No Name Description

The former building of the State Bank is at A. Pormaļa Street 11 in the centre of Jēkabpils. The 1931 building was erected in the style of Classicism, and the interior has been preserved to this very day. The Jēkabpils branch of the SEB Bank occupies the building at this time.

All that’s left of the battery today are the ruins of a cement blockhouse which have slid all the way down to the beach because of years of abuse by the wind and the waves. It is an interesting monument to history with a long-term fate that we can guess at – it will disappear under the sea.

Atrodas t.s. Baznīcu kalnā – 18. novembra ielā 66. Apjoma ziņā – lielākais Daugavpils luterāņu dievnams, kuru cēla laikā no 1891. - 1893. g. neogotiskā stilā no sarkanajiem ķieģeļiem (arhitekts Vilhelms Neimanis). 1941. g. baznīcā izcēlās ugunsgrēks un gāja bojā lielākā daļa no tās sākotnējās iekārtas. Turpmāko divu gadu laikā baznīcu daļēji atjaunoja, taču vēlāk tajā izveidoja noliktavu u.c. baznīcai „nepiederīgas” iestādes. 1985. g. ēka vēlreiz cieta ugunsgrēkā. Pagājušā gadsimta deviņdesmito gadu sākumā uzsāka baznīcas atjaunošanas darbus, uzstādīja solus un altāri, kas ir Ogres Amatniecības vidusskolas audzēkņu darinājums.


The Vējupīte ravine is meant for those who are not afraid of long and steep wooden stairs of the type that lead you up and down the ravine. From the Līvkalns guesthouse, you can climb the stairs downward, where you will find a shallow (3.6 m) but high (6.1 m) cave – the Pēters Cave. It is something of a gap or a niche. Another 10 minutes or so downstream (toward the Gauja) will lead you to the deep Pūces ravine and its Kraukļupīte River. The Satezele castle hill is at the confluence of the two rivers (90 x 75 m). A wooden castle was there during the feudal era in the early 13th century. Its main entrance was on the western side of the castle hill. You can get to the hill from the depths of the ravine via a wooden staircase. The Kraukļi ravine, in turn, is accessible if you climb down the same stairs and continue on your way toward the Gauja. The ravine is found on the left bank of the Vējupīte, and its sandstone walls are up to 11 m high. The Kraukļi cave, which is 5.2 m deep, is on the wall. Another 10-15 minutes (crossing the Vējupīte on a wooden bridge), and you will find another staircase leading you to Paradīze Hill (see the description above).


The office of photographer Mārtiņš Buclers was recently found at the Sauka Unity House where the Sauka trade school was located. In 2010, the exhibition was moved to the Sauka Parish Council in Lone. Mārtiņš Buclers (1866-1944) was a founding father of photography in Latvia. He established the first company in the country which produced photo film and paper. The exhibits are of particular interest now that we are in the digital photo era. The Sauka Unity House is closed and can only be viewed from the outside, but alongside it is a memorial stone dedicated to Buclers, as well as a monument commemorating the 150th anniversary of photography.

The coast guard facility is not used at this time. Still there is a monument, a border post, and lavatories with wooden toilet paper holders. A good view of the facility can be seen from the high barrier along its southern edge.

Origins of Livani as a bigger place of population are linked to the 1533, when the then owner of the land Lieven established the manor and called it after his own name Lievenhof. The 1678, the first Catholic Church was built here. The city suffered considerably during the two world wars. Name of Livani is associated with the glass. In 1887 a glass factory was founded here, which today has ceased operation.

The Pape airfield was used for arms training in Soviet times, with bombs being dropped on specific targets. The facility is owned by the regional local government and is not used. There are sunken ships and targets in the sea.

The Bebrene Estate features an ensemble of Baroque buildings from the late 19th and early 20th century. The dominant building is the mansion of Count Plater-Sieberg, which was built in 1896 after a design by the architect L.J.L. Marconi. It is home to the Bebrene High School today. Surviving to the present day are the ornate gate and the unusual stone fence of the estate. The regular-design park which surrounds the mansion features a wealth of foreign trees.

Rimši Old-Believers Prayer House. The church was built in the beginning of the 20th century.

Auch Königstor (Kuningavärav) genannt. Im Barockstil gebaut ist ein Teil der früheren mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigung. Der Beginn des alten Postweges.


The Capital of Latvia. The Old Town of Riga (included in UNESCO Cultural Heritage list) - an excellent medieval building monument. The pearl of Art Noveau in Europe. The former city of Hanza.


Interesantā būve, kurai Baltijas valstīs grūti atrast līdzinieku, ir meklējama 2 km ziemeļaustrumos no Kirblas (Kirbla). 307,8 m garo arkveida tiltu pāri Kazari upei (Kasari jõgi) uzcēla 1904. g. deviņu mēnešu laikā. Tajā brīdī to uzskatīja par Eiropas garāko šāda tipa dzelzsbetona tiltu. Tagad to var šķērsot tikai ar kājām vai ar divriteni. Tumšajā diennakts laikā tilts ir skaisti izgaismots! Tā ievērojamais garums ir skaidrojams ar apstākli, ka pavasara palos Kazari palienes applūst lielās platībā.

Notra’s Old-Believers Prayer House. The construction works lasted from 1928 till 1931. The church is situated on the site of the previous church that was originally built in 1853.

Tukums in the historical sources is mentioned in 1253 agreement of the Livonian Order and the Bishop on the division of Kursa. If the town's name is translated from the Liv language, it means "a pile, mountains of sand". at the beginning of 14th century German merchants and craftsmen settlement was formed at the Livonian Order stone castle, whose flowering was facilitated by the proximity of Riga - Prussian road. Later the city was largely influenced by the construction of Riga - Tukums railway in1877. During the Soviet period the on the eastern outskirts of Tukums, the largest Soviet military airfield and military town in the Baltic States was deployed. Today Tukums is a district centre of the same name with a wide range of services offered to tourists.


Located on the left bank of the Venta River 100 m to the Northwest of the Liepāja (A9) highway bridge across the river.  The antique castle hill was the site of a Livonian Order that existed from the 14th to the 18th century before being sacked during the Great Northern War.  No part of the castle has survived.  A stage was built on the castle hill in 1987, and it is a popular venue for various events.  The hill is surrounded by a park with wooden chairs that were designed by the sculptor Ģirts Burvis in honour of the kings of Courland.  There is a viewing platform, and there are legends about underground passages and a white lady who appears only once every 100 years.


Daugavpils – Krāslavas (A 6) ceļa malā redzamais dievnams uzcelts ar Plāteru dzimtas pārstāvju – Vaclava un Kazimira Plātera atbalstu 1811. gadā. Dievnamu ieskauj metālkaluma un no ķieģeļiem mūrēts žogs, kā arī divi zvanu torņi. Labās puses zvanu tornī karājas vecs zvans. No baznīcas iekārtas ir jāpiemin galvenais altāris, ko rotā Dievmātes skulptūra, trīs biktskrēsli, četras evaņģēlistu sienas freskas un Lurdas Dievmātes glezna. Ikdienā apskatāma no ārpuses.


Истоки площади Роз уходят в 1911 - 1913 гг., когда на этом месте разбили открытый сад с > 500 кустами роз. В советское время рядом с площадью Роз был установлен памятник Ленину. Восстановленную в 2000 году площадь окружает Лиепайская Педагогическая академия, гостиница «Лива», Центр бизнеса и сделок De Rome (построен в XIX веке, архитектор Пауль Макс Берчи, бывшая гостиница «Рим») и Лиепайский дом латышского общества (камень в основание заложил Карлис Ульманис в 1934 г.). По бордюрам грядок роз размещены памятные знаки городов содружества Лиепаи. К площади Роз подходит улица Зивью (Рыбная), получившая свое название от когда-то существовавшего рыбного рынка. На улице Зивью находится Аллея славы латвийских музыкантов (с 2006 г.), где установлено 35 плит с бронзовым рельефом ладоней музыкантов, 10 плит, посвященные популярным латвийским музыкальным группам, а 5 – ушедшим в мир иной. Здесь же установлена самая большая гитара Латвии.


The museum opened in 2007 and displays a 180 mm gun barrel, reconstruction of a Soviet restricted border zone, a civil defence shelter, armoured vehicles, a border guard boat and naval mines. Exhibited in the main building are a maritime surveillance radar in its original position, various military items, “Lenin´s corner” and weapons and barracks rooms.

This facility was used in the past by communications officers, and it was also a training centre. The Ventspils Home Guard Battalion is housed here at this time. The facility is not open to civilians. Along the road there are metal structures which show where the entrance to the facility was once located.