and 19th centuries. Visitors can view Nereta and its surroundings from the unique eight-corner tower of the church, which is 38.6 m high.


A wooden church was built here in 1766, and the new brick church was built on the foundations of the old church and consecrated in 1868.  The tall steeple of the church helped ship captains orient themselves during the daytime.  An altar painting by Gunta Liepiņa-Grīva, "Christ and Peter on the Sea," was consecrated in 1993 to replace the former painting, which was lost.  The blue-white-green Livonian flag was consecrated at the Mazirbe manse (now a recollection centre) on November 18, 1923.  Near the manse are several rocks which stand witness to the Black Plague in 1710 and 1711.  The text in Latin said that Livonians on the coastline were conquered by Swedish King Karl IX and the bubonic plague.  The texts on the rocks have eroded away, but records of them were made.  The Mazirbe cemetery has a monument to Old Taisel, a monument to the parents of captain A. Bertholds, and the legendary grave of a werewolf. 


The Kaltene Lutheran Church dates back to 1567, when Duke Gotthard Kettler of Courland ordered the construction of new churches in Kurzeme.  One of them was in Kaltene, and was known as the Church of St Catherine.  In 1848, a clay church was built in place of the old wooden church.  A sacristy was added in 1880, and the church was rebuilt and expanded in 1896.  It suffered much damage during World War I because a Russian mine ship attacked it.  The church was restored during the first half of the 1920s.  The altar painting, “Christ and St Peter on the Sea” was painted in 1898 by M Pohl after a panting by R. Richter.  The pulpit and organ date back to the 18th century and are cultural monuments of national importance.  The organ was built by August Martin in 1843, and it was initially in a church in Gulbene.  The instrument was brought to Kaltene in 1943 and is the oldest surviving instrument by Martin.  The bell was manufactured in 2006 by the Liepājas Metalurgs company, and a new building for the congregation was built in 2012 and 2013.  The first scenes of the feature film “Long Road to the Dunes” and the film “Forest of Bulrush” were filmed outside the gates of the church.  Nearby is the Putniņi homestead.  In 1921, Culture Minister Rainis visited the homestead.  At that time there was a store there.  The Germans burned down the homestead during World War II. (Source: Roja TIC)


In the centre of the Old City, on the corner of Latgales and Baznīcas streets, the church was built in the style of Russian Classicism between 1843 and 1845.  The ceiling and wall paintings were recently restored, and the bell in the steeple weighs 1,667 kg.


Eine der schönsten Landkirchen Estlands, wurde ursprünglich als Zufluchtsort verwendet. Wurde im Stil der Frühgotik gebaut. Die Wandmalerei aus dem Jahr 1330.


Construction of the church began in 1830 thanks to money donated by nobleman Ludvigs Šabanskis.  The Baroque stone church is surrounded by a restored stone fence, and inside there are icons including "Heart of Jesus," "Christ's Suffering," and "St Joseph."  The church is not open to the public on a daily basis.


Celta 1933. g. vietējai brāļu draudzei. Baznīcā atrodas glezna “Kristus” (1850. g.) un Liepājas meistara Jēkaba Jauģieša 1920. g. darinātās ērģeles. Mūsdienās dievnamu izmanto Bārtas draudze. Pie baznīcas novietots akmens apkaimes represētajiem iedzīvotājiem.


1.2 km to the south of the centre of Ģipka and on the side of the Jūrmala-Kolka road (P131), this church makes it hard to believe that the rock church was built very recently – after 1992, because it was burned down during the Soviet occupation in 1979.  Ironically, the Dundaga forestry fire safety post was housed in the steeple of the church after World War II.  The ornate altar and organ were destroyed in the fire, but the altar painting, “Christ on the Cross,” was saved.  The church is now once again open for business.


Oldest (building started in 1227) stone church in Estonia. Unique christening stone in the Baltic States. Old painting on the walls.


Traķu pirmsākumi ir meklējami Senajos Traķos, kas atrodas 4 km dienvidaustrumos no Traķu centra. Uzskata, ka Senos Traķus ir dibinājis Lietuvas dižkunigaitis Ģedimins (~ 1275. – 1341.) 14. gs. pirmajā pusē. 14. gs. otrajā pusē šeit uzcēla mūra pili, no kuras līdz mūsdienām ir saglabājušies tikai nostāvināti zemes vaļņi. Laikā no 1345. – 1382. g. tajā valdīja Ģedimina dēls – Ķēstutis (1297. – 1382.). Senajos Traķos dzimis arī viens no izcilākajiem viduslaiku Lietuvas valdniekiem – Ķēstuta dēls - Vītauts Dižais. Kā pilij, tā arī tās valdniekiem bija nozīmīga loma sekojošajos krusta karos un cīņās. 1391. g. pils tika sagrauta cīņas laikā ar Vācu ordeni, kādēļ arī zaudēja savu stratēģisko nozīmi. 1405. g. benediktīniešu mūki šajā vietā uzcēla baznīcu, bet 18. gs. beigās - jaunu un lielāka apjoma klosteri, kura vienu no korpusiem 1889. g. pārbūvēja par baznīcu.

Holy Jesus Heart Roman Catholic Church of Bikova (Gaigalava). Enjoy the Gothic forms and architectural design of the church. The church and the altar are decorated with the icons of Zebedee sons – James and John (the apostles of Jesus) and other saints.