No Name Description
All Saints Orthodox Church of Malta (Rozentova) was built in 1928. It is the wooden log building with double window frames and a dome. Facades are decorated with the motive of the sun.

Atrodas Daugavas prospektā 10, starp Rīgas – Daugavpils šoseju (A 6) un Kalēju ielu. Dievnams celts laikā no 1931. - 1933. g. (arhitekts: Pēteris Kundziņš). Padomju gados tajā bija izvietota Latvijas Valsts bibliotēkas grāmatu glabātava. Pateicoties draudzes aktivitātēm 1989. g., ēku atjaunoja. Tagad tā kalpo savam pamatmērķim.

Krupenišku Old-Believer Prayer House was built in 1908. The autor of the design is engineer I. Ivanov. At present the church is in bad tehnical condition.

Mūsdienās redzamais iespaidīgais dievnams tapis ilgākā laika posmā. Jau 1870. g. latviešu draudze sāka vākt ziedojumus neogotiskās baznīcas celtniecībai, ko pabeidza 1904. gadā (V. Neimaņa projekts). Ēkas iekšpusi rotā dekoratīvi zvaigžņu velvju griesti, bet tās altārdaļā izvietotasmākslinieka J. Šķērstena veidotās vitrāžas (1940. g.) un 17. gs. kristāmtrauks. Baznīcu ieskauj plašs dārzs.


Ein hervorragendes Sakralensemble im Barockstil (17 – 18 Jh.), eine Kirche und ein tätiger Nonnenkloster.

Rimši Old-Believers Prayer House. The church was built in the beginning of the 20th century.
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of Stoļerova. The construction works of the church were finished in 1999 by the support of dean Butāns. The building is slightly larger than the previous one; the newest (restored) church in Rēzekne district. The church has a specific icon of Our Lady that was transferred from the chapel of Rozenmuiža.

Die Ruinen der um 1500 gebauten eindrucksvollen Kirche, die man besichtigen kann. Das Gebäude wurde nach dem Luftangriff 1942 beschädigt.

St. Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church of Dukstigals. The wooden church was burned down in the World War II and restored in 1947. The church has the icon of Our Lady in the central altar and the statue of Our Lady.

Находится в 2,5 км к северу от Круте. Небольшое здание из деревянных бревен с дощатой обшивкой первоначально было построено в 1642 году, а кирпичная башня восстановлена после Второй мировой войны. Интерьер церкви – алтарь (вторая половина XVII века), алтарная икона неизвестного автора «Иисус у креста» (XVII в.) и богато орнаментированная кафедра (1642 г.) являются важными памятниками времен маньеризма.


The first church in Piņķi was made of wood.  The idea of building a new church emerged in the 1850s, and the cornerstone for a design by the architect J.D. Felsco was laid on May 25, 1872.  The church that is there today was completed in 1874.  The nine-register organ was built by the distinguished organ builder Wilhelm Sauer in 1890.  On July 17, 1916, the 5th Latvian Riflemen’s Battalion was on its way to the front lines at Smārde and stopped at the Piņķi Estate.  Col Jukums Vācietis delivered a sermon at the church on that date (though not all historians agree that he did so), and that has gone down in history as one of the most important events of the day.  The historical even inspired Aleksandrs Čaks to write the poem “Sermon at the Piņķi Church.”  The church is a cultural monument and can be toured.  It is lit up at night.  Alongside the stone is a rock that was installed in commemoration of the Latvian riflemen.


Iespaidīgais un monumentālais dievnams uzcelts 1816. gadā. No baznīcas nozīmīgākajām interjera detaļām ir saglabājušās ērģeles, altārglezna, lustra un kroņlukturis. Jāpiebilst, ka baznīca savā pastāvēšanas laikā nav pārtraukusi savu darbību.


Atrodas Rīgas ielā 39. Dievnams celts 1848. – 1849. g. klasicisma stilā (arhitekts A. Štauberts), bet laikā no 1924. – 1934. g. pārbūvēts (A. Vizuļa projekts). Dievnama izskatu salīdzina ar Svētā Pētera katedrāles veidolu Vatikānā. Blakus baznīcai atrodas Rīgas ielas gājējiem domātā daļa.


 The Krustpils Lutheran Church is found at Rīgas Street 211A in Krustpils, on the right bank of the Little Daugava. The stone church which is there was built between 1818 and 1820 and consecrated in 1824. Two older churches stood on the site before then. The church was seriously damaged during World War I, and it was restored in 1924. There are several notable cultural monuments in the church – the altar painting, “Christ Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane”, the organ (with pipes that were manufactured in Germany), etc. The church is seen as one of the best examples of Empire-style architecture in Latvia, and in 1999 it was granted the European blue flag as an element of cultural heritage. There are legends about underground passages to Daugavsala, which is to the West of the church. The church is closed to visitors most days and can only be viewed from the outside. Nearby the church are two monuments – one commemorating the politically repressed, and the other memorialising national partisans.



Construction of the church began in 1830 thanks to money donated by nobleman Ludvigs Šabanskis.  The Baroque stone church is surrounded by a restored stone fence, and inside there are icons including "Heart of Jesus," "Christ's Suffering," and "St Joseph."  The church is not open to the public on a daily basis.


Atrodas Jasmuižas austrumdaļā. Dievnams celts 1815. g., bet pārbūvēts 1932. g.

Vainova Old-Believers Prayer House was built in 1980 replacing the previous church that was burnt by lightening. Initially, the Prayer House was one of the biggest churches in Latgale (for 2 000 people). The congregation of the church exists since the 18th century.

Located in the southern part of Feimaņi, the church was built between 1756 and 1760. The local estate was owned by the Korff dynasty, and the denomination of the congregation changed when the family converted from Lutheranism to Catholicism.  This church has the largest number of artistic monuments among all churches in the Rēzekne Administrative District, including a confessional bench, pews, an organ prospectus, silver cups and three altar wood engravings from the 18th century.  Above the gate is a bell tower with four bells.  During Holy Week, clappers are used instead of bells.  They are about 2 m long and 1 m high and are reminiscent of ancient laundry rolls.  Feimaņi is also home to one of three flag workshops in Latvia, and it has state-of-the-art equipment.  The flag of Latgale was “born” here in ideological and physical terms.


During restorations of the tower of the Kolka Lutheran church in the 1990s, a document was found which spoke to the conversion of many Livs to the Orthodox faith.  The document was placed in the tower in 1885, when the church was being constructed, and it says that the decision by Livs to join the Orthodox church was based not on faith, "but instead as a resource for accessing advantages in relation to land."  The Orthodox congregation purchased land from a local aristocrat in 1885, and in 1990, a church, manse and school were built on the land.  All three buildings have survived to the present day.  The church has its own congregation, and worship services are held once a month.  There are news to show that Kolka is the only Liv shoreline village in which an Orthodox church was built during the 1890s.  The church's bell dates back to 1936.  During the Soviet era, the church was used as a mortuary, but today its original functions have been restored to it.


Dievnams celts (1851. g.) un vēlāk (1876. g.) paplašināts. Tas tika sagrauts 2. Pasaules kara laikā un pēcāk atjaunots. Līdz Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanai to izmantoja par skolas sporta zāli. Pēc draudzes darbības atsākšanas (1989. g.) sākās arī baznīcas un ar to saistīto tradīciju atdzimšana. Apskatāma no iekšpuses.