No Name Description

Naissaar is a small island near Tallinn which was exclusively used by the Soviet military from 1945 to 1993. Attractions on the island include walking trails, varied habitats, a narrow-gauge railway, fortifications from the early 20th C, and a Soviet naval mines factory.

At the end of the Pakri peninsula is the most visually impressive shoreline cliff in the Baltic States – the Pakri cliff (Pakri pank), which is as much as 24 metres high. During cold winters, streams which flow from the layers of limestone cliffs form fantastic and unusual shapes of ice.

The island of 7.5 km2 in Lake Peipsi is largely inhabited by Russian-speaking Old Believers who have broadly retained their old traditions through time. Traditional trades are fishing and growing vegetables, mainly onion.
The entire island is a landscape protection area with a high number of protected bird and amphibian species and several rare plants.


Cultural space of Kihnu ( is incorporated in the UNESCO list of Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, and is a quaint mix of old and modern. The local history museum displays tools, clothes, handicraft and furniture.
Metsamaa Heritage Farm is a traditional farmstead which shows household tools and utensils, national costumes and handicraft.
Kihnurand company runs guided tours on the island (

This is a forested island in the Bay of Finland which is the 6th largest Estonian island and is found 14 km to the N of Tallinn. Two decades ago it was a closed zone, because the Soviet Union had a highly secretive manufacturing plant for maritime mines here.
This is a quick boat ride from Tartu down the Emajõgi River to Piirissaare Island in Lake Peipsi (Peipsi järv). Along the lower reaches of the river are major wetlands which are of enormous importance for birds.

Die zweitgrößte Insel Estlands mit breiter Waldung, Sand- und Steinstränden und einem der ältesten Leuchttürme Europas.


No Vilsandi bākas un tai tuvākās apkaimes ir labi saskatāmas leģendārās Vaikas salas. Tām ir piešķirts rezervāta statuss, tādēļ salas var apskatīt tikai no attāluma. Mazākā no saliņām - Kullipank ir tikai pārdesmit metrus diametrā. Tā ir jūras ūdeņu izrobots zemas un asas dolomīta klints fragments, kas klāts ar oļiem, nelieliem laukakmeņiem un kādu atsevišķi stāvošu lakstaugu. Domājams, ka vētru laikā tā pazūd zem jūras ūdens. Savukārt, Alumine Vaigas – Apakšējā Vaikas sala ir lielākā no sešām salām. Šīs salas diametrs ir ~ 150 m un tā paceļas vismaz kādus divus metrus virs jūras līmeņa. Uz salas ir bagātīga veģetācija un pat kāds zems krūms salas centrā. Redzami arī metru augsti atsegumi. Uz salas vēl joprojām atrodas 20. gs. sākumā celto „putnu māju” paliekas, kas bija domātas ligzdojošo putnu piesaistīšanai.


The biggest sea island in Estonia. In translation - "Land of The Islands". A bridge, where cyclists can drive connects Saaremaa island to Muhu island .


Vilsandi nacionālā parka „sirds” un divpadsmitā lielākā Igaunijas sala (garums - 6 km, platums – 2 km). Tā ir ļoti „jauna” sala, kas sākusi veidoties pirms ~ 2000 gadiem zemes garozas celšanās rezultātā, savienojoties divām salām, kas noticis pirms ~ 350 gadiem. Cilvēki salu sāka apdzīvot 18. gs. un to galvenā nodarbe bija zvejniecība, kuģu būve, nelielā apjomā – lauksaimniecība. Līdz 2. pasaules karam te bija ap 200 iedzīvotāju, kuri vēlāk salu bija spiesti pamest PRSR pierobežas režīma zonas dēļ. Nozīmīgu Vilsandi daļu aizņem mežs un kadiķu lauki. To visā garumā šķērso grantēts - zemes ceļš ar atzariem uz jūras krastu. Salu ar kājām var izstaigāt vairāku stundu laikā, iepazīstot vietējo apbūvi (daļa arī mūsdienās celtas ēkas) un Tolli sētu, kur pēc nostāstiem dzīvojis nīderlandiešu jūras braucējs Johans Dolls, kā arī vējdzirnavas. Noteikti ir jāaiziet līdz salas rietumu krastam, kur atrodas Vilsandi bāka un bākas uzrauga saimniecības ēkas. No šejienes ir labi redzamas Vaikas salas. Šodien uz salas pastāvīgi (visa gada garumā) dzīvo tikai trīs cilvēki.

This is the 11th largest Estonian island, and its central section is covered by a broadleaf forest (linden, oak, elm and other trees) that is more than 100 years old. Along the shores, the Abruka Island has meadows and small areas of wetlands. Only the northern part of the island is populated. Few tourists come to call, which means that the island is relatively untouched by humankind.
There are two islands here – Suur Pakri (Great Pakri) and Väike Pakri (Small Pakri). They are 3 km to the West of Paldiski. During Soviet times, the islands were used for target practice by the Soviet air force, which is seen in the many craters and spent munitions that can be found on the island even today. The island is mostly covered with scrappy areas of juniper, but the limestone cliffs at the northern and north-eastern end of the island are quite impressive – as much as 6 m in height.
This is an entirely forested island in the Bay of Finland, ~14 km from Tallinn. A network of small pathways covers the entire island. Recommended hike along the seashore of the island, which will offer dunes, as well as a coastline that is sandy in some parts, rocky in others, and covered with reeds in still others (~9 km). A ferry boat will take you to the island from the Pirita port.

Igaunijas jūras ūdeņos ir saskaitīta 1521 sala! Salu sarakstā pēc platības (63 ha) ~ 2,5 km garā Mohni sala ieņem 38. vietu. Lai saudzētu salas trauslo veģetāciju (vietām nedaudz atgādina krūmainu tundru), tās vidusdaļā ir izveidotas koka laipas. Salas dienviddaļā atrodas sašaurinājums, kuru tāpat kā blakus esošo jūras krastu klāj viens no savdabīgākajiem Igaunijas akmeņu laukiem. Salas ziemeļos esošās Mohni bākas (Mohni tuletorn) celtniecība pabeigta 1871. g. un tās gaisma ir redzama 10 jūras jūdžu attālumā. Šī ir viena no skaistākajām Ziemeļigaunijas bākām! Līdz Mohni salai var nokļūt ar laivu (iepriekšēja pieteikšanās) no ~ 5 km attālās Vīnistu ostas (Viinistu sadam). Ar jūras laivu vai kajaku piemērotos apstākļos būs ~ 1h ilgs brauciens. Jārēķinās, ka uz salas nav pastāvīgo iedzīvotāju! Vīnistu ciemā apskatāms 2002. g. izveidotais Vīnistu mākslas muzejs (Viinistu kunstimuuseum). Apmeklētājus iespaidos ne tikai tā āriene, bet arī tapšanas vēsture. 

The Kassari Island is the fifth largest Estonian island, and it is found to the South of the Hiiumaa Island. There are two dams between the two islands, and a road for motor vehicles has been installed atop them.

An afforested island in the Gulf of Finland, approximately 14 km to the North of Tallinn.  There is a network of small roads and trails on the island.  Forests:  Mostly 1.1, 1.2 and 4.2.  Information:  A ferry boat to the island departs from the port at Pirita. 

Hike around the shore of the island, where you will find all kinds of environments – dunes, sandy areas, rocky areas and places with lots of reeds (~9 km).

This is a “peripheral” island in the Bay of Finland, 9 km from the Dirhami port. The special fact about this island is that it offers fields of juniper, a rocky and grassy seashore that is around 2 km long, and limestone cliffs that are a few metres high along the northern and the eastern shores of the island. These are designated with the words Osmussaare pank.